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Everything posted by IIYAMA



    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... tVisibleTo maybe he means just one client/player.
  2. is it whole mta or only the hud?
  3. you can also use this one: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RGBToHex Then you only have to call the/a function one time.

    Rendering time

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetTickCount WIKI MTA
  5. addEvent("mytrigger",true) addEventHandler("mytrigger",root, function () end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () triggerEvent ("mytrigger",root) end)
  6. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerEvent

    help script

    make sure the function does exist.
  8. Well yes I would tell those 100 laggers to buy a new pc, but even my old pc from 2006 can run this shader smooth. If you use a laptop for mta then you cursed yourself, because their performance drops after a few years dramaticly. Go work for it, go clean your pc or stop talking, pc's can run a lot as long you take good care of them and clean their parts once up on a time. (hardware but also software)
  9. addEventHandler('onGamemodeMapStart',getRootElement(), function() if isTimer(votetime) then killTimer (votetime) end local votetime = setTimer ( happen, 240000, 1 ) end)
  10. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... tVisibleTo <-- maybe better then dimension. If it is client scripts, you simply send them(the strings) over with triggerClientEvent.
  11. local locations = { { -- ls_beach { x=529, y=-1884, z=3 }, { x=612, y=-1884, z=3 } }, { -- sf_beach { x=-2920, y=68, z=1 }, { x=-2913, y=159, z=3 } } } addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () setTimer(function() local randomResult = locations[math.random(1,#locations)] for i=1,#randomResult do local locationInfo = randomResult[i] createObject ( 1337, locationInfo.x, locationInfo.y, locationInfo.z) end end,60000,1) end)
  12. @Part, Easier, doesn't mean it is better. Btw you are creating objects randomly every time a resource starts, it doesn't even matter which one. "Oh let we start(restart) admin then we got event more random objects!" To be honest I don't know exactly how he wants it,
  13. nvm, I will help you soon after dinner. I created it just like he said, but it will not look nice. (the shoot animation) setWeaponProperty (22,"poor","flags",0x000002) --setPedStat(source,22,0)
  14. may I ask what doesn't work?
  15. IIYAMA


    local oulDNick = getElementData(player, "dono" ) local team = getPlayerTeam ( player ) setElementData (player, "dono", team and getTeamName ( team ) or "none" )
  16. We don't make it for a lazy piggies. (not a joke)
  17. what the hell for function is this: isPlayerSuperAdmin ?
  18. why triggerEvent ? why are you missing 2 end's?
  19. IIYAMA

    sleep() ?

    Lol lol lol, how many timers are you willing to make? local vehicleShopTable = {} local shopResetTimer -- functions -- local shopResetFunction --------------- addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () vehicleShopTable[#vehicleShopTable+1] = createVehicle(509, 698.6, -521.20, 16,0,0,225) vehicleShopTable[#vehicleShopTable+1] = createVehicle(481, 695.6, -521.20, 16,0,0,225) vehicleShopTable[#vehicleShopTable+1] = createVehicle(510, 692.6, -521.20, 16,0,0,225) shopResetTimer = setTimer (shopResetFunction ,900000,0) end) shopResetFunction = function () for i=1, #vehicleShopTable do respawnVehicle ( vehicleShopTable[i] ) end end
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