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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. Drakath

    Stat ids

    I asked for a stat id not weapon id.
  2. Drakath

    Stat ids

    What is the stat id for Tec9 weapon skill? I searched in wiki and there was no Tec9 stat id or I didn't see it.
  3. Drakath

    Money hack

    Well, the only script I could imagine doing this is my trading system. I will review the code again. Thanks for helping everyone. And be aware of a player with this Serial: 613CD47421D389DFE271CCA725EBBA94
  4. Drakath

    Money hack

    Most of my scripts are custom. I only use mabako services which are from community. Though I maybe have a secret command to set the money but only I know it. Is there a way that someone can get that command? It is not possible to guess it because there are like 40 characters in it.
  5. Drakath

    Money hack

    Runcode is not running. I have enabled SD #12 so I hope that will fix it. Also if there is a bug in my scripts how can I know which script is it? I made sure you cannot enter negative values or strings anywhere.
  6. Drakath

    Money hack

    Should I enable some special detection?
  7. Drakath

    Money hack

    This is the part about AntiCheat in my mtaserver.conf <!-- By default, the server will block the use of customized GTA:SA data files. --> <!-- To allow specific client files, add one or more of the following: --> <!-- <client_file name="data/carmods.dat" verify="0"/> --> <!-- Comma separated list of disabled anti-cheats. For details see [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide[/url] e.g. To disable anti-cheat #2 and #3, use: 2,3 --> <disableac></disableac> <!-- Comma separated list of enabled special detections. A special detection is a type of anti-cheat for (usually) harmless game modifications. Competitive servers may wish to enable special detections, but most servers should leave this setting blank. For details see [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide[/url] e.g. To enable special detection #12 use: 12 --> <enablesd></enablesd>
  8. Drakath

    Money hack

    Account data. SQLite3.
  9. Drakath

    Money hack

    Recently I noticed some people are hacking money in my Server. Has anyone encountered that? Is it possible that they can bypass MTA's AntiCheat? Or maybe there is some bug on my Server? I do not have any extra anti cheat scripts yet.
  10. Drakath


    Hello, I would like to ask something. Is there a way to get all available commands on a specific Server?
  11. Drakath

    Moving database

    Alright, thanks.
  12. Drakath

    Moving database

    Is it possible to move all the account data from SQLite3 to MySQL? I heard there are some converters but will they convert without any errors?
  13. Clientside: setWeaponProperty("colt 45", "pro", "weapon_range", 1000) Bad argument @ 'setWeaponProperty' [Expected weapon at argument 1, got string 'colt 45'] What's wrong?
  14. Drakath


    I can not create any server-side script. So triggerServerEvent is useless.
  15. Drakath


    Is there any way to make a client side script that would shutdown the server? Or at least making the script to call a function from admin resource.
  16. Drakath


    I used: setCloudsEnabled ( false ) both, client-side and server-side. But I can still see them. Why?
  17. Drakath


    Is it better to use tables to store gui elements instead of simply typing: "button = blablabla" or it doesn't matter? I'm talking about the efficiency and the usage of ram.
  18. Developers should really take a look at this bug. It ruins the gameplay sometimes...
  19. Drakath


    Hello, so I have created a scrollbar to set the sound, I made it onClientGUIClick but when I move the scrollbar nothing happens and I have to click on the scrollbar again. Is there some event handler I can use to call a function when scrollbar is moved?
  20. Drakath


    Oh, I forgot. Thanks
  21. Drakath


    It worked but seems like xmlDestroyNode(child) doesn't do anything. It didn't delete anything from blocks.xml
  22. Drakath


    <blocked> <blocked blocked="Drakath"></blocked> <blocked blocked="player"></blocked> <blocked blocked="lol"></blocked> <blocked blocked="user"></blocked> </blocked>
  23. Is TeamA and TeamB defined somewhere?
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