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Everything posted by DNL291
remove it from file fr_server.lua of your resource freeroam addEventHandler('onPlayerChat', g_Root, function(msg, type) if type == 0 then cancelEvent() local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source) .. '#FFFFFF: #FFFFFF' .. msg:gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), g_Root, r, g, b, true) outputServerLog( "CHAT: " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ": " .. msg ) end end )
server showPlayerHudComponent ( thePlayer, component, show ) client showPlayerHudComponent ( component, show )
https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=4157
need to cancel the event for other skins not catch the pickup
I do not want to know whether it is single or not. the question is whether it works.
why do you say that? does not work for you? arrange and then only post. as I said please post the error that hinders the functioning of the script, as you say
oh, not needed it. location = getPedWeapon weapon (player) if ( matchingDimension ) then destroyElement( player ) removeEventHandler ( "onPickupHit" , origem, onDeathPickupHit ) giveWeapon( player, weapon, false ) but anyway operate normally.
cancelEvent the pickup will not disappear and the player will not pick up the weapon. destroyElement dont work. then show the error
only the specified skins can get the pickup. and it is working.
not take anything from your code.
function playSoundOnJoin() playSound("mySound.mp3") -- the name of your sound .mp3 end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, playSoundOnJoin) setTimer(playSoundOnJoin, 15000, 1)
we've spent enough information. the rest you can learn in the wiki. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page
lockSkins = { [287] = true, [121] = true } function onDeathPickupHit( player ) local skin = getElementModel(player) if ( lockSkins[skin] ) then getPickupWeapon( player ) else cancelEvent() outputChatBox("*Só militares podem pegar esta arma.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end function destroyDeathPickup( pickup ) removeEventHandler("onPickupHit", pickup, onDeathPickupHit ) destroyElement( pickup ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function (totalammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart) local timeout = 60000 local x, y, z = getElementPosition( source ) local currentweapon = getPedWeapon( source ) local totalammo = getPedTotalAmmo( source ) local pickup = createPickup( x, y, z, 2, currentweapon, timeout, totalammo ) addEventHandler("onPickupHit", pickup, onDeathPickupHit) setTimer( destroyDeathPickup, timeout, 1, pickup ) end) is an example of wiki. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreatePickup
and you posted in the wrong place
check if this type server side in the meta.xml
try function createDeathPickup ( totalammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart ) --when a player dies local skin = getElementModel(source) if ( skin == 287 ) or ( skin == 121 ) and ( seat == 0 ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) --get the position of the person who died and define it as x, y and z local currentweapon = getPedWeapon ( source ) --get the current weapon of the dead person createPickup ( x, y, z, 2, currentweapon, 10000, totalammo ) else outputChatBox ( "*Você não pode entrar neste veículo.", player, 255, 00, 00) --info in chatbox end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), createDeathPickup ) --add an event handler for onPlayerWasted
worked for me when car change,color too when you enter a vehicle, the color is equal to your team. That's what you want?
make sure the server side in the meta.xml
setVehicleDamageProof( theVehicle, damageProof ) -- theVehicle: The vehicle you wish to make damage proof. damageProof: true is damage proof, false is damageable. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function () cancelEvent() end)