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Everything posted by FatalTerror

  1. It's me sorry, i have set the game speed for test a thing but i forget to remove it then i add in the zip. Fixed Download
  2. Oh god .. my eyes ! The login panel of NexTreme is old. I don't know if he will make a new version for the 1.2 Bye
  3. I've set the price to 2€ and added free version. Download Really ... i don't know . I sell scripts because i need money to buy a new server where everybody can play. It's a small investment.
  4. Description Hi everybody. Today i'm here to present a new script i made. This scripts allows you to throw rockets via your own car. Just by pressing the right button of your mouse, a crosshair being controled by your mouse appears and tells you where you are shooting. This feature only works when the player is inside of his car. Screens Download Download via MTAScripts.o-n.fr (2€ via Paypal) Download (Free but compiled) Thanks, FatalTerror
  5. Try to use TCP. <?php $fp = fsockopen("tcp://IP:PORT", PORT, $errno, $errstr); if(isset($fp)){ echo "Server is online !"; } else{ echo "Server is offline !"; } ?> I don't test, but i think it will work
  6. Make it youself Try to download the guieditor by R3mp. And for the script of gang, you can make youself or using scripts by community. Bye
  7. I went in simplicity. I let scripters develop their scripts and add their own functions if they want. The md5 create long caracter string...
  8. Just change the caractere string function generateCaptcha() local letters = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", ")", "\"", "@", "$", "("} local letter1 = math.random(1, #letters) local letter2 = math.random(1, #letters) local letter3 = math.random(1, #letters) local number1 = math.random(1, 9) local code = ""..letters[letter1]..letters[letter3]..letters[letter2]..letters[number1].."" guiSetText(lbl_captcha, "Captcha ("..code.."):") return code end
  9. I think you did a double post and you are in the wrong category
  10. I write this via tel... Test it ^^ addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function(player) executeCommandHandler(player, "debugscript", 3) end)
  11. Create the colshape first
  12. Try to use global value not local... sound = playSound("/music/XS.mp3", false)
  13. o_O... If it's only server-side the wiki must be fixed...
  14. You make the script even harder to do! It could possibly work if I detect two vehicles on the lives lost at the same time and if is close?
  15. Send us the /debugscript & check if you don't forget to add .txd files in meta.
  16. engineLoadTXD arguments are (string filename) engineImportTXD arguments are ( txd texture, int model_id ) Try function rplaceModel() txd = engineLoadTXD("skins/lapd1.txd") engineImportTXD(txd, 280 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), rplaceModel) addCommandHandler ( "reloadskin", rplaceModel )
  17. First you must the object id & the .txd file Create new .lua file and write it Client side: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() local filename = "txdfile.txd" local objectid = OBJECTID txd = engineLoadTXD ( filename ) engineImportTXD ( txd, objectid ) end) In the meta, you must have the script in client side and the .txd file Good luck
  18. Yes it's possible. Change the texture of the file with TXD Workshop.
  19. I've had this bug in my server. If you server are in 1.0 and it is hosted, reinstall the server and add account in account.xml and start the server. This will add account in internal.db Give admin rights for this account via acl.xml Connect in your server with your account (/login user pass) and open admin panel. Now you can try /register. For me it work O_O Good luck
  20. Oh great You know all the best roleplay servers are big monsters with servers over 1000 slot like CIT... They dominate MTA. And you with your RolePlay server with no script I guess. You will be fu** by these great monsters of MTA Most of the roleplay servers are on SA-MP, but if you want to try in MTA, good luck.
  21. Hm i will test with onPlayerDamage()... When the mouse is damage, I need to know which player is closest to the mouse, but for her I'm lost addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() theMouse = getRandomPlayer() end) addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), function() if (source == theMouse)then local mX, mY, mZ = getElementPosition(theMouse) for i, thePlayer in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( mX, mY, mZ, pX, pY, pZ ) -- And after this i'm lost o_O end end end) I don't find other solution
  22. So how i do? Let me explain the idea from the beginning ... When the script starts, I have a random player. He will be the mouse. And all others will be cats, which first hit the mouse earns a certain amount. And I need the player who hit the mouse. Possible or not?
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