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Everything posted by .:HyPeX:.

  1. According to 1.5 changelog, quality argument was added to dxCreateFont, but there's no documentation there, anyone could tell how this parameter works and where it goes? Thank you. PD: There's some github proofs, but cant find anything about the correct way. https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/pull/4
  2. Tested it, i tried giving it a velocity, it will fall at the same point and time whatever the mass is. However if it would hit a car for example, a mass 5000 will splat the car, while its original 10 mass will only bounce off from it.
  3. No one knows anything about this?..
  4. .:HyPeX:.


    Try this local white = tocolor(255,255,255,255) function dxDrawImage3D(x,y,z,w,h,m,c,r,...) local lx, ly, lz = x+w, y+h, (z+tonumber(r or 0)) or z return dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x,y,z, lx, ly, lz, m, h, c or white, ...) end local pnet = dxCreateTexture("planet.png") addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) dxDrawImage3D(0,0, 20, 20, 800, pnet, tocolor(255,255,255,255),0,x,y,z) end )
  5. Well, i've got 2 issues so far. Code: --Client local newPosRelative = Vector3(0,2,1) local Pos = localPlayer.matrix local newPos = Pos:transformPosition(newPosRelative) object = createObject(3065,newPos) object.frozen = false object.collisions = true object.scale = 1 object.mass = 20 setTimer(function() local velVector = Vector3(0,0,0) object.velocity = velVector end,100,1) setTimer(function() setElementVelocity(object, 0,0,0.2) outputChatBox(object.mass) end, 3000,1) 1st. Issue, the object weight. Modifying the object mass doesnt make any difference when i make it "jump", it will still reach the same height, and fall as quickly, i'm not sure if modifying its mass should make any difference, or i should edit something else? 2nd. Issue, the object scale. As i already know, changing its scale wont change its collision box, but how could i modify its collision box according to scale? Thanks
  6. That would check if the domain is blocked, usefull for checking if smth is blocked, but im missing that "smth" I am not sure how the line where the default whitelist is set helps me..
  7. did you even bother to read? i know what widlcard domain means - I AM ASKING FOR A WAY TO KNOW WHEN THEY ARE BLOCKED AND WICH ONES ARE BLOCKED.
  8. I'm not asking for a global subdomain whitelist by asking, (since i do understand thats a security risk and why), i'm asking for the possibility to know when they're blocked off and make a list for later check..
  9. Hello everyone, i've struggled with this the past hours and couldnt find a way to fix it: CEF when loading a page will automatically block all "Loading" subdomains that the webpage uses, and i wanted to "know" whenever a page is blocked (See spoiler 1). So i could list them, and request them for making the site work. Now i want to retrive those [bROWSER] Blocked Page: *** Is there any way? couldnt find any.. Greetz
  10. Hey there, is there any way to get the blocked pages from developer mode debug? As to make a list and request them to the player later on (Since alot of sites work with subdomains, e.g. plug.dj) I had to allow 2-3 extra pages to make it work.. http://i.imgur.com/YZbUwTj.jpg
  11. Welp, you took me to look at MTA:SE's folder. (Old one) Apparently its a bit easier, they come in XML Arrays: Client Functions: http://pastebin.com/jPXRs49k Server Functions: http://pastebin.com/waUJ4wY7 Client Events: http://pastebin.com/B40MHTnq Server Events: http://pastebin.com/d9wRBcDB Now editing those... seeems a waaay more complex task.. Editing the new one with DB Might be a bit easier..
  12. Yeah, readed about that - But my issue comes to adding it to MTA:SE
  13. Hello guys, i'm running the old MTA:SE and i just like it alot, (And most importantly, i'm used to it) and i'd like to know if there's a way to update its function list (1.5 most probably) MTA:SE Link. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=24834 Greetz.
  14. Hello, i'm On the 1.5 candidate and switched the update-mode to nightly, forced update and updated. Now i get popped up with the "NEW 1.5 NIGHTLY AVAILABLE (7260)", and i keep accepting and restarting MTA, is this an endless loop error? My ver is : Multi Theft Auto v1.5-release-7253 (Does not change on these loop restarts)
  15. Did i say there was? I couldnt find Anywhere the database connection or location, i need that to make my porting..
  16. This was my SQL injection on map start: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `["..md5(name).."]` ( mapname varchar(255),serial varchar(255), name varchar(255), time int, country varchar(255), date int);" I dont have that much of an issue to just load the SQL data and take it out; but where is the SQL connection definition, to wich SQL it connects? I already had found those lines, but the SQL Query does not specify to where it connects.. Greetz.
  17. Hello, i was wondering how does the default race_toptimes save the toptimes? i readed it over many times but i couldnt quite understand the "file" saving. My issue comes to the point i did my own Mysql toptimes but i wanted to retrive the old toptimes and inject them in my SQL table. So far i save them in tables under "["..md5(mapname).."]". Greets HyPeX
  18. Hello everyone, today i decided to give a try to the 1.5 new "Light" functions, and they are somewhat odd. I've found out they affect only the ped? Is this a bug or just how it is going to be? Code used: local light = createLight(1, 0,0,0,12,255,0,255,0,0,2,true) addEventHandler('onClientPreRender',root,function() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local rad = getElementRadius(veh) setLightRadius(light, rad*2) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) local dist = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ( veh ) setElementPosition(light, x,y,z-dist) end) Result: EDIT: Tried making it from up... Result: EDIT2: Adding more lights to "apply the multiplier to everything" only seems to affect elements, but not the "world" local light = createLight(1, 0,0,0,12,255,0,255,0,0,-2,true) local light2 = createLight(1, 0,0,0,12,255,0,255,0,0,-2,true) local light3 = createLight(1, 0,0,0,12,255,0,255,0,0,-2,true) addEventHandler('onClientPreRender',root,function() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local rad = getElementRadius(veh) setLightRadius(light, rad*2) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) local dist = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ( veh ) setElementPosition(light, x+2,y,z+dist*4) setElementPosition(light2, x+2,y,z+dist*4) setElementPosition(light3, x+2,y,z+dist*4) end) created objects are not affected aswell
  19. Well i'm not sure how is this happening, but i have the following: A Render target with my maplist. The BG (Wich allows 8 maps to fit) is drawn inside the render target the quantity of maps divided by 8 (Becouse it allows 8 maps each image) I stop the BG short away from the "visible point" (As only a part of the render is drawn) to improve performance. This works. However, i tried to implement this on my dxDrawText for the map names, and it certainly failed, but in a weird way, and i cant understand why. The text stops drawing correctly at 0.043 of progress (Number provided to check the code for my flaw..) This is my code: local mapslist = upanel.tab.mapstore.mapslist or {} local large = math.ceil(#mapslist / 8 )+50 local progress = upanel.tab.mapstore.progress or 0 dxSetRenderTarget(maplist) outputConsole(progress) for i=1, large do if i >= (progress * large) - 2 and i <= (progress*large) + 2 then dxDrawImage(0,0+mapY*(i-1), mapX, mapY,"img/mapshop/MapListBG.png") end end for i=1, #mapslist+(50*8) do if i >= (progress*(#mapslist+(50*8))) - (2*8) and i <= (progress*(#mapslist+(50*8 ))) + (2*8 ) then dxDrawText("[DM] Your Mum is so big that it cant fit in here",5,0 + (mapY/8 ) * (i-1),mapX - 30, (mapY/8 ) * (i-1) + (mapY / 8 ),tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,upanel.default[10],"left","center",true) dxDrawImage(mapX - 23,(mapY/8 ) * (i-1) + ((mapY/8)/2 - 18/2),18,18,"img/mapshop/FavN.png") end end dxSetRenderTarget(panel) dxDrawImage(-sx+300+localtab*bx+mapX+1,65,13,mapY,"img/mapshop/BarBG.png") local possible = mapY - 166 dxDrawImage(-sx+300+localtab*bx+mapX+1.5+1,65 + possible * progress,11,166,"img/mapshop/bar.png") dxDrawImageSection(-sx+300+localtab*bx,65,mapX,mapY,0,0+mapY*large*progress,mapX,mapY,maplist) Explanation: The "50" Extra are for testing purposes (As right now the #mapslist is returning always 0, so i assume the maplist is 50*8 maps long.) Note: The "Extra white" line is the bottom of the BG image. Visual: Thanks in advance HyPeX
  20. It is there however, i added it just in case as a test... This is serverside, a little more up: --Events addEvent("onPlayerRaceWasted", true) addEvent("onClientWastedByHunter", true) addEvent("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", true) addEvent("onPlayerRequestMapList",true) --Functions function onClientAskMapList()
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