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Everything posted by DNL291

  1. @#RooTs Pode dizer de onde foi "roubado"? Pelo que vi no site o próprio autor foi o postador, se tiver as evidências por favor mostre-as.
  2. A ideia está certa, mas esse -= e += não sei de onde você tirou ? valorAtual será usado para indexar a tabela na referência da sub-tabela, e essa já parece ser sua ideia. Faça assim: No escopo do pressedLeft subtrai e verifica se é == 0, se for seta o comprimento total da tabela que você pode obter com o operador # (#table). Em pressedRight adiciona +1 e verifica se é maior que o tamanho da tabela, se for seta pra 1.
  3. Você pode fazer ele entrar da mesma forma que o policial com setControlState "enter_exit". Se você quis dizer teleportar mesmo, só que depois que o policial entrar na viatura, use onVehicleEnter verificando se foi o policial + warpPedIntoVehicle.
  4. Evento para binds não existe, mas você pode usar alguns métodos para isso, que eu não sei qual é o melhor porque nunca fiz, mas tente usar addCommandHandler/onPlayerCommand. Ou fazer uma whitelist de certos comandos permitidos a uma tecla
  5. addCommandHandler isPlayerInACL -- função útil: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsPlayerInACL createVehicle getPlayerFromName getElementPosition
  6. @GaviHawk Perguntas relacionadas a scripting deve ser no sub-fórum Programação em Lua, lembre-se que cada seção tem o conteúdo que faz parte dela afim de manter tudo organizado. Tópico movido.
  7. Top list só é vendida pelo MTA veja o tópico relacionado: Se alguma pessoa, serviço de hospedagem ou terceiro tiver fazendo vendas NÃO compre, faça uma denúncia. Eles provavelmente estão querendo tirar um dinheiro a mais com isso. Sobre a resposta ao membro @Vitor Hugo, foi meio tarde, não acham? Ele está inativo desde o dia que criou o tópico.
  8. Use o sub-fórum Programação em Lua para ajudas com script @Peladin Quando à pergunta, você vai precisar do evento onClientVehicleDamage e cancelEvent. Veja os exemplos da página para entender melhor as sintaxes.
  9. addCommandHandler("dc", function( thePlayer ) outputChatBox( "texto", thePlayer ) end)
  10. Não precisa dessas condições ;p. Simplificando: local sFormat = string.format function renderTime () local time = getRealTime() local minutes = time.minute local seconds = time.second local hours = (time.hour == 0) and 12 or time.hour % 12 local ampm = (time.hour > 12) and " pm" or " am" local theTime = sFormat( "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds ) dxDrawText ( theTime..ampm, left, top, right, bottom ) -- HH:MM:SS am end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, renderTime)
  11. local commands = {} local customSpawnTable = false local allowedStyles = { [4] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [15] = true, [16] = true, } local internallyBannedWeapons = { [19] = true, [20] = true, [21] = true, } local server = setmetatable( {}, { __index = function(t, k) t[k] = function(...) triggerServerEvent('onServerCall', resourceRoot, k, ...) end return t[k] end } ) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") setCameraClip(true, false) local antiCommandSpam = {} local playerGravity = getGravity() local knifeRestrictionsOn = false local g_settings = {} local _addCommandHandler = addCommandHandler local _setElementPosition = setElementPosition function freeroamSettings(settings) if settings then g_settings = settings for _,gui in ipairs(disableBySetting) do guiSetEnabled(getControl(gui.parent,gui.id),g_settings["gui/"..gui.id]) end for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do updateName(player,getPlayerName(player)) end end end local global_cooldown = 0 function isFunctionOnCD(func, exception) local tick = getTickCount() if g_settings.command_spam_protection and global_cooldown ~= 0 then if tick - global_cooldown <= g_settings.command_spam_ban_duration then local duration = math.ceil((g_settings.command_spam_ban_duration-tick+global_cooldown)/1000) errMsg("You are banned from using commands for " .. duration .." seconds due to continuous spam") return true end end if not g_settings.command_spam_protection then return false end if not antiCommandSpam[func] then antiCommandSpam[func] = {time = tick, tries = 1} return false end local oldTime = antiCommandSpam[func].time if (tick-oldTime) > 2000 then antiCommandSpam[func].time = tick antiCommandSpam[func].tries = 1 return false end antiCommandSpam[func].tries = antiCommandSpam[func].tries + 1 if exception and (antiCommandSpam[func].tries < g_settings.g_settings.tries_required_to_trigger_low_priority) then return false end if (exception == nil) and (antiCommandSpam[func].tries < g_settings.tries_required_to_trigger) then return false end global_cooldown = tick antiCommandSpam[func].tries = 0 errMsg("Failed, do not spam the commands!") return true end local function executeCommand(cmd,...) local func = commands[cmd] cmd = string.lower(cmd) if not commands[cmd] then return end if table.find(g_settings["command_exception_commands"],cmd) then func(cmd,...) return end if isFunctionOnCD(func) then return end func(cmd,...) end local function addCommandHandler(cmd,func) commands[cmd] = func _addCommandHandler(cmd,executeCommand,false) end local function cancelKnifeEvent(target) if knifingDisabled then cancelEvent() errMsg("Knife restrictions are in place") end if g_PlayerData[localPlayer].knifing or g_PlayerData[target].knifing then cancelEvent() end end local function resetKnifing() knifeRestrictionsOn = false end local function setElementPosition(element,x,y,z) if g_settings["weapons/kniferestrictions"] and not knifeRestrictionsOn then knifeRestrictionsOn = true setTimer(resetKnifing,5000,1) end _setElementPosition(element,x,y,z) end function skinInit() setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', getElementModel(localPlayer)) end function showSkinID(leaf) if leaf.id then setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', leaf.id) end end function applySkin() local skinID = getControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid') if skinID then server.setMySkin(skinID) fadeCamera(true) end end wndSkin = { 'wnd', text = 'Painel de Skin', width = 280, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='skinlist', width=255, height=290, columns={ {text='Skin', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/skins.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemclick=showSkinID, onitemdoubleclick=applySkin, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'txt', id='skinid', text='', width=0}, {'btn', id='set', text='Setar', onclick=applySkin, ClickSpamProtected = true}, {'btn', id='enableModel', text='Ativar', onclick=applySkin, ClickSpamProtected = true}, {'btn', id='disableModel', text='Desativar', onclick=applySkin, ClickSpamProtected = true}, {'btn', id='close', text='Fechar', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = skinInit } function setSkinCommand(cmd, skin) skin = skin and tonumber(skin) if skin then server.setMySkin(skin) fadeCamera(true) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) closeWindow(wndSetPos) end end function applyAnimation(leaf) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndAnim, 'animlist') if not leaf then return end end server.setPedAnimation(localPlayer, leaf.parent.name, leaf.name, true, true) end function stopAnimation() server.setPedAnimation(localPlayer, false) end wndAnim = { 'wnd', text = 'Painel de Animação', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='animlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='Animation', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/animations.xml', attrs={'name'}}, expandlastlevel=false, onitemdoubleclick=applyAnimation, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'btn', id='set', text='Animar', onclick=applyAnimation, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='stop', text='Parar', onclick=stopAnimation}, {'btn', id='close', text='Fechar', closeswindow=true} } } function addWeapon(leaf, amount) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeapon, 'weaplist') amount = getControlNumber(wndWeapon, 'amount') if not amount or not leaf or not leaf.id then return end end if amount < 1 then errMsg("Invalid amount") return end server.giveMeWeapon(leaf.id, amount) end wndWeapon = { 'wnd', text = 'Painel de Armas', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weaplist', width=230, height=280, columns={ {text='Weapon', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/weapons.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=function(leaf) addWeapon(leaf, 500) end, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true }, {'br'}, {'txt', id='amount', text='500', width=60}, {'btn', id='add', text='Adicionar', onclick=addWeapon, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='close', text='Fechar', closeswindow=true} } } function giveWeaponCommand(cmd, weapon, amount) weapon = tonumber(weapon) and math.floor(tonumber(weapon)) or weapon and getWeaponIDFromName(weapon) or 0 amount = amount and math.floor(tonumber(amount)) or 500 if amount < 1 or weapon < 1 or weapon > 46 then return end if internallyBannedWeapons[weapon] then return end server.giveMeWeapon(weapon, amount) end addCommandHandler('setstyle', function(cmd, style) style = style and tonumber(style) or 7 if allowedStyles[style] then server.setPedFightingStyle(localPlayer, style) end end ) function clothesInit() if getElementModel(localPlayer) ~= 0 then errMsg('Só aplica para personagem CJ') closeWindow(wndClothes) return end if not g_Clothes then triggerServerEvent('onClothesInit', resourceRoot) end end addEvent('onClientClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientClothesInit', resourceRoot, function(clothes) g_Clothes = clothes.allClothes for i,typeGroup in ipairs(g_Clothes) do for j,cloth in ipairs(typeGroup.children) do if not cloth.name then cloth.name = cloth.model .. ' - ' .. cloth.texture end cloth.wearing = clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type] and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].texture == cloth.texture and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].model == cloth.model or false end table.sort(typeGroup.children, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) end bindGridListToTable(wndClothes, 'clothes', g_Clothes, false) end ) function clothListClick(cloth) setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', cloth.wearing and 'remove' or 'add') end function applyClothes(cloth) if not cloth then cloth = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndClothes, 'clothes') if not cloth then return end end if cloth.wearing then cloth.wearing = false setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'add') server.removePedClothes(localPlayer, cloth.parent.type) else local prevClothIndex = table.find(cloth.siblings, 'wearing', true) if prevClothIndex then cloth.siblings[prevClothIndex].wearing = false end cloth.wearing = true setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addPedClothes(localPlayer, cloth.texture, cloth.model, cloth.parent.type) end end wndClothes = { 'wnd', text = 'Painel de Roupas', x = -20, y = 0.3, width = 350, controls = { { 'lst', id='clothes', width=330, height=390, columns={ {text='Clothes', attr='name', width=0.6}, {text='Wearing', attr='wearing', enablemodify=true, width=0.3} }, rows={ {name='Retrieving clothes list...'} }, onitemclick=clothListClick, onitemdoubleclick=applyClothes, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'br'}, {'btn', text='add', text='Adicionar', id='addremove', width=60, onclick=applyClothes, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='close', text='Fechar', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = clothesInit } function addClothesCommand(cmd, type, model, texture) type = type and tonumber(type) if type and model and texture then server.addPedClothes(localPlayer, texture, model, type) end end function removeClothesCommand(cmd, type) type = type and tonumber(type) if type then server.removePedClothes(localPlayer, type) end end addCommandHandler('removeclothes', removeClothesCommand) addCommandHandler('rc', removeClothesCommand) function playerGravInit() triggerServerEvent('onPlayerGravInit',localPlayer) end addEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerGravInit', resourceRoot, function(curgravity) setControlText(wndGravity, 'gravval', string.sub(tostring(curgravity), 1, 6)) end ) function selectPlayerGrav(leaf) setControlNumber(wndGravity, 'gravval', leaf.value) end function applyPlayerGrav() local grav = getControlNumber(wndGravity, 'gravval') if grav then playerGravity = grav server.setPedGravity(localPlayer, grav) end closeWindow(wndGravity) end function setGravityCommand(cmd, grav) local grav = grav and tonumber(grav) if grav then playerGravity = grav server.setPedGravity(localPlayer, tonumber(grav)) end end wndGravity = { 'wnd', text = 'Set gravity', width = 300, controls = { { 'lst', id='gravlist', width=280, height=200, columns={ {text='Gravity', attr='name'} }, rows={ {name='Space', value=0}, {name='Moon', value=0.001}, {name='Normal', value=0.008}, {name='Strong', value=0.015} }, onitemclick=selectPlayerGrav, onitemdoubleclick=applyPlayerGrav, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'lbl', text='Exact value: '}, {'txt', id='gravval', text='', width=80}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyPlayerGrav,ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = playerGravInit } local function warpMe(targetPlayer) if not g_settings["warp"] then errMsg("Warping is disallowed!") return end if targetPlayer == localPlayer then errMsg("You can't warp to yourself!") return end if g_PlayerData[targetPlayer].warping then errMsg("This player has disabled warping to them!") return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) local interior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer) if not vehicle then local vec = targetPlayer.position + targetPlayer.matrix.right*2 local x, y, z = vec.x,vec.y,vec.z if localPlayer.interior ~= interior then fadeCamera(false,1) setTimer(setPlayerInterior,1000,1,x,y,z,interior) else setPlayerPosition(x,y,z) end else server.warpMeIntoVehicle(vehicle) end end function warpInit() setControlText(wndWarp, 'search', '') warpUpdate() end function warpTo(leaf) if not leaf then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWarp, 'playerlist') if not leaf then return end end if isElement(leaf.player) then warpMe(leaf.player) end closeWindow(wndWarp) end function warpUpdate() local function getPlayersByPartName(text) if not text or text == '' then return getElementsByType("player") else local players = {} for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):upper(), text:upper(), 1, true) then table.insert(players, player) end end return players end end local text = getControlText(wndWarp, 'search') local players = table.map(getPlayersByPartName(text), function(p) return { player = p, name = getPlayerName(p) } end) table.sort(players, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) bindGridListToTable(wndWarp, 'playerlist', players, true) end wndWarp = { 'wnd', text = 'Warp to player', width = 300, controls = { {'txt', id='search', text='', width = 280, onchanged=warpUpdate}, { 'lst', id='playerlist', width=280, height=330, columns={ {text='Player', attr='name'} }, onitemdoubleclick=warpTo, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'btn', id='warp', onclick=warpTo, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = warpInit } function warpToCommand(cmd, player) if player then player = getPlayerFromName(player) if player then warpMe(player) end else createWindow(wndWarp) showCursor(true) end end function initStats() applyToLeaves(getGridListCache(wndStats, 'statslist'), function(leaf) leaf.value = getPedStat(localPlayer, leaf.id) end) end function selectStat(leaf) setControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval', leaf.value) end function maxStat(leaf) setControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval', 1000) applyStat() end function applyStat() local leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndStats, 'statslist') if not leaf then return end local value = getControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval') if not value then return end leaf.value = value server.setPedStat(localPlayer, leaf.id, value) end wndStats = { 'wnd', text = 'Stats', width = 300, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='statslist', width=280, columns={ {text='Stat', attr='name', width=0.6}, {text='Value', attr='value', width=0.3, enablemodify=true} }, rows={xml='xml/stats.xml', attrs={'name', 'id'}}, onitemclick=selectStat, onitemdoubleclick=maxStat, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true }, {'txt', id='statval', text='', width=60}, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applyStat, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = initStats } local bookmarkList local bookmarks function initBookmarks () bookmarkList = wndBookmarks.controls[1].element if bookmarks then return end loadBookmarks () addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick",bookmarkList,gotoBookmark) end function loadBookmarks () bookmarks = {} local xml = xmlLoadFile("xml/bookmarks.xml") if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("xml/bookmarks.xml","catalog") end guiGridListClear(bookmarkList) for i,child in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xml) or {}) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(bookmarkList) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1,tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"name")),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2,tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"zone")),false,false) bookmarks[row+1] = {tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"x")),tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"y")),tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"z"))} end xmlUnloadFile(xml) end function saveBookmarks () if fileExists("xml/bookmarks.xml") then fileDelete("xml/bookmarks.xml") end local xml = xmlCreateFile("xml/bookmarks.xml","catalog") for row=0,(guiGridListGetRowCount(bookmarkList)-1) do local child = xmlCreateChild(xml,"bookmark") xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"name",guiGridListGetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1)) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"zone",guiGridListGetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2)) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"x",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][1])) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"y",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][2])) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"z",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][3])) end xmlSaveFile(xml) xmlUnloadFile(xml) end function saveLocation () local name = getControlText(wndBookmarks,"bookmarkname") if name ~= "" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local zone = getZoneName(x,y,z,false) if x and y and z then local row = guiGridListAddRow(bookmarkList) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1,name,false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2,zone,false,false) bookmarks[row+1] = {x,y,z} setControlText(wndBookmarks,"bookmarkname","") saveBookmarks() end else errMsg("Please enter a name for the bookmark") end end function deleteLocation () local row,column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(bookmarkList) if row and row ~= -1 then table.remove(bookmarks,row+1) guiGridListRemoveRow(bookmarkList,row) saveBookmarks() end end function gotoBookmark () local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(bookmarkList) if row and row ~= -1 then setPlayerPosition(unpack(bookmarks[row+1])) end end wndBookmarks = { 'wnd', text = 'Bookmarks', width = 400, x = -300, y = 0.2, controls = { { 'lst', id='bookmarklist', width=400, columns={ {text='Name', attr='name', width=0.3}, {text='Zone', attr='zone', width=0.6} } }, {'txt', id='bookmarkname', text='', width=225}, {'btn', id='save current location', onclick=saveLocation, width=150}, {'btn', id='delete selected location', onclick=deleteLocation, width=225}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true, width=150} }, oncreate = initBookmarks } do local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_MapSide = (screenHeight * 0.85) end function setPosInit() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) setControlNumbers(wndSetPos, { x = x, y = y, z = z }) addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, updatePlayerBlips) end function fillInPosition(relX, relY, btn) if (btn == 'right') then closeWindow (wndSetPos) return end local x = relX*6000 - 3000 local y = 3000 - relY*6000 local hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) setControlNumbers(wndSetPos, { x = x, y = y, z = hitZ or 0 }) end function setPosClick() if setPlayerPosition(getControlNumbers(wndSetPos, {'x', 'y', 'z'})) ~= false then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 0 then local vehicle = localPlayer.vehicle if vehicle and vehicle.interior ~= 0 then server.setElementInterior(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0) local occupants = vehicle.occupants for seat,occupant in pairs(occupants) do if occupant.interior ~= 0 then server.setElementInterior(occupant,0) end end end if localPlayer.interior ~= 0 then server.setElementInterior(localPlayer,0) end end closeWindow(wndSetPos) end end local function forceFade() fadeCamera(false,0) end local function calmVehicle(veh) if not isElement(veh) then return end local z = veh.rotation.z veh.velocity = Vector3(0,0,0) veh.turnVelocity = Vector3(0,0,0) veh.rotation = Vector3(0,0,z) if not (localPlayer.inVehicle and localPlayer.vehicle) then server.warpMeIntoVehicle(veh) end end local function retryTeleport(elem,x,y,z,isVehicle,distanceToGround) local hit, groundX, groundY, groundZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) if hit then local waterZ = getWaterLevel(x, y, 100) z = (waterZ and math.max(groundZ, waterZ) or groundZ) + distanceToGround setElementPosition(elem,x, y, z + distanceToGround) setCameraPlayerMode() setGravity(grav) if isVehicle then server.fadeVehiclePassengersCamera(true) setTimer(calmVehicle,100,1,elem) else fadeCamera(true) end killTimer(g_TeleportTimer) g_TeleportTimer = nil grav = nil end end function setPlayerPosition(x, y, z, skipDeadCheck) local elem = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local isVehicle if elem and getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then local controller = getVehicleController(elem) if controller and controller ~= localPlayer then errMsg('Only the driver of the vehicle can set its position.') return false end isVehicle = true else elem = localPlayer isVehicle = false end if isPedDead(localPlayer) and not skipDeadCheck then customSpawnTable = {x,y,z} fadeCamera(false,0) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,forceFade) outputChatBox("You will be respawned to your specified location",0,255,0) return end local distanceToGround = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(elem) local hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) if not hit then if isVehicle then server.fadeVehiclePassengersCamera(false) else fadeCamera(false) end if isTimer(g_TeleportMatrixTimer) then killTimer(g_TeleportMatrixTimer) end g_TeleportMatrixTimer = setTimer(setCameraMatrix, 1000, 1, x, y, z) if not grav then grav = playerGravity setGravity(0.001) end if isTimer(g_TeleportTimer) then killTimer(g_TeleportTimer) end g_TeleportTimer = setTimer(retryTeleport,50,0,elem,x,y,z,isVehicle,distanceToGround) else setElementPosition(elem,x, y, z + distanceToGround) if isVehicle then setTimer(calmVehicle,100,1,elem) end end end local blipPlayers = {} local function destroyBlip() blipPlayers[source] = nil end local function warpToBlip() local wnd = isWindowOpen(wndSpawnMap) and wndSpawnMap or wndSetPos local elem = blipPlayers[source] if isElement(elem) then warpMe(elem) closeWindow(wnd) end end function updatePlayerBlips() if not g_PlayerData then return end local wnd = isWindowOpen(wndSpawnMap) and wndSpawnMap or wndSetPos local mapControl = getControl(wnd, 'map') for elem,player in pairs(g_PlayerData) do if not player.gui.mapBlip then player.gui.mapBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 9, 9, elem == localPlayer and 'localplayerblip.png' or 'playerblip.png', false, mapControl) player.gui.mapLabelShadow = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 100, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 255, 255, 255) player.gui.mapLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, labelWidth, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabel, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0) for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow'}) do blipPlayers[player.gui[name]] = elem addEventHandler('onClientGUIDoubleClick', player.gui[name],warpToBlip,false) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", player.gui[name],destroyBlip) end end local x, y = getElementPosition(elem) local visible = (localPlayer.interior == elem.interior and localPlayer.dimension == elem.dimension) x = math.floor((x + 3000) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 y = math.floor((3000 - y) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapBlip, x, y, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, x + 14, y - 4, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabel, x + 13, y - 5, false) guiSetVisible(player.gui.mapBlip,visible) guiSetVisible(player.gui.mapLabelShadow,visible) guiSetVisible(player.gui.mapLabel,visible) end end function updateName(oldNick, newNick) if (not g_PlayerData) then return end local source = getElementType(source) == "player" and source or oldNick local player = g_PlayerData[source] player.name = newNick if player.gui.mapLabel then guiSetText(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, newNick) guiSetText(player.gui.mapLabel, newNick) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabel, labelWidth, 14, false) end end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerChangeNick', root,updateName) function closePositionWindow() removeEventHandler('onClientRender', root, updatePlayerBlips) end wndSetPos = { 'wnd', text = 'Set position', width = g_MapSide + 20, controls = { {'img', id='map', src='map.png', width=g_MapSide, height=g_MapSide, onclick=fillInPosition, ondoubleclick=setPosClick, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true}, {'txt', id='x', text='', width=60}, {'txt', id='y', text='', width=60}, {'txt', id='z', text='', width=60}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=setPosClick, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true}, {'lbl', text='Right click on map to close'} }, oncreate = setPosInit, onclose = closePositionWindow } function getPosCommand(cmd, playerName) local player, sentenceStart if playerName then player = getPlayerFromName(playerName) if not player then errMsg('There is no player named "' .. playerName .. '".') return end playerName = getPlayerName(player) -- make sure case is correct sentenceStart = playerName .. ' is ' else player = localPlayer sentenceStart = 'You are ' end local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'in a ' .. getVehicleName(vehicle), 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'on foot', 0, 255, 0) end outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'at {' .. string.format("%.5f", px) .. ', ' .. string.format("%.5f", py) .. ', ' .. string.format("%.5f", pz) .. '}', 0, 255, 0) end addCommandHandler('getpos', getPosCommand) addCommandHandler('gp', getPosCommand) function setPosCommand(cmd, x, y, z, r) local x, y, z, r = string.gsub(x or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(y or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(z or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(r or "", ",", " ") if (x and y == "" and not tonumber(x)) then x, y, z, r = unpack(split(x, " ")) end local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local pr = getPedRotation(localPlayer) local message = "" message = message .. (tonumber(x) and "" or "X ") message = message .. (tonumber(y) and "" or "Y ") message = message .. (tonumber(z) and "" or "Z ") if (message ~= "") then outputChatBox(message.."arguments were not provided. Using your current "..message.."values instead.", 255, 255, 0) end setPlayerPosition(tonumber(x) or px, tonumber(y) or py, tonumber(z) or pz) if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer)) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (vehicle and isElement(vehicle) and getVehicleController(vehicle) == localPlayer) then setElementRotation(vehicle, 0, 0, tonumber(r) or pr) end else setPedRotation(localPlayer, tonumber(r) or pr) end end function warpMapInit() addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, updatePlayerBlips) end function spawnMapDoubleClick(relX, relY) setPlayerPosition(relX*6000 - 3000, 3000 - relY*6000, 0) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) end function closeSpawnMap() showCursor(false) removeEventHandler('onClientRender', root, updatePlayerBlips) for elem,data in pairs(g_PlayerData) do for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow', 'mapLabel'}) do if data.gui[name] then destroyElement(data.gui[name]) data.gui[name] = nil end end end end wndSpawnMap = { 'wnd', text = 'Select spawn position', width = g_MapSide + 20, controls = { {'img', id='map', src='map.png', width=g_MapSide, height=g_MapSide, ondoubleclick=spawnMapDoubleClick}, {'lbl', text='Welcome to freeroam. Double click a location on the map to spawn.', width=g_MapSide-60, align='center'}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = warpMapInit, onclose = closeSpawnMap } local function setPositionAfterInterior(x,y,z) setPlayerPosition(x,y,z) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) fadeCamera(true) end function setPlayerInterior(x,y,z,i) setCameraMatrix(x,y,z) setCameraInterior(i) server.setElementInterior(localPlayer, i) setTimer(setPositionAfterInterior,1000,1,x,y,z) end function setInterior(leaf) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and getVehicleController (vehicle) ~= localPlayer then errMsg("* Only the driver may set interior/dimension") return end if vehicle then server.setElementInterior(vehicle, leaf.world) for i=0,getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) do local player = getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) if player and player ~= localPlayer then server.setElementInterior(player, leaf.world) server.setCameraInterior(player, leaf.world) end end end fadeCamera(false) setTimer(setPlayerInterior,1000,1,leaf.posX, leaf.posY, leaf.posZ, leaf.world) closeWindow(wndSetInterior) end wndSetInterior = { 'wnd', text = 'Set interior', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='interiors', width=230, height=300, columns={ {text='Interior', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/interiors.xml', attrs={'name', 'posX', 'posY', 'posZ', 'world'}}, onitemdoubleclick=setInterior, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } function toggleFallOffBike() setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(localPlayer, guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'))) end function createSelectedVehicle(leaf) if not leaf then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndCreateVehicle, 'vehicles') if not leaf then return end end server.giveMeVehicles(leaf.id) end wndCreateVehicle = { 'wnd', text = 'Painel de Veículos', width = 300, controls = { { 'lst', id='vehicles', width=280, height=340, columns={ {text='Vehicle', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/vehicles.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=createSelectedVehicle, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true, }, {'btn', id='create', text='Criar', onclick=createSelectedVehicle, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='enableModel', text='Ativar', onclick=createSelectedVehicle, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='disableModel', text='Desativar', onclick=createSelectedVehicle, ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='close', text='Fechar', closeswindow=true} } } function createVehicleCommand(cmd, ...) local args = {...} vehID = getVehicleModelFromName(table.concat(args," ")) or tonumber(args[1]) and math.floor(tonumber(args[1])) or false if vehID and vehID >= 400 and vehID <= 611 then server.giveMeVehicles(vehID) else errMsg("Invalid vehicle model") end end local lastRepairTime function repairVehicle() if (getTickCount() - (lastRepairTime or 0)) > 5000 then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then server.fixVehicle(vehicle) lastRepairTime = getTickCount() end else outputChatBox( "#FF0000Aguarde 5 segundos pra reparar o veiculo", 255,255,255, true ) end end function flipVehicle() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then local rX, rY, rZ = getElementRotation(vehicle) setElementRotation(vehicle, 0, 0, (rX > 90 and rX < 270) and (rZ + 180) or rZ) end end function upgradesInit() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then errMsg('Please enter a vehicle to change the upgrades of.') closeWindow(wndUpgrades) return end local installedUpgrades = getVehicleUpgrades(vehicle) local compatibleUpgrades = {} local slotName, group for i,upgrade in ipairs(getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(vehicle)) do slotName = getVehicleUpgradeSlotName(upgrade) group = table.find(compatibleUpgrades, 'name', slotName) if not group then group = { 'group', name = slotName, children = {} } table.insert(compatibleUpgrades, group) else group = compatibleUpgrades[group] end table.insert(group.children, { id = upgrade, installed = table.find(installedUpgrades, upgrade) ~= false }) end table.sort(compatibleUpgrades, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) bindGridListToTable(wndUpgrades, 'upgradelist', compatibleUpgrades, true) end function selectUpgrade(leaf) setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', leaf.installed and 'remove' or 'add') end function addRemoveUpgrade(selUpgrade) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then return end if not selUpgrade then selUpgrade = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndUpgrades, 'upgradelist') if not selUpgrade then return end end if selUpgrade.installed then selUpgrade.installed = false setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', 'add') server.removeVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, selUpgrade.id) else local prevUpgradeIndex = table.find(selUpgrade.siblings, 'installed', true) if prevUpgradeIndex then selUpgrade.siblings[prevUpgradeIndex].installed = false end selUpgrade.installed = true setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, selUpgrade.id) end end wndUpgrades = { 'wnd', text = 'Vehicle upgrades', width = 300, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='upgradelist', width=280, height=340, columns={ {text='Upgrade', attr='id', width=0.6}, {text='Installed', attr='installed', width=0.3, enablemodify=true} }, onitemclick=selectUpgrade, onitemdoubleclick=addRemoveUpgrade, DoubleClickSpamProtected=true }, {'btn', id='addremove', text='add', width=60, onclick=addRemoveUpgrade,ClickSpamProtected=true}, {'btn', id='ok', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = upgradesInit } function addUpgradeCommand(cmd, upgrade) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and upgrade then server.addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, tonumber(upgrade) or 0) end end addCommandHandler('addupgrade', addUpgradeCommand) addCommandHandler('au', addUpgradeCommand) function removeUpgradeCommand(cmd, upgrade) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and upgrade then server.removeVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, tonumber(upgrade) or 0) end end function forceLightsOn() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then return end if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson')) then server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 2) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff'), false) else server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 0) end end function forceLightsOff() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then return end if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff')) then server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson'), false) else server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 0) end end function setColorCommand(cmd, ...) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then return end local colors = { getVehicleColor(vehicle) } local args = { ... } for i=1,12 do colors[i] = args[i] and tonumber(args[i]) or colors[i] end server.setVehicleColor(vehicle, unpack(colors)) end function openColorPicker() editingVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (editingVehicle) then colorPicker.openSelect(colors) end end function closedColorPicker() local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 = getVehicleColor(editingVehicle, true) server.setVehicleColor(editingVehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4) local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle) server.setVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle, r, g, b) editingVehicle = nil end function updateColor() if (not colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then return end local r, g, b = colorPicker.updateTempColors() if (editingVehicle and isElement(editingVehicle)) then local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4 = getVehicleColor(editingVehicle, true) if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then r1, g1, b1 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then r2, g2, b2 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then r3, g3, b3 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor4)) then r4, g4, b4 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor5)) then setVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle, r, g, b) end setVehicleColor(editingVehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, r3, g3, b3, r4, g4, b4) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor) function paintjobInit() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then errMsg('You need to be in a car to change its paintjob.') closeWindow(wndPaintjob) return end local paint = getVehiclePaintjob(vehicle) if paint then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(getControl(wndPaintjob, 'paintjoblist'), paint+1, 1) end end function applyPaintjob(paint) server.setVehiclePaintjob(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), paint.id) end wndPaintjob = { 'wnd', text = 'Car paintjob', width = 220, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='paintjoblist', width=200, height=130, columns={ {text='Paintjob ID', attr='id'} }, rows={ {id=0}, {id=1}, {id=2}, {id=3} }, onitemclick=applyPaintjob, ClickSpamProtected=true, ondoubleclick=function() closeWindow(wndPaintjob) end }, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true}, }, oncreate = paintjobInit } function setPaintjobCommand(cmd, paint) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) paint = paint and tonumber(paint) if not paint or not vehicle then return end server.setVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, paint) end function timeInit() local hours, minutes = getTime() setControlNumbers(wndTime, { hours = hours, minutes = minutes }) end function selectTime(leaf) setControlNumbers(wndTime, { hours = leaf.h, minutes = leaf.m }) end function applyTime() local hours, minutes = getControlNumbers(wndTime, { 'hours', 'minutes' }) setTime(hours, minutes) closeWindow(wndTime) end wndTime = { 'wnd', text = 'Set time', width = 220, controls = { { 'lst', id='timelist', width=200, height=150, columns={ {text='Time', attr='name'} }, rows={ {name='Midnight', h=0, m=0}, {name='Dawn', h=5, m=0}, {name='Morning', h=9, m=0}, {name='Noon', h=12, m=0}, {name='Afternoon', h=15, m=0}, {name='Evening', h=20, m=0}, {name='Night', h=22, m=0} }, onitemclick=selectTime, ondoubleclick=applyTime }, {'txt', id='hours', text='', width=40}, {'lbl', text=':'}, {'txt', id='minutes', text='', width=40}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyTime}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = timeInit } function setTimeCommand(cmd, hours, minutes) if not hours then return end local curHours, curMinutes = getTime() hours = tonumber(hours) or curHours minutes = minutes and tonumber(minutes) or curMinutes setTime(hours, minutes) end addCommandHandler('settime', setTimeCommand) addCommandHandler('st', setTimeCommand) function toggleFreezeTime() local state = guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime')) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime'), not state) setTimeFrozen(state) end function setTimeFrozen(state, h, m, w) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime'), state) if state then if not g_TimeFreezeTimer then g_TimeFreezeTimer = setTimer(function() setTime(h, m) setWeather(w) end, 5000, 0) setMinuteDuration(9001) end else if g_TimeFreezeTimer then killTimer(g_TimeFreezeTimer) g_TimeFreezeTimer = nil end setMinuteDuration(1000) end end function applyWeather(leaf) if not leaf then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeather, 'weatherlist') if not leaf then return end end setWeather(leaf.id) closeWindow(wndWeather) end wndWeather = { 'wnd', text = 'Set weather', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weatherlist', width=230, height=290, columns = { {text='Weather type', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='xml/weather.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=applyWeather }, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyWeather}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} } } function setWeatherCommand(cmd, weather) weather = weather and tonumber(weather) if weather then setWeather(weather) end end function setMyGameSpeed(speed) speed = speed and tonumber(speed) or 1 if g_settings["gamespeed/enabled"] then if speed > g_settings["gamespeed/max"] then errMsg(('Maximum allowed gamespeed is %.5f'):format(g_settings['gamespeed/max'])) elseif speed < g_settings["gamespeed/min"] then errMsg(('Minimum allowed gamespeed is %.5f'):format(g_settings['gamespeed/min'])) else setGameSpeed(speed) end else errMsg("Setting game speed is disallowed!") end end function gameSpeedInit() setControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed', getGameSpeed()) end function selectGameSpeed(leaf) setControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed', leaf.id) end function applyGameSpeed() speed = getControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed') if speed then setMyGameSpeed(speed) end closeWindow(wndGameSpeed) end wndGameSpeed = { 'wnd', text = 'Set game speed', width = 220, controls = { { 'lst', id='speedlist', width=200, height=150, columns={ {text='Speed', attr='name'} }, rows={ {id=3, name='3x'}, {id=2, name='2x'}, {id=1, name='1x'}, {id=0.5, name='0.5x'} }, onitemclick=selectGameSpeed, ondoubleclick=applyGameSpeed }, {'txt', id='speed', text='', width=40}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyGameSpeed}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = gameSpeedInit } function setGameSpeedCommand(cmd, speed) speed = speed and tonumber(speed) if speed then setMyGameSpeed(speed) end end function updateGUI(updateVehicle) if updateVehicle then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and isElement(vehicle) then setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', getVehicleName(vehicle)) else setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', 'De apé') end end end function mainWndShow() if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then end updateTimer = updateTimer or setTimer(updateGUI, 2000, 0) updateGUI(true) end function mainWndClose() killTimer(updateTimer) updateTimer = nil colorPicker.closeSelect() end function hasDriverGhost(vehicle) if not g_PlayerData then return end if not isElement(vehicle) then return end if getElementType(vehicle) ~= "vehicle" then return end local driver = getVehicleController(vehicle) if g_PlayerData[driver] and g_PlayerData[driver].ghostmode then return true end return false end function onEnterVehicle(vehicle,seat) if source == localPlayer then setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', getVehicleName(vehicle)) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson'), getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) == 2) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff'), getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) == 1) end if seat == 0 and g_PlayerData[source] then setVehicleGhost(vehicle,hasDriverGhost(vehicle)) end end function onExitVehicle(vehicle,seat) if eventName == "onClientPlayerVehicleExit" and source == localPlayer then setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', 'De apé') closeWindow(wndUpgrades) closeWindow(wndColor) elseif vehicle and seat == 0 then if source and g_PlayerData[source] then setVehicleGhost(vehicle,hasDriverGhost(vehicle)) end end end function killLocalPlayer() if g_settings["kill"] then setElementHealth(localPlayer,0) else errMsg("Killing yourself is disallowed!") end end function alphaCommand(command, alpha) alpha = alpha and tonumber(alpha) or 255 if alpha >= 0 and alpha <= 255 then server.setElementAlpha(localPlayer, alpha) end end addCommandHandler('alpha', alphaCommand) addCommandHandler('ap', alphaCommand) addCommandHandler('kill', killLocalPlayer) wndMain = { 'wnd', text = 'PAINEL DO JOGADOR', x = 10, y = 150, width = 295, controls = { {'img', id='kill', src='imagens/Morrer.png', width=64, height=64, onclick=killLocalPlayer}, {'img', id='skin', src='imagens/Skins.png', width=64, height=64, window=wndSkin}, {'img', id='anim', src='imagens/Animacao.png', width=64, height=64, window=wndAnim}, {'img', id='weapon', src='imagens/Armas.png', width=64, height=64, window=wndWeapon}, {'img', id='clothes', src='imagens/Roupas.png', width=64, height=64, window=wndClothes}, {'img', id='createvehicle', src='imagens/Veiculos.png', width=64, height=64, window=wndCreateVehicle}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='falloff', text='Não Cair da moto', onclick=toggleFallOffBike}, {'lbl', text='Veículo Atual:'}, {'lbl', id='curvehicle'}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='repair', text='Reparar', width=64, onclick=repairVehicle}, {'btn', id='flip', text='Virar', width=64, onclick=flipVehicle}, {'btn', id='upgrades', text='Equipar', width=64, window=wndUpgrades}, {'btn', id='color', text='Cores', width=64, onclick=openColorPicker}, {'btn', id='paintjob', text='Pinturas', width=64, window=wndPaintjob}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='lightson', text='Farol Ligado', onclick=forceLightsOn}, {'chk', id='lightsoff', text='Falol Desligado', onclick=forceLightsOff} }, oncreate = mainWndShow, onclose = mainWndClose } disableBySetting = {} function errMsg(msg) outputChatBox(msg,255,0,0) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() fadeCamera(true) setTimer(getPlayers, 1000, 1) setJetpackMaxHeight ( 9001 ) triggerServerEvent('onLoadedAtClient', resourceRoot) createWindow(wndMain) hideAllWindows() bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) --guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'), canPedBeKnockedOffBike(localPlayer)) end ) function showWelcomeMap() createWindow(wndSpawnMap) showCursor(true) end function showMap() createWindow(wndSetPos) showCursor(true) end function toggleFRWindow() if isWindowOpen(wndMain) then showCursor(false) hideAllWindows() colorPicker.closeSelect() playSound("Som/Acma.mp3") else if guiGetInputMode() ~= "no_binds_when_editing" then guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") end showCursor(true) showAllWindows() playSound("Som/Acma.mp3") end end addCommandHandler('fr', toggleFRWindow) function getPlayers() g_PlayerData = {} table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end function joinHandler(player) if (not g_PlayerData) then return end g_PlayerData[player or source] = { name = getPlayerName(player or source), gui = {} } end function quitHandler() if (not g_PlayerData) then return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) local seat = (veh and getVehicleController(veh) == localPlayer) and 0 or 1 if seat == 0 then onExitVehicle(veh,0) end table.each(g_PlayerData[source].gui, destroyElement) g_PlayerData[source] = nil end function wastedHandler() if source == localPlayer then onExitVehicle() if g_settings["spawnmapondeath"] then setTimer(showMap,2000,1) end else local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) local seat = (veh and getVehicleController(veh) == localPlayer) and 0 or 1 if seat == 0 then onExitVehicle(veh,0) end end end local function removeForcedFade() removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,forceFade) end local function checkCustomSpawn() if type(customSpawnTable) == "table" then local x,y,z = unpack(customSpawnTable) setPlayerPosition(x,y,z,true) customSpawnTable = false setTimer(removeForcedFade,100,1) end end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', root, joinHandler) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', root, quitHandler) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerWasted', root, wastedHandler) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerVehicleEnter', root, onEnterVehicle) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerVehicleExit', root, onExitVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", localPlayer, checkCustomSpawn) function getPlayerName(player) return g_settings["removeHex"] and player.name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") or player.name end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStop', resourceRoot, function() showCursor(false) setPedAnimation(localPlayer, false) end ) function setVehicleGhost(sourceVehicle,value) local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle") for _,vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do local vehicleGhost = hasDriverGhost(vehicle) setElementCollidableWith(sourceVehicle,vehicle,not value) setElementCollidableWith(vehicle,sourceVehicle,not value) if value == false and vehicleGhost == true then setElementCollidableWith(sourceVehicle,vehicle,not vehicleGhost) setElementCollidableWith(vehicle,sourceVehicle,not vehicleGhost) end end end local function onStreamIn() if source.type ~= "vehicle" then return end setVehicleGhost(source,hasDriverGhost(source)) end local function onLocalSettingChange(key,value) g_PlayerData[source][key] = value if key == "ghostmode" then local sourceVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if sourceVehicle then setVehicleGhost(sourceVehicle,hasDriverGhost(sourceVehicle)) end end end local function renderKnifingTag() if not g_PlayerData then return end for _,p in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player", root, true)) do if g_PlayerData[p] and g_PlayerData[p].knifing then local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(p) local x,y,d = getScreenFromWorldPosition (px, py, pz+1.3) if x and y and d < 20 then dxDrawText ("Disabled Knifing", x+1, y+1, x, y, tocolor (0, 0, 0), 0.5, "bankgothic", "center") dxDrawText ("Disabled Knifing", x, y, x, y, tocolor (220, 220, 0), 0.5, "bankgothic", "center") end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, renderKnifingTag) addEvent("onClientFreeroamLocalSettingChange",true) addEventHandler("onClientFreeroamLocalSettingChange",root,onLocalSettingChange) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill",localPlayer,cancelKnifeEvent) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn",root,onStreamIn) Tenta isso
  12. addCommandHandler e outputChatBox são as funções que você vai precisar.
  13. @Wooork Ajudas com scripts deve ser no sub-forum Programação em Lua. Tópico movido.
  14. @Loudss Perguntas relacionadas a script você faz na seção Programação em Lua. Tópico movido.
  15. Depending on what he wants string.gsub already should do the job.
  16. Por favor mostre o seu código, alguém precisa saber qual script você está usando, ninguém aqui tem poderes para adivinhar ou ler sua mente.
  17. About CD16 error read: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/102362-error-cd16cd09-mta-sa/?tab=comments#comment-923821
  18. Verifique se o resource freeroam está iniciado. Sobre as funções obsoletas digite no console o comando upgrade all @Loudss
  19. DNL291

    VF #33

    For those who are experiencing this issue, follow all steps here:
  20. Execute esse código: addDebugHook("preFunction", function ( sourceResource, functionName, _, luaFilename, luaLineNumber ) if functionName == "setElementModel" then local resname = sourceResource and getResourceName(sourceResource) outputChatBox( "Resource: "..(resname or "").."; arquivo: "..tostring(luaFilename).."; linha: "..tostring(luaLineNumber) ) end end) Coloque em algum script, lado server, reinicie e faça o respawn. Vai mostrar no chat as informações quando a função for executada.
  21. O play define uma skin aleatória. se ele estiver ligado, e tiver gerando a skin aleatória então é ele causando isso. Mas como você disse que volta para tal skin: Então deve ser outro script fazendo isso.
  22. Troca setPedSkin por setElementModel
  23. Crie um novo tópico e explique seu problema postando seu código. Você reviveu um tópico antigo. A propósito, tem umas linhas ali comentadas com -- e Lua ignora a linha comentada.
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