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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Jaysds1

    Net disconnects?

    not on screen images, only if you have a bad/low connection or have mods.
  2. Jaysds1

    Net disconnects?

    whats in it? Some resources cuts off the net too.
  3. I never seen this before. ummmmm. It might be because you have a lot of big objects which causes it to go slower everytime....
  4. Jaysds1

    Net disconnects?

    Do you have any firewall on? Are you using windows security?
  5. Jaysds1

    Net disconnects?

    Do you have a router?
  6. Jaysds1

    Net disconnects?

    Give me everything that you did.
  7. Jaysds1


    thanks JR10. it worked now, How do i show how much Moderators or Admin are online?
  8. Jaysds1


    JR10, this is part of the gui me and u were working on at the top! And volk-rus, that doesn't work! and yours too JR10. EDIT: Do you want me to upload the whole code?
  9. sorry... A host gave me a invite to the website here:
  10. I'm not sure what to say... but translate it. Sorry, I tried helping.
  11. Jaysds1


    that's what i did, but it still shows 0 when i'm the only person online
  12. what is this about? Do you want to know the best hosting services or do you want to host people servers?
  13. where is this server.config? the only thing i see is the mtaserver.conf. and I think you can't install gamemodes.
  14. How do you do that ya how do you do that??? Can you show a screenshot pls.
  15. Jaysds1


    it doesn't work! Edit: When someone joins, it's suppose to trigger the event and and show the amount of people/players online.
  16. Jaysds1


    I want to know how to show the amount of players on a gui, but the getPlayerCount is Server-side. this is what I have. Client-side players_on = guiCreateLabel(243,372,16,22,"0",false,rules) addEvent("players",true) addEventHandler("players",getRootElement(), function(count) guiSetText(player_on, count) end) Server-side local count = getPlayerCount triggerClientEvent("players",getRootElement(),count) If you don't get a reply by me, sorry my internet is going to be down about 1-3 days!
  17. oooohhhh, but he asked me to help him..... Well sorry then.
  18. ok, so you need help with spawning your player on a team but if a client joined late or there isn't enough room then he has to wait for the timer, but the timer isn't working.... Am I right?
  19. Jaysds1


    I have a problem with my rule/help gui. When I press f2 the window is not in the center, all the gui elements/buttons and memo are in the left corner then when i press f2 again, it opens up more windows. I want the window to be in the center, same with the elements and the button to close the gui. Here is my script: Server-side addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() bindKey (source, "f2", "down", serverWin ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do unbindKey ( source, "f2", "down", serverWin ) end end ) function serverWin() triggerClientEvent ( "server", getRootElement()) end Client-side function CreateRule() GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} rules = guiCreateWindow(194,108,426,400,"J World: Freeroam Service Window",false) --Buttons chg_pss = guiCreateButton(15,33,70,40,"change password",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) chg_nick = guiCreateButton(95,35,70,40,"change nick",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) lout = guiCreateButton(178,36,70,40,"Logout",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) --Text read_only = guiCreateMemo(17,92,398,100," Welcome to J World: Freeroam\n\n There is no rules on this server.\n\n All we ask is to be respectful to others and have FUN.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(read_only,true) guiCreateLabel(20,231,371,145,"COMING SOON!!!",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) end
  20. I am planning to make a company host my server but some of them aren't good(that's what some people say).
  21. Jaysds1


    I made this script, when a person change there nick to our beginning nick (ex. {SANL}....) it cancels the event but when an admin logs in it tries to cancel the Event but still goes through. Here is my script: client-side only function removeHEX(oldNick,newNick) if (string.find(newNick,"{JWORLD}")) then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local accountName = getAccountName(account) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then triggerEvent() end else outputChatBox("You can't have our beginning nick.", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",getRootElement(),removeHEX)
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