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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. interesting idea, It is your idea so you should development it in the first place, if there are any problems you can pm me any time. (my response is sometimes quick and sometimes it can take 1/2 days) I wish you good luck!
  2. I will recommend you only use timers, when there is no other way. If you want to go for performance then: local lastHit = getTickCount() local function collision ( thehitted ) local tickTime = getTickCount() if thehitted and tickTime > lastHit and getElementType ( thehitted ) == "vehicle" then if source == getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) then thehitted2 = thehitted triggerServerEvent ( "whowasit", source, thehitted2 ) lastHit = tickTime+1000 end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleCollision", root, collision) Use gametime(getTickCount()) to check if amount of time has been past. isn't 5 seconds very long? This is for DD right?
  3. np. btw something I did noticed about this event. The event onClientVehicleCollision can be triggered a lot (just for a single scratch), if this player may have bad connection there is a chance that he will be timed out very quickly. So I recommend you to choose for a minimal force before sending info to the server.
  4. btw is your operator ok? Because when you are level 17 it probably isn't going to working. if tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer, "Level") or 0 ) >= 15 then
  5. Probably his reason is because it is easy to decompile. Cause it is.
  6. When you use output to new files, you have to > * < replace that with the new name. (that is just normal for somebody that can work a little bit with a pc.....) But I set it at overwrite-files + backup it is easier and direct use able.
  7. maybe you should check your folder....... or press again compile.
  8. Try this one: http://www.mediafire.com/?5et60em7mog3yms
  9. After I compiled my code the code size got bigger, of course cause of all extra letters etc. But will performance of compiled code be better then non compiled code?
  10. --serverside function whokilledvic ( thehitted ) local thehitter = source local hitterp = getPlayerName(getVehicleOccupant( thehitter )) local hittedp = getPlayerName(getVehicleOccupant( thehitted )) setVehicleColor ( thehitter , 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) outputChatBox( hitterp.. " > hitted > " ..hittedp, root ) end addEvent ( "whowasit", true ) addEventHandler ( "whowasit", root, whokilledvic )
  11. Why don't you check that with the function I gave you !!!!!
  12. Maybe you should check that.
  13. by the way, read the syntax clearly. You don't have to use an extra export.
  14. IIYAMA

    Save on death

    function onPlayerQuit ( ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then -- if ( playeraccount ) then Well you didn't told me your problem. ever heard about loops? How many lines are you willing to write O_o
  15. setBotTeam don't have to be exported?
  16. set them in the same team.
  17. maybe you should check the .map file and see the dimensions of the objects.
  18. The lines you want to improve or fix? else it will be a useless conversation.
  19. You can better use absolute and calculate for some parts factors, to change it back to relative. Absolute is in pixels. sample: 1920 x 1080 pixels Relative is 0 t/m 1 0 = 0% size 1 = 100% size
  20. yes, banPlayer ( player,IP, Username, Serial, 4 argument is true.
  21. banPlayer ( source, false,false,true, nil,"Don't Hack the Server !", 0 ) Just put this in place of the kickPlayer and add admin rights for the resource.
  22. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/BanPlayer
  23. function createMinigunWeapon() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local weapon = createWeapon("minigun", x, y, z + 1) --setWeaponFiringRate(weapon, 100) setWeaponClipAmmo ( weapon,99999) setWeaponState ( weapon,"firing") end addCommandHandler("createminigun", createMinigunWeapon)
  24. NOTE: local root = getRootElement() no need for, root is already defined as getRootElement().
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