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Everything posted by BriGhtx3

  1. dxGetVisible dxSetVisible are not MTA built-in functions. €: Your code is a complete mess. All your dxFunctions are not built-in. Show us the functions.
  2. What is guiRoot? I tried the script in your last post and turned off all resources. Now it works. Thank you
  3. I would always post the errors if there were any ;D
  4. Lol I just don't get it Tried both codes and they don't work.
  5. Tried it: doesn't work You didn't change anything oO You just inserted the centerWindow function, right?
  6. What do you mean? oO This is the full code in this file
  7. I know that ;D I put it in my code The GUI is centered and the function works. Jaysday your code doesn't work as well
  8. centerWindow is a useful function (wiki) Jay ill test your code
  9. This is the full code. The function TextITT is: function textITT() outputChatBox("TEXT") end
  10. Doesn't work either. I changed the code a bit and it doesn't work either. Could someone fix it? HInv_Window = guiCreateWindow(354,252,362,272,"Haushaltsinventar",false) guiWindowSetSizable(HInv_Window,false) HInv_LBL_Welcome = guiCreateLabel(34,25,305,35,"Hallo. Das ist dein Haushaltsinventar.\nVon hier aus kannst du Möbel in dein Haus platzieren.",false,HInv_Window) guiSetFont(HInv_LBL_Welcome,"default-bold-small") HInv_Grid = guiCreateGridList(38,69,290,157,false,HInv_Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(HInv_Grid,2) hinvName = guiGridListAddColumn(HInv_Grid,"Name",2) HInv_BTN_Platzieren = guiCreateButton(90,231,186,22,"Platzieren",false,HInv_Window) centerWindow(HInv_Window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",HInv_BTN_Platzieren,function() if source == HInv_BTN_Platzieren then guiSetVisible(HInv_Window,false) TextITT() end end,false)
  11. I checked it again. It still doesn't work I also set getPropagated to true, but it is still the same. I also tested it on another computer and it doesn't work there as well.
  12. Hey, I have got another problem. I've create a GUI, now when I click the button HInv_BTN_Platzieren, the function textITT should get executed. But the function gets executed whenever I click on the GUI or the gridlist... HInv_Window = guiCreateWindow(354,252,362,272,"Inv",false) guiWindowSetSizable(HInv_Window,false) HInv_Grid = guiCreateGridList(38,69,290,157,false,HInv_Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(HInv_Grid,2) hinvName = guiGridListAddColumn(HInv_Grid,"Name",2) HInv_BTN_Platzieren = guiCreateButton(90,231,186,22,"Platzieren",false,HInv_Window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",HInv_BTN_Platzieren,function() if source == HInv_BTN_Platzieren then guiSetVisible(HInv_Window,false) textITT() end end) function textITT() outputChatBox("TEXT") end
  13. Yeah, I saw this in an arabic race server ;D That looked really cool
  14. Just create your GUIs with dxCreateImage and dxClass-Elements
  15. What exactly do you mean? addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),function() guiSetVisible(YOURGUI,true) end)
  16. I already got the right solution^^ Check my last post.
  17. There were no errors, but I got it. x2-x y2-y and not x-x2 y-y2
  18. BriGhtx3

    Little problem

    function bus(thePlayer) if ( getElementModel(thePlayer) == 171 ) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) veh = createVehicle(431, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle(thePlayer, veh) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", busdrivepickup, bus
  19. Hey, I try to create an area on the map so I use createRadarArea. Now I have the positions X,Y,X2,Y2 in my MySQL table and want to create it: grX = math.abs(x-x2) grY = math.abs(y-y2) areaID[i] = createRadarArea ( x,y, grX, grY, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) This is how I calculate the sizeX and sizeY, but the area is created to the wrong side (x,y is right)...
  20. This works Thanks I just tried to make a simple timer for drug production.
  21. So what should I change oO?
  22. @Draken its still the same @Tapl that isn't the error, because I tried both.
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