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Everything posted by DNL291

  1. getPedWeapon(thePed, 2) Use getPedTotalAmmo com o slot da pistola se quiser verificar a munição da arma do ped. Mas lembre-se que primeiro você deve verificar se o ped tem essa arma.
  2. Por favor, baixe esse software para verificar se suas portas estão abertas e para abrir as portas para um jogo em específico. Isso pode ser muito útil para você. Você pode ver aqui como usá-lo (abaixo da descrição). Por meio disso, você pode ter certeza que as portas do MTA estão realmente abertas nas configurações de seu roteador.
  3. Tente isso: local objetosItens = {} local pistolaCol = {} local pistola = { {2478.615234375, -1676.2136230469, 13.336660385132}, {2475.51953125, -1698.0883789063, 13.522142410278}, {311.80181884766, 1809.5435791016, 17.640625}, {280.9345703125, 1954.8565673828, 17.640625}, {246.69946289063, 1385.6153564453, 23.37028503418}, {-176.94442749023, 1149.9345703125, 19.598318099976}, {816.51824951172, 856.54290771484, 12.7890625}, {1207.6088867188, 2125.2395019531, 6.734375}, {2323.6633300781, 1283.0540771484, 97.438095092773}, {-1931.8199462891, 656.82000732422, 46.5625}, {2615.3359375, 1816.1739501953, 10.8203125}, {1764.2044677734, 2085.2583007813, 20.972038269043}, {-1381.1610107422, 493.40637207031, 27.694522857666}, {2383.6462402344, 2757.1452636719, 13.105983734131}, {1587.9537353516, 752.60015869141, 10.8203125}, {2820.8581542969, 2271.759765625, 14.661463737488}, {2314.1103515625, -4.8270263671875, 32.53125}, {1272.0865478516, 294.79476928711, 20.656307220459}, {187.23028564453, -90.492126464844, 8.8986940383911}, {-1123.1042480469, -924.32379150391, 129.21875}, {-2337.7961425781, -1617.6987304688, 483.71405029297}, {-2228.8112792969, -1744.6583251953, 480.88488769531}, {-2328.6296386719, 1537.9274902344, 17.328125}, {-1633.8870849609, -2237.8508300781, 31.4765625}, {2494.7124023438, -1689.0024414063, 21.675098419189}, {2244.6433105469, -1324.0946044922, 41.259601593018}, {894.87707519531, -1453.7999267578, 21.178594589233}, {1623.6677246094, -1041.9099121094, 27.201309204102}, {387.02029418945, -2029.3041992188, 22.108934402466}, {-65.270530700684, -1587.7954101563, 2.6171875}, {-656.64978027344, -2184.2194824219, 16.19390296936}, {-429.22280883789, 1405.0031738281, 17.471927642822}, {-2413.8935546875, 802.74127197266, 35.1796875}, {-1357.7237548828, -26.7275390625, 14.1484375} } function zzzz(hitElement) if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player") then if not getElementData(source, "colshapeID") then return end local colID = tonumber(getElementData(source, "colshapeID")) destroyElement(objetosItens[colID]) destroyElement(source) end end do for i=1, #pistola do objetosItens[i] = createObject(1463, pistola[i][1], pistola[i][2], pistola[i][3]-0.93) setObjectScale(objetosItens[i], 3) setElementCollisionsEnabled(objetosItens[i], false) setElementFrozen(objetosItens[i], true) pistolaCol[i] = createColCuboid(pistola[i][1], pistola[i][2], pistola[i][3], 0.1977, 0.4053, 1.0003) attachElements(pistolaCol[i], objetosItens[i], 0, 0, 0) setElementData(pistolaCol[i], "colshapeID", i, false) end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", root, zzzz) end
  4. Try this: dxDrawText ( getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(0,0,0,255), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "bankgothic", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawText ( getPlayerName(player), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,textalpha), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "bankgothic", "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true )
  5. Try this: function start() PANEL2 = guiCreateWindow(201, 186, 394, 172, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(PANEL2, false) guiSetVisible(PANEL2, false) JUGAR = guiCreateButton(32, 45, 150, 90, "Jugar con el mismo personaje", false, PANEL2) guiSetFont(JUGAR, "default-bold-small") REGRESAR = guiCreateButton(211, 45, 150, 90, "Regresar al Menú", false, PANEL2) guiSetFont(REGRESAR, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", JUGAR, jugarrr) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", REGRESAR, regresarrr) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, start) function ondead() if source == localPlayer then setTimer(guiSetVisible, 5000, 1, PANEL2, true) setTimer(showCursor, 5000, 1, true) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, ondead)
  6. Como o script deve funcionar? Pode explicar? Se você move-lo com um comando use addCommandHandler e chame a função para fazer o movimento para fechá-lo. Faça o mesmo para move-lo para abrir, usando uma variável ou criando outra função que irá mover o objeto, chamando ela com addCommandHandler.
  7. Como você pode ter certeza que as portas estão realmente abertas no site de seu roteador? Existe algum método para tirar essa dúvida? Isso seria útil. No caso de seu IP mudar também para, você pode também abrir as mesmas portas para esse IP.
  8. Tente isso: local objetosItens = {} local pistolaCol = {} local pistola = { {2478.615234375, -1676.2136230469, 13.336660385132}, {2475.51953125, -1698.0883789063, 13.522142410278}, {311.80181884766, 1809.5435791016, 17.640625}, {280.9345703125, 1954.8565673828, 17.640625}, {246.69946289063, 1385.6153564453, 23.37028503418}, {-176.94442749023, 1149.9345703125, 19.598318099976}, {816.51824951172, 856.54290771484, 12.7890625}, {1207.6088867188, 2125.2395019531, 6.734375}, {2323.6633300781, 1283.0540771484, 97.438095092773}, {-1931.8199462891, 656.82000732422, 46.5625}, {2615.3359375, 1816.1739501953, 10.8203125}, {1764.2044677734, 2085.2583007813, 20.972038269043}, {-1381.1610107422, 493.40637207031, 27.694522857666}, {2383.6462402344, 2757.1452636719, 13.105983734131}, {1587.9537353516, 752.60015869141, 10.8203125}, {2820.8581542969, 2271.759765625, 14.661463737488}, {2314.1103515625, -4.8270263671875, 32.53125}, {1272.0865478516, 294.79476928711, 20.656307220459}, {187.23028564453, -90.492126464844, 8.8986940383911}, {-1123.1042480469, -924.32379150391, 129.21875}, {-2337.7961425781, -1617.6987304688, 483.71405029297}, {-2228.8112792969, -1744.6583251953, 480.88488769531}, {-2328.6296386719, 1537.9274902344, 17.328125}, {-1633.8870849609, -2237.8508300781, 31.4765625}, {2494.7124023438, -1689.0024414063, 21.675098419189}, {2244.6433105469, -1324.0946044922, 41.259601593018}, {894.87707519531, -1453.7999267578, 21.178594589233}, {1623.6677246094, -1041.9099121094, 27.201309204102}, {387.02029418945, -2029.3041992188, 22.108934402466}, {-65.270530700684, -1587.7954101563, 2.6171875}, {-656.64978027344, -2184.2194824219, 16.19390296936}, {-429.22280883789, 1405.0031738281, 17.471927642822}, {-2413.8935546875, 802.74127197266, 35.1796875}, {-1357.7237548828, -26.7275390625, 14.1484375} } do for i=1, #pistola do objetosItens[i] = createObject(1463, pistola[i][1], pistola[i][2], pistola[i][3]-0.93) setObjectScale(objetosItens[i], 3) setElementCollisionsEnabled(objetosItens[i], false) setElementFrozen(objetosItens[i], true) pistolaCol[i] = createColCuboid(pistola[i][1], pistola[i][2], pistola[i][3], 0.1977, 0.4053, 1.0003) attachElements(pistolaCol[i], objetosItens[i], 0, 0, 0) setElementParent(pistolaCol[i], objetosItens[i]) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", pistolaCol[i], zzzz) end end function zzzz(hitElement) if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player") then for i=1, #pistola do if (getElementParent(source) == objetosItens[i]) then destroyElement(objetosItens[i]) if not i == #pistola then break end end end end end
  9. Certamente porque você usou a função setElementParent. Tente destruindo o elemento pai, o objeto.
  10. O problema deve ser no site do router. Como você obteve seu IP (onde você viu ele)? Não, isso é normal, não vai interromper no funcionamento do server.
  11. Try this: addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) setWeaponProperty(16, "pro", "damage", 1) setWeaponProperty(16, "std", "damage", 1) setWeaponProperty(16, "poor", "damage", 1) end )
  12. local pistola = { {2470.7863769531, -1698.5581054688, 13.516083717346}, {2475.51953125, -1698.0883789063, 13.522142410278}, {311.80181884766, 1809.5435791016, 17.640625}, {280.9345703125, 1954.8565673828, 17.640625}, {246.69946289063, 1385.6153564453, 23.37028503418}, {-176.94442749023, 1149.9345703125, 19.598318099976}, {816.51824951172, 856.54290771484, 12.7890625}, {1207.6088867188, 2125.2395019531, 6.734375}, {2323.6633300781, 1283.0540771484, 97.438095092773}, {-1931.8199462891, 656.82000732422, 46.5625}, {2615.3359375, 1816.1739501953, 10.8203125}, {1764.2044677734, 2085.2583007813, 20.972038269043}, {-1381.1610107422, 493.40637207031, 27.694522857666}, {2383.6462402344, 2757.1452636719, 13.105983734131}, {1587.9537353516, 752.60015869141, 10.8203125}, {2820.8581542969, 2271.759765625, 14.661463737488}, {2314.1103515625, -4.8270263671875, 32.53125}, {1272.0865478516, 294.79476928711, 20.656307220459}, {187.23028564453, -90.492126464844, 8.8986940383911}, {-1123.1042480469, -924.32379150391, 129.21875}, {-2337.7961425781, -1617.6987304688, 483.71405029297}, {-2228.8112792969, -1744.6583251953, 480.88488769531}, {-2328.6296386719, 1537.9274902344, 17.328125}, {-1633.8870849609, -2237.8508300781, 31.4765625}, {2494.7124023438, -1689.0024414063, 21.675098419189}, {2244.6433105469, -1324.0946044922, 41.259601593018}, {894.87707519531, -1453.7999267578, 21.178594589233}, {1623.6677246094, -1041.9099121094, 27.201309204102}, {387.02029418945, -2029.3041992188, 22.108934402466}, {-65.270530700684, -1587.7954101563, 2.6171875}, {-656.64978027344, -2184.2194824219, 16.19390296936}, {-429.22280883789, 1405.0031738281, 17.471927642822}, {-2413.8935546875, 802.74127197266, 35.1796875}, {-1357.7237548828, -26.7275390625, 14.1484375}, } function pickupsByManawydan() for i=1, #pistola do createPickup(unpack(pistola[i]), 2, 22, 80000, 17) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, pickupsByManawydan) O evento "onResourceStart" só será chamado quando este recurso for iniciado, ao contrário de "onClientResourceStart" que é chamado quando o jogador faz o download do client (e quando um recurso é iniciado).
  13. Quando você deixou seu IP em , as portas estavam abertas no Console do server? Desative seu firewal para certificar-se que não seja ele que esteja causando algum problema.
  14. DNL291


    You're welcome.
  15. thePlayer isn't defined. "onZombieWasted" must be a custom event because it doesn't exist.
  16. Você pode postar um print com as portas adicionadas no firewal? Certifique-se que as portas estão abertas corretamente no site do router, além disso, deixe a tag no arquivo mtaserver.conf em branco.
  17. DNL291


    http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringLibraryTutorial "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" Represents a hexadecimal color. getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") It is equivalent to: string.gsub(getPlayerName(thePlayer), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
  18. Adicionou as portas em seu firewal? Lembre-se que a porta 22003 é UDP; 22126 UDP e 22005 TCP.
  19. local pistola = { {214.42886352539, 1866.5386962891, 13.140625}, {234.71018981934, 1935.3835449219, 33.8984375}, {311.80181884766, 1809.5435791016, 17.640625}, {280.9345703125, 1954.8565673828, 17.640625}, {246.69946289063, 1385.6153564453, 23.37028503418}, {-176.94442749023, 1149.9345703125, 19.598318099976}, {816.51824951172, 856.54290771484, 12.7890625}, {1207.6088867188, 2125.2395019531, 6.734375}, {2323.6633300781, 1283.0540771484, 97.438095092773}, {-1931.8199462891, 656.82000732422, 46.5625}, {2615.3359375, 1816.1739501953, 10.8203125}, {1764.2044677734, 2085.2583007813, 20.972038269043}, {-1381.1610107422, 493.40637207031, 27.694522857666}, {2383.6462402344, 2757.1452636719, 13.105983734131}, {1587.9537353516, 752.60015869141, 10.8203125}, {2820.8581542969, 2271.759765625, 14.661463737488}, {2314.1103515625, -4.8270263671875, 32.53125}, {1272.0865478516, 294.79476928711, 20.656307220459}, {187.23028564453, -90.492126464844, 8.8986940383911}, {-1123.1042480469, -924.32379150391, 129.21875}, {-2337.7961425781, -1617.6987304688, 483.71405029297}, {-2228.8112792969, -1744.6583251953, 480.88488769531}, {-2328.6296386719, 1537.9274902344, 17.328125}, {-1633.8870849609, -2237.8508300781, 31.4765625}, {2494.7124023438, -1689.0024414063, 21.675098419189}, {2244.6433105469, -1324.0946044922, 41.259601593018}, {894.87707519531, -1453.7999267578, 21.178594589233}, {1623.6677246094, -1041.9099121094, 27.201309204102}, {387.02029418945, -2029.3041992188, 22.108934402466}, {-65.270530700684, -1587.7954101563, 2.6171875}, {-656.64978027344, -2184.2194824219, 16.19390296936}, {-429.22280883789, 1405.0031738281, 17.471927642822}, {-2413.8935546875, 802.74127197266, 35.1796875}, {-1357.7237548828, -26.7275390625, 14.1484375}, } do for i=1, #pistola do createPickup(unpack(pistola[i]), theType, amount/weapon/model) end end Tire do se você usar o loop em uma função.
  20. If the player are not in a vehicle, getPedOccupiedVehicle will return false. addEvent("GetData",true) addEventHandler("GetData",getRootElement(), function ( Player ) local element = getPlayerFromName(Player) local Nick = getPlayerName(element) local Account = getPlayerAccount(element) if (Account) then local AccountName = getAccountName(Account) else local AccountName = "Not logged in" end local IP = getPlayerIP(element) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(element) local Health = getElementHealth(element) local Armor = getPedArmor(element) local Skin = getElementModel(element) local team = getPlayerTeam(element) if (team) then local teamName = getTeamName(team) else local teamName = "N/A" end local Money = getPlayerMoney(element) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) local Area = getZoneName ( x,y,z ) local Dimenison = getElementDimension(element) local Interior = getElementInterior(element) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(element) if (vehicle) then local VehicleID = getElementModel(vehicle) local VehicleName = getVehicleName(vehicle) local VehicleHealth = getElementHealth(vehicle) else local VehicleID = "N/A" local VehicleName = "N/A" local VehicleHealth = "N/A" end if ( element and Nick and AccountName and IP and Serial and Health and Armor and Skin and teamName and Money and x and y and z and Area and Dimenison and Interior ) then triggerClientEvent(source,"SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",source,Nick,AccountName,IP,Serial,Health,Armor,Skin,teamName,Money,x,y,z,Area,Dimenison,Interior,VehicleID,VehicleName,VehicleHealth) end end ) Try it.
  21. addEvent("GetData",true) addEventHandler("GetData",getRootElement(), function ( Player ) local element = getPlayerFromName(Player) local Nick = getPlayerName(element) local Account = getPlayerAccount(element) local AccountName = getAccountName(Account) or "N/A" local IP = getPlayerIP(element) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(element) local Health = getElementHealth(element) local Armor = getPedArmor(element) local Skin = getElementModel(element) local team = getPlayerTeam(element) local teamName = getTeamName(team) or "N/A" local Money = getPlayerMoney(element) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) local Area = getZoneName ( x,y,z ) local Dimenison = getElementDimension(element) local Interior = getElementInterior(element) local VehicleID = getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) or "N/A" local VehicleName = getVehicleName(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) or "N/A" local VehicleHealth = getElementHealth(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) or "N/A" if ( element and Nick and AccountName and IP and Serial and Health and Armor and Skin and teamName and Money and x and y and z and Area and Dimenison and Interior ) then triggerClientEvent(source,"SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",source,Nick,AccountName,IP,Serial,Health,Armor,Skin,teamName,Money,x,y,z,Area,Dimenison,Interior,VehicleID,VehicleName,VehicleHealth) end end )
  22. Try this: addEvent("GetData",true) addEventHandler("GetData",getRootElement(), function ( Player ) local element = getPlayerFromName(Player) local Nick = getPlayerName(element) local Account = getPlayerAccount(element) if Account then local AccountName = getAccountName(Account) or "N/A" local IP = getPlayerIP(element) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(element) local Health = getElementHealth(element) local Armor = getPedArmor(element) local Skin = getElementModel(element) local team = getPlayerTeam(element) if team then local teamName = getTeamName(team) or "N/A" local Money = getPlayerMoney(element) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) local Area = getZoneName ( x,y,z ) local Dimenison = getElementDimension(element) local Interior = getElementInterior(element) if isPedInVehicle(element) then local VehicleID = getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) local VehicleName = getVehicleName(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) local VehicleHealth = getElementHealth(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) end if ( element and Nick and AccountName and IP and Serial and Health and Armor and Skin and teamName and Money and x and y and z and Area and Dimenison and Interior ) then triggerClientEvent(source,"SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",source,Nick,AccountName,IP,Serial,Health,Armor,Skin,teamName,Money,x,y,z,Area,Dimenison,Interior,VehicleID,VehicleName,VehicleHealth) end end end end )
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