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Everything posted by FatalTerror
[TOOL] LUACGUI (Lua Compiler) for MTA <= 1.3.3
FatalTerror replied to FabienWang's topic in Resources
Hm? Decompile a program is illegal in some countries due to copyright. -
Thanks, i'll be happy to answer to each question It's not a big deal. As I said in my previous post, it would never look the same as in the Photoshop model. So hi there, I've finish the world generator some hours ago and I would to share this with you. The first thing that you can see is the dirty code that I've made. I think it could be better and more simple with a better logic in the code. If you have free time and want to contribute, you can here: https://github.com/WilliamDASILVA/thesimsmta-worldgen (Thanks again 50p for 3D models) There is the actual result: Regards, FatalTerror.
Well, just with the function arguments, you should find by yourself. for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("object"))do local model = getElementModel(v) engineSetModelLODDistance(model, 1000) end
engineSetModelLODDistance ( int model, float distance )
Thanks for those feedback. Don't understand what you mean by badly placed. Ergonomics? Yes, sadly when I made it I didn't pay attention to these small over-scaling. For the edges of each image, I still not understand why it happens. I've tried every solutions (image size power of 2, textureEdge to clamp as say wiki) but it would not be perfect as in the Photoshop file. It 'll never looks like in the Photoshop. I'm trying to get closer the most of the perfection but it wouldn't be perfect. It's because I resize the picture before post it in the forum. There is the original one ( http://puu.sh/48PA9.png ) And I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS3. Anyway thanks everybody for your support. Regards, FatalTerror.
ban banPlayer ( player bannedPlayer, [ bool IP = true, bool Username = false, bool Serial = false, player responsiblePlayer = nil, string reason = nil, int seconds = 0 ] ) The first argument needs to be an player element, not his name. Check the wiki before post for these stuffs.
Use timers? setTimer(setPedControlState, 1000, 0, thePed, "fire", true)
Calm down dude. In fact, the initiative is very good but not good enought. As said A Concerned Citizen, your website is very bugged and that make the thing useless if it doesn't work. You should work a bit more on it. I think you could do something better. The idea is nice but as said Infinate, this wouldn't work. Peoples can set his stats by editing your script. Regards, FatalTerror.
Yes, but you will have some stuff that you can't do like forms, JS & other stuffs. You need to get the HTML content with PHP (You can do it with file_get_contents function per example) of the page that you want and parse it. <?php $page = "http://www.website.com/"; $content = file_get_contents($page); -- parse that html file, get every links & images and return it to MTA ?> You should recreate every links (create a button or whatever to call the page etc...) & images (fetchRemote). I've started a project like this one but never finish it. I wish you good luck if you want to make it. Edit: An easy way to parse the HTML code: http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/manual.htm
Yea I know, that's the only solution (I think) If I want to allow clothes in the gamemode. If someone have an idea to solve this problem, let me know.
Actually, I'll use CJ skin as default because as far I know, we can't set the CJ clothes to another skin. But If one day it's possible, I'll make sure that feature will be added. Looks very great ! That's exactly what I was expecting.
Hi everybody, I just finish the login panel with ped clothes and I want to show it to you. There is: Plus, I was working on the world The Sims MTA generator and I choice a simple way to do that. Generate the whole world in square, I mean, each square in the map(below) represent a house. Edit: width: 2m - 8m - 2m height: 15m In the main screen, there will be a huge map like this one where the player could explore it to see where players are etc. I still thinking how I could do this map. For generate the world, I need roads. It's the main element to that. I try with some GTA roads but It didn't looks how I want. So, if someone wanna contribute, here: And as always: Regards, FatalTerror.
I was thinking something like "this" from OOP exists for LUA tables. Anyway, thanks everybody for answers.
Yes but personaly, I really don't want to write an entire file with this method. Sure that my way isn't possible?
Hi there, I wanted to know, how to access to a table value when I'm already on that table. Like this: myTable = { a = {test = "ok"}, b = {test = myTable.a.test} } As you can see, the myTable.b is trying to access to myTable.a but he can't access to this because it's on the same var. How can I do that? If it's possible? Thanks for any help. Regards, FatalTerror.
Houses will have roof so it's not a huge problem. Just for hive you news about the project, I've made a "speed scripting" if I can say that, of me making the login panel. There he is: ( )I'll make a speed scriptings when I'll make an important thing for the gamemode.
For the single wall build, if you mean, wall by wall of course It will be added. (And it's allready, need some edits (if the wall meet another one, etc...)) For the floors, I've searched for an object in the GTA list that will looks good for this but can't find it. If I succeeded to create a 3D stairs, then i'll add it. I'll finish that build mode and start to make the shop mode (couch, tv, etc..) and make it interact them with the player. (I update the first post with the tasks to do). Regards, FatalTerror.
Yes, that's perfect. Thank you Danny ! I'll see your class if I've time. (I didn't use for the video below, post too late) Thanks ! I tested it and it's much better. There is the build editor with different textures: ( )
When I start the models, they were too bright. I change the original texture and I put one a bit more dark. The wall was almost white. Night: And day: And for texture variety, it will not be huge? If it exceeds 20~40mb, the player will not wait for it. I don't know if we can apply a image in to a object via shaders (as say Noneatme). I don't know much about shaders. The idea for use dxDrawMaterialLine3D to cover the wall cross my mind but It will be probably laggy. Need to think about that. If you have ideas, just say it. Thanks everybody, I really appreciate your support. Regards, FatalTerror.
That's perfect. Thank you! There is a preview of the build system (just the start): I never say no to a little help. And your Sims project looks pretty cool too. Regards, FatalTerror.
Thanks alot for this quickly answer. If I understand right, we subdivide the polygon in multiples triangles and check if the point is one of theses triangles like: If the point isn't in the first triangle, check the second, the third etc. Am I right? I didn't saw vector or barycentric things at school yet Regards, FatalTerror.
Hi there, I was playing with DX functions and I make something that I really don't like. I'll try to explain you with images. That would be more easier to understand. There is my screen (not my real screen, just to explain ^^): As you can see, there is a cursor and a rectangle. To detect if the cursor is IN the rectangle I can make a basic thing like this: if x >= rectangle.x and y >= rectangle.y and x <= (rectangle.x+rectangle.w) and y <= (rectangle.y+rectangle.h) then Now, let's try to do with a Trapeze. I've tryed but I can't find it. if (x >= (trapeze.x+ triangle.width)) and (y >= (trapeze.y ... Can’t find the next And now, more harder (I think). For this one, I've no idea how do that. So... If someone have the answer for theses problems that would be very usefull for me (and other peoples maybe). Thanks alot for your help. Regards, FatalTerror.
Thanks everybody for your encouraging comments. Yes thanks, I didn't know what were the difference between theses two events. If someone want to contribute to this gamemode, I really apreciate that. Actually, I need basic things like 3D walls. (Yes, it's very simple...). I can make it with 3Ds Max but I can't export it for GTA:SA. If someone have some minutes to spend on it. There is: And thanks again for all your comments. Regards, FatalTerror.
About myself Hi there! I'm William DA SILVA (aka FatalTerror), i'm a 16 years old teenager living in France, from Brasil. I'm a web developer since 4 years, trying to improve my skills everytime I can, I've learn since the Ruby, Python, C++ and other funny stuffs. I play MTA since.. can't remember but I see that there is not major improvements on it, I mean in the gamemodes. The most servers are RPG & Race and that's quite sad. I know that MTA is very powerfull, he just need someone to show his power. What about The Sims MTA ? "The Sims MTA" is a Multi Theft Auto gamemode who's based on the Electronic Arts game "The Sims 3". I want to recreate that univers the most realistic possible but keep some of the GTA univers. That gamemode is supposed to be something new, different from the actual servers who propose a simple RPG or a Race gamemode with a pseudo-multigamemodes. What to do ? I was working on that gamemode before but I've lost the entire project. I've restarted it with some new skills, who helps alot. There is alot of things to do before we could release a first version of that gamemode. I'll try to explain you the best I can, how it would work: Login & Register I was thinking to make the gamemode dependant of his website. The player informations will be stored on the website database. When the player login, we ask his informations to the website and he returns the necessary information to make the gamemode work (last coordinates, profile pic, statistics, ...). Why that? Because in the futur website, I want to use those informations to make a usefull website where the player could check his Sim informations without access the game. Camera The camera on The Sims MTA is a third-person-view camera, where we can see the map in a "pseudo-isometric" way. The camera is fixed to the player by default. We can move the camera around using the mouse_wheel button or by moving the cursor to the screen borders. By right-clicking to the player, the camera is fixed. Using the mouse_wheel we can zoom/dezoom. Mouvement The player isn't controlled by the normal way as in GTA but as the Sims way by clicking to move. On the Sims 3, you need to left click and choice in a menu, to move. Here, all you need is rightclick to move to the click position. I figure out how could we make a path finder so the player doesn't walk into a wall like a dumb. Interaction The player can interact with other players, objects and vehicles. By clicking, we purpose a list of interactions possible. Statistics A player have statistics who evolve by playing. It can be the health, the hungry and energy. The hungry will constantly falling. He can feed his Sim by connecting to the game and feed him or connect to the website to feed him. The energy is used to move the player, if the energy is low, the player move slowly. There is a lot of things to do with that. Non-exhaustive list. I will update the things to do very often. If you have any ideas that could improve the gamemode, don't hesitate to post here or contact me. A preview please? (Those videos & screenshots have been made with the old version of the gamemode, they're outdated) User Interface: Screenshots: Videos: Can I contribute ? The Sims MTA is a new gamemode, who I would like to be a big one, for that, It would be very hard to me to work by myself on it. So I need alot of help from you guys. It was supposed to be a private gamemode, to a private server but thinking about it, it's better to let it open source. If you want to contribute, you can fork the project on Github. There is 3 different projects, the gamemode itself, the website and the worldgenerator. The code may be horrible for you, If you have any improvements to make to the code structure, contact me before so we could discuss about it. The Sims MTA: https://github.com/WilliamDASILVA/thesimsmta The Sims MTA's website: https://github.com/WilliamDASILVA/thesimsmta-site World generator (outdated): https://github.com/WilliamDASILVA/thesimsmta-worldgen Thanks to: 50p for the 3D wall models. Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry for not giving news since that. Hope you enjoy the project and you will contribute ! See you around, FatalTerror.