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Everything posted by Einheit-101

  1. I cant reproduce this bug, selecting another weapon or using scope does not work while reloading, its disabled. But i know that some exploits can be used to make certain things work in certain situations... Literally impossible to fix.
  2. I guess MTA doesnt display it correctly, it is right there €DIT: I dont know why, but the wheels simply dont work, i never noticed that. Is it a bug? Is it a feature? I dont know.
  3. Its difficult, i am sure there is room for optimization but you can easily transform a tank into a race car
  4. Wrong, tanks have 6 wheels. But cross country driving capabilities are still trash. I cant really fix it. I already improved it very much compared with ~2015 It could be improved with custom terrain, most issues appear simply because default GTA terrain is not smooth but has sharp edges everywhere and the vehicle gets stuck. But no one will ever fix this.
  5. I will think about it when i developed such a resource for SAAW-SW. Its quite a lot of work to find all these bushes and trees and give them a good custom model
  6. Many people are already crying about performance and no one is using the nice shaders that i implemented, i dont think it is worth the effort (but Star Wars will have better bushes, thats sure)
  7. I dont know, i never used a controller and i cant test one
  8. Idk i love this thing, but we could make a poll or something... Opinions? We have a huge player count nowadays. I love Corona. ?
  9. Its not a bug, its a feature. The object/ped lighting uses the information of godray sun shader to calculate light direction when available. If you turn off godray sun shader, there is no information of the sun / moon position and the object/ped lighting will fall back to a static default sun position. But we need to find out what causes the m3dlighting issue in line 418 that floods your debug console, i had no success yet. It seems to occur when a tank is exploding, but not always.
  10. Dyxa is no longer staff member due to numerous reports. Problem already solved.
  11. 1. Because the server was made for USA vs. Germany and other nations were added a lot later. 2. Because we here in germany had nazi concerns and some textures were simply not available with a swastika. I simply used what i got. 3. Currently we have a lot of staff again, there are constantly people asking for being staff members. Good behaviour is important or maybe you get recommended by old staff members. Because the icons get smaller at distance
  12. Its amazing! I will add the new map asap. But my hard drive broke, i have to replace it and reinstall Windows completely with all programs, it will take some time.
  13. That site is a pain in the ass. The videos load so slow, its ridiculous. What does the debugger say?
  14. Yeah, i got the offer last week. I payed the money and my server got put on top of the list after 3 months of waiting. But it didnt help anything, player count remains low. I guess its because players rarely search in the browser, they simply join their favourites.
  15. This map always had issues because there are many objects, check if streaming memory is set to max.
  16. UPDATE: -Updated deferred rendering by @Ren_712 to latest version, slightly better light rendering and slightly better performance -Fixed a bug that broke sync between players when someone pressed prone -Fixed broken submarine visibility through transparent water -Fixed some issues with broken speed sync between marine units -Fixed visibility of ship / submarine water wakes -Fixed broken sonar detection -Fixed broken submarine sound -Ship wakes do now have a draw distance limit of 800m -Ship captains can now hear it when they get detected by sonar and they get an estimated direction to the target -The sonar detection warning has been visually changed, it is no longer so easy to determine where the sonar ping came from Thats it, there are no known issues left.
  17. UPDATE: -Added 5150 to moderators team -Players can no longer switch weapons while cursor is showing or a window is open -Fixed a bug that killed a player when climbing a tower in [TDM] Poland -Fixed a bug that disabled collisions of the player with an aircraft when he left the plane for any reason -Fixed a bug that prevented damage from occuring when firing at a submarine with large caliber shells -Fixed a bug that prevented the player from entering a submarine when it has low health -Fixed a bug that prevented a submarine from sinking when it got rammed by a ship -Fixed an exploit that created no noise when jumping -Vehicles do now automatically apply the handbrake as soon as the engine gets turn off
  18. Did you change your hardware? €DIT: Try again. €DIT 2: I found the bug with aircraft collisions. I will fix it soon, together with some other small issues that i found over time.
  19. Maybe voice resource has been overwritten by original. I dont care about voice, it doesnt work properly and MTA team needs to fix it.
  20. Wtf, you disabled collision of the aircraft by exiting it? I need to try this.
  21. Satchel detonator works for me, it is bound on Mouse3 (Middle mouse key), are you sure your key bind is correct? Please check it in F6 key binds menu. Maybe there is something that can cause it to stop working, but it definitely works fine when joining the server freshly.
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