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Everything posted by bandi94

  1. hm some help i upload it to comunity rpm+gears and on downloadn say error 404 i re upload it like rpm+gear and stil error 404 some ideas ? why say error 404 on download ?
  2. hmm. re uploaded as rpm+gear and still error 404 ..
  3. hm error 404 i rty to upload it again
  4. released the 1.0 version of rpm + gear meter coming soon the 1.5 ver https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=2490
  5. hmm JR10 yes you right never mind i will release whitout compling and thanks for the new complier Remix-X have funn stealing my script !!! and on rpm +gear new update release ( if you are so big guy wh you don't come whit and idea on being no you are only big guy on criticize other works so pls try don't post any more on my post i don't like you ) see JR10 came whit an opinion and the answer for my question i like perons like him thx JR10 you are a good man ( not like you why you do this why you think if you say something anothers will make it i don't think so )
  6. bk are so many code stealer they change the color of the needel and they say hey i release my rpm bk that and if you see bk the topics i get help for 1-2 problems( and only that "hm i think here is the problem" not code on my part after i helped DjSt3rios 50% of codes are my codes and i don't wanna to another persons release rpm's on my script i spend abaout 1 and half hour only whit math to calculate the rpm for gears so .... who wana make rpm i give him the start ) so if you like it ok if not then don't write i sak help not why i sould compli my files ..... I want to protect my part of codes( what i make myself and yes DjSt3rios get helped whit start of codes but .... ) + i deleted the part of codes bk i don't get helped on that part of codes
  7. ok i and DjSt3rios finished the rpm + gear and we release the v1.0 tuday or tomorrow (and soon we will update whit v1.) and for stop get another persons build another rpm+gear( on us script) i complied the script whit tis complier [TOOL] LUAC GUI (Lua Compiler) http://fabienwang.com/share/luacgui.zip (993KB) and when i tested the complied lua ( script is client side and have 2 png images) i get droped out form server whit error downloading .png ) hm...? some idea ?
  8. hmm . that "onClientRender" i can't get it to work i have some problem in that code ?he need to put out "test" on screen but i dont get the text on my screen ? pls help local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function createText ( ) dxDrawText( "test", 44, screenHeight-43, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" ) end function HandleTheRendering() addEventHandler("onClientRender",rootElement, createText) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, HandleTheRendering) on the needel the "onClientRender: work whit text i think i have some problems whit screensie and x/y or whit drawtext
  9. ok the min time to a timer is (....,50,0) on a speedometer work bk the needel need to make 300 grade rotacion on 250-300km/h but the rpm need to make a 300 grade rotacion on every +40 km/h and its not moving smoot its a function or something what can change the timer to check the rpm faster to get a smoother move ?? or an else comand for a faster chek for rpm we have a function whit 6 if and the function returns rpm= ...... and wee need to return faster the rpm=.... that the timer whit 50,0 thx ( this will be a publik rpm +gear meter) (sorry my crap english)
  10. ok i whit DjSt3rios (project statred by DjSt3rios and after i help him on teaviwer and skype ) speedometer transformed in rpm meter now i need to add to show up the gears on the rpm but i don't have time now i will make it tomorrow now i post the code but if somebody can help us to make the rpm needel move smoother now is moving abruptly ..... this is result of 2-3 hours of work if we get the needel to move smoother then it wil be very great affter all is done we will upload it to comunity thx for help code deleted can close the topic the script is released on comunity
  11. use the speed of car not the acceleration for rpm use this on every 30km change gear 0-30 30- 60 60-90 90-120 .... and this for 0-30 km/h rpm if speed <= 30 then gear = 1 rp = speed rpm = rp * 250 this for 60-90km/h if speed >=60 rp=speed-50 rpm=rp*123 this is for 120-150 km/h if speed >= 120 rp=speed-110 rpm=rp*125 if you give me a yahoo or skype id i will help you whit the left rpm if you calculate on 0-30km/h rpm start at 0 and gos up to 5000 on gear 2,3,4,5,6,7 its start on 1200 +/- rpm and gose up to 5000 +/- rpm and use on 0-30 if..... and after whit elseif ex: if speed <= 30 then gear = 1 rp = speed rpm = rp * 250 elseif speed >=30 ... elseif>=60 and at final use a timer and then when you slow down its chek speed is <=30 not the check speed is >=30 not then check speed is >=60 .... and need to work if not say me and i try to make in another way thx ( if the script is ready pls upload it to comunity or send me i help you and i will keep helping you if you ask ) and at the final the script will return speed , gear ,rpm
  12. hm i tryed that code you got 0 bk the axeleration is not incarse or discard if you delet in first line the local axeleration=0 then it will return nil ( i think the script don't detect that the vehicle is moving ) (if you like my opinion that to use the speed and form speed the gears and ... then i will help you i am a beginer in lua but i have some experience in C++ pm me if you whant ) (sorry my english )
  13. i downloaded the anti_flood form comunity but if players writ a msg 2 times they get a warning and if they type again the text normaly need to get muted but they get 5-6 warnings and .... they spam ( i set maximum msg to 2 ) so i decided to make my own antispam but i used "onPlayerChat"....... local msg =getPlayerMessage but msg returns nil what function can i use to get the message (text) they write.?
  14. i use whitout true on my script and its work fine ...
  15. dirtTXD = engineLoadTXD ( "data/dirtBlock.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( dirtTXD, 2584 ) dirt = engineLoadDFF ( "data/dirtBlock.dff", 2584 ) engineReplaceModel ( dirt, 2584 ) try this i think you don't need ",true" on TXD
  16. yes it will be nice an RPM whit gears but its hard to make if you see the cars had a feedback trying to simulate the gear changeing ( else you can use the acceleration and set up on speeds like gear 1 0-20km/h if you got 20km it show gear 2 and RPM start again form 0 and increase again and you need to make it rewerse to decrease and start form 5000-6000 rpm down when the car is slowing down its just my opinion )
  17. bandi94

    top time

    normal ca am doar am facut un map si normal ca era pus pe race si avea si hunter dar nu aparea nici la f5 ninci cand luai hunter dupa ce am trecut [DM] in nume la map cum a pornit ..
  18. i just copy pase the handler form my cenzur system .... and i forgot to delet that ..
  19. "number" - This includes any number floating point (-0.22, 5.2333 (anything not an int)) and integers (-2,-1,0,1,2,3) its my foul i make a cenzur script and that "number" is if you tipe "fu.ck" you still get mutet and i just copy paste the handler ....
  20. try this i don't test it addEventHandler ("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(), function(message,typ,player) if (type(string.find(message,"/adminduty"))) then local player = getPlayerName(source) setPlayerNametagColor(source, 255,255,0 ) end end)
  21. i do not know how efiient is only i say for me work perfecty for playerchat message
  22. that command handler work 100% i use it on 2 script and no error or bug only i forgot to delet the local player name bk i copy tha handler form 1 of my scripts .. (he can add an outputChatBox but i don't think he can whit 0% of scripting skill ) but whit this i don't wanna say your code is not good only i make it easy as possible to edit that code for a person who don't have scripting skill
  23. yes but admin and trial admin maybe is a group and "leader admin" = admin group or super admin he don't say this only he is the boss of server = he is the leader admin ..... I only make to work for groups he ask (owner is not a group) ...
  24. try this not tested but need to work if not writ the error you got addEventHandler ("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(), function(message,typ,player) if (type(string.find(message,"/admins")) == "number") then outputChatBox("*Owner: writ your name " ) outputChatBox("*Leader Admins: write your leader admin") outputChatBox("*Super Admin: write your super admin names") outputChatBox("*Admin: write your admin names" ) outputChatBox("*Trial Admin: write your trial admins name ") end end )
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