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Everything posted by IIYAMA


    Job [HELP]

    Why don't you prevent the job can be executed twice? Or is my answer so not logic..... seriously -_-" and stop triple bumping, it is annoying.
  2. blueBerryRally = { } blueBerryRally[1] = { 679.20001, 312.39999, 18.9 } blueBerryRally[2] = { 588.70001, 294.60001, 17.7 } blueBerryRally[3] = { 530.29999, 249.8, 13.9 } ... blueBerryRallyReversed = { } blueBerryRallyReversed[1] = { 675.70001, 312.79999, 18.9 } blueBerryRallyReversed[2] = { 785.59998, 330.10001, 18.9 } blueBerryRallyReversed[3] = { 892.70001, 359.5, 18.9 } local raceCheckpointTable = {["blueBerryRally"]=blueBerryRally,["blueBerryRallyReversed"]=blueBerryRallyReversed } you can convert them using another table or you can put those tables in your random table.
  3. I you aren't clear what you want. You are talking about getting all race maps and take a random one out of it. and then you are starting talking about a race element, which can be the race resource element that, would be more logic when you started talking about a random map. Which I just answered. Or you mean an element from that map. Which I would answer with this: local newTable = {} local raceNameForMarker = raceActive["participate"] local meetingPoint = createMarker ( raceNameForMarker[1], raceNameForMarker[2], raceNameForMarker[3], "checkpoint", 6, 116, 237, 5, 255 ) -- """"""how can I use this table element to make name for table to use:"""""" newTable[meetingPoint] = {"this is a sexy marker!"} -- store a table under an element userdata. You information is confusing, which means not much people(except me) would reply on this topic.
  4. use at SERVER side, when it is about maps https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetResourceName
  5. You can't bind anything without a player? addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() local players = getElementsByType("player") for i=1,#players do bindKey ( players[i], "l", "down", open ) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() bindKey ( source, "l", "down", open ) end)
  6. Probably because the resource element can't be send of to clients. You should only send the names. function getservermapsnow() local raceResource = getResourceFromName("race") if raceResource then local themaps = exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(raceResource) if themaps then local mapNames = {} for i=1,#themaps do local name = getResourceName(themaps[i]) if name then mapNames[#mapNames+1]= name end end if #mapNames > 0 then triggerClientEvent(source, "sendbackservermaps", root, mapNames) end end end end addEvent("clientrequestservermaps", true) addEventHandler("clientrequestservermaps", root, getservermapsnow)
  7. Also blips will be visible to new players. Because root only included the players that are inside the server at that moment.
  8. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Meta.xml study more, my friend NOOB Well my friend, you should study logic. Since your answer is far from the that. xXMADEXx +1
  9. @YOGA.... Nobody can use files which aren't downloaded.
  10. I just solved your warning, which was the question you asked. Be more clear if you have more questions.
  11. function identTarg ( targettedElement ) if targettedElement and getElementType ( targettedElement ) == "object" and getElementModel ( targettedElement ) == 2922 then end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), identTarg ) Read wiki....
  12. Just get all the data from the xml and save it in a table. Then send the table and it works well... If this isn't the answer you are waiting for, then rewrite your question, because it isn't giving enough information about the problem you have. Lua functions are very fast you don't have to worry about a few loops. And if you are still not sure about that you can use getTickCount() to check your code speed.
  13. By call/exporting the table. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Call Just the same as calling functions. You mean export to another resource or export to another file?
  14. He doesn't have to. He says it can't be done that way. The health must be set manually/scripting to create that effect.
  15. You will get problems with that, to prevent errors: local theData = tostring(getElementData(source,"temp.account") or "") But the db, I can't help you want that.
  16. Well corrupted mods, ever heard of that?
  17. @ Arnold-1 by making textures of it, but yes he isn't doing that....
  18. or just change the image to a texture and delete the file. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateTexture https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/FileDelete Which makes stealing very hard. Before they can copy it, it will be gone.
  19. No they don't have. Unless you use something else then a default database.
  20. local thePosition = fileRead(playerPos, fileGetSize (playerPos)) local x,y,z = unpack(split(thePosition, ",")) if x and y and z then setElementPosition(player,x,y,z) end
  21. IIYAMA

    image rotation

    oh yes, my bad. I mixed them up. Thank!
  22. The userdata of an element always change. You should compare them with: GUIEditor.obrazek[1] etc....
  23. function wybieraAvatar() outputChatBox("Test: Wybrałeś awatar 1, brawoo!! " ) outputChatBox("You clicked on: " .. tostring(source)) -- source is the button.(userdata) end
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