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Everything posted by JR10

  1. That's where I added plugins\config\ and where I first added plugins\APIs. AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins
  2. For me, it actually opened a different file.
  3. Didn't work for me until I placed it in C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\APIs, not %APPDATA%. Thanks Jaysds1.
  4. I downloaded Fro's highlighting but didn't find plugins\APIs\. And Buffallo's has one file lua.xml. What should I exactly do? Sorry but I don't really understand what you've described.
  5. This is not working for me. I copied plugins\MTALua.dll and plugins\FunctionList.dll in folder С:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\ Copied plugins\config\ in folder %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config\ And copied Buffalo's lua.xml in folder %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\ And I choose MTA Lua as the language, but it didn't work.
  6. Probably wants several scripts for a roleplay server.
  7. Highlighting by Fro is very nice, only one problem though, the function auto completion and parameter isn't working with it. Well it was helping me when I forget an argument. So does anyone know any solution? Or an alternative? Thanks.
  8. JR10


    Version 1.3.1 isn't released yet, and the nightly is for 1.4. So you will have to wait until it's released.
  9. Hey mate, it's really good to see you continuing this, good luck.
  10. Not a shock actually, you haven't posted any information about your server.
  11. Why did you post another topic?
  12. I was talking to FWCentral. And you're welcome.
  13. Just wondering, did you even read Castillo's post? He clearly said that getPlayerSerial and getPlayerMoney have no player argument. hisName = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor_Grid[1], selectedRow, selectedCol ) local pl = getPlayerFromName(hisName) hisSerial = getPlayerSerial( ) hisMoney = getPlayerMoney( ) hisPing = getPlayerPing( pl )
  14. local private1 = createColPolygon(111.7880859375, 1336.2998046875, 110.7744140625, 1484.421875, 287.123046875, 1484.427734375, 288.1416015625, 1336.296875, 111.7900390625, 1336.2958984375) local theTeam = getTeamFromName("Fort Carson Police Department") function privatejames(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementType(thePlayer) ~= "player" or not matchingDimension then return end if getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) == theTeam then return end local teamMembers = getPlayersInTeam(theTeam) for key, value in ipairs(teamMembers) do outputChatBox("[RADIO] This is dispatch, We've have seen someone on James Brandon's Compound, Over.", value, 0, 183, 239) outputChatBox("[RADIO] Detain Him On Site, Over.", value, 0, 183, 239) end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", private1, privatejames) Make sure you actually create the team.
  15. Notepad++ with a syntax checker, a compiler, auto complete, and syntax highlighting.
  16. JR10


    Here. No one would just help you without giving any information, like the gamemode. Oh wait, you need a partner who knows FTP? FTP is easy, you can easily use fileZilla or something, unless you're working with another platform.
  17. JR10


    Supply more information.
  18. local map = getMapName(source) if ( map == "race: firstmap" ) then map = map:gsub("race: ", "") xml = xmlCreateFile (map .. ".map", "root" ) xmlSaveFile(xml) end
  19. Actually you're wrong, some free scripters would work for administrator rights, if they see the server is promising. Why don't you guys just let it be? Just let it go, leave him with what he did and by turn he should let it go too. Stop arguing and just focus on developing the servers. I'm not taking sides here, I just can't see the point of arguing. Anyway, good luck.
  20. theMarker = createMarker( -687.9, 937.8, 13.6, "cylinder", 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 80 ) -- create a red cylinder marker inside Toreno's house addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", theMarker, function(hElement) --insert functions end ) --insert functions ضع كل الوظائف مكان
  21. الكود لا يوجد به وظيفة عندما يدخل الماركر
  22. لازم تنتظر و ممكن ما يتفك البان
  23. Happy birthday, have a good one!
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