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About Vision

  • Birthday January 11


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Thug (25/54)



  1. Pois é, dificil entender, tu pede ajuda em uma coisa e depois quer outra? confuso. Boa sorte ai.
  2. Mas não era isso a ideia do script? Usar o comando enquanto está fazendo o download e bloquear quando terminasse.
  3. function onJoin() setElementData ( source, "DownMOD", true ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onJoin) function onDownloadFinish() setElementData ( client, "DownMOD", false ) end addEvent("DownLoad",true) addEventHandler("DownLoad",root,onDownloadFinish) Tenta ai, e também tinha um "apóstrofo" no segundo argumento do setElementData na linha 48.
  4. Vision


    kickPlayer(player,"Küfür") Replace to this: kickPlayer ( source, "Küfür" )
  5. local radioOn = false function turnRadio ( command ) if ( command == 'radioon' and not radioOn ) then setRadioChannel ( 0 ); song = playSound ( 'http://www.181.fm/stream/asx/181-power.asx', true ); radioOn = true; elseif ( command == 'radiooff' and radioOn ) then stopSound ( song ); radioOn = false; end end addCommandHandler ( 'radioon', turnRadio ); addCommandHandler ( 'radiooff', turnRadio );
  6. Vision


    Try this: function guji ( hitElement ) triggerClientEvent ( hitElement, "okno", source ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", markerpracy, guji)
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9002 Modification. DONE
  8. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8990 Modification. DONE
  9. Did you try the code that I posted?
  10. He wants to disable only the main chat local chat = true function chatDis(thePlayer) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#E3E8B7The chat has been disabled by "..getPlayerName(thePlayer)..".",root,255, 255, 255, true) chat = false end end addCommandHandler("chatoff", chatDis) function chatEn(thePlayer) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#E3E8B7The chat has been enabled by "..getPlayerName(thePlayer)..".",root,255, 255, 255, true) chat = true end end addCommandHandler("chaton", chatEn) function onChat ( _, messageType ) if ( messageType == 0 and not chat ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, onChat ) Try this.
  11. local timer local engineState = false function toggleEngine ( ) local checkPlayerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( checkPlayerVehicle and getVehicleController ( checkPlayerVehicle ) == localPlayer ) then local checkState = getVehicleEngineState ( checkPlayerVehicle ) timer = setTimer ( function ( ) setVehicleEngineState ( checkPlayerVehicle, not checkState ) outputChatBox ( ( checkState and 'OFF' or 'ON' ) ) engineState = false end, 3000, 1 ) engineState = true end end bindKey ( 'I', 'down', toggleEngine ) bindKey ( 'I', 'up', function ( ) if ( engineState ) then if ( isTimer ( timer ) ) then killTimer ( timer ) end engineState = false end end ) Try this.
  12. getWeaponNameFromID
  13. Vision


    ----------------------------------------------------- -- script Bases Area 51 MTA:SA Gang War -- @author EufraT & TAPL -- @update 28/1/2014 ----------------------------------------------------- radararea2 = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) createBlip(279.40317, 1831.25439, 7.72656,62) marker2 = createMarker(298.98865, 1815.90613, 3.71094,"cylinder",2,0,0,255,255) Maverick = createVehicle ( 487, 251.64256286621,1920.413574218817,640630722046 ) addCommandHandler ( "comprar", function ( player ) local money = getPlayerMoney ( player ) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if ( not playerTeam ) then return end local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) local teamMates = getPlayersInTeam ( playerTeam ) if(isElementWithinMarker(player,marker2)) and ( money > 1000000 ) then takePlayerMoney ( player, 1000000 ) setRadarAreaColor ( radararea2, r, g, b, 999 ) outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Voce comprou base a base Area 51 por $1000000", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) for _, v in ipairs(teamMates) do outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Sua gang comprou a base #00FF00 Area 51!", v, 0, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox ( "#FFF000 [bASE] #FF0000 Voce precisa estar no centro do checkpoint e $1000000", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) end end) Try this.
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