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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. I think it is working now. Thank you all.
  2. No, I'm asking if I can accomplish my needs with one table.
  3. There still is a problem, table.insert ( myTable [ thePlayer ], { "Hello", "World" } ) will only insert values to one table. My script should work like this: --Code removed. However, it doesn't. With Solidsnake14 line I could only do this for one weapon slot and there are 12. Is there a way to do this with one table or should I create 12 tables for every player?
  4. How can I retrieve "Hello" from that table?
  5. I need to create a table for every player and that table should have another 10 tables which would be equal to some number my script specifies.
  6. And what if I need to make even more tables for one player? Would this work: table[player][id] ?
  7. Thanks. One more question, how can I create a table in server-side that is only available for a specific player?
  8. Did you even read my question? This has nothing to do with my script.
  9. I have a table of weapons. It is set like this: local weapon = getPedWeapon(p, slot) weapons[weapon] = myStuff I have another table retrieved from a useful function: "getPedWeapons". (It can be found on Wiki) How can I check if every weapon from table: "getPedWeapons" matches weapons from my table: "weapons" and remove every weapon that does not match?
  10. Drakath


    And how will you check if it was projectile who hit the vehicle?
  11. destroyElement(getElementData(thePlayer,"data")) Does this remove the element data or only destroy the element with this data?
  12. How can I get the object ID of a weapon that player is holding? getElementModel(getPedWeapon (p, 1)) did not work.
  13. Drakath


    Add an event: "onVehicleHitByProjectile". This should trigger a function when a vehicle is hit by a projectile.
  14. Well, it works when I actually aim (right mouse button) but no one does that with grenades. Any other way?
  15. When it gets damaged it does not explode instantly so setting the health would prevent it from exploding. Anyway, with onClientVehicleDamage I cannot check if it was grenade what hit the vehicle.
  16. Oh, it does not pass vehicle as hitElement condition. Is there any other way to detect when grenade hits a vehicle?
  17. It triggers, I tried it with outputChatBox.
  18. onClientPlayerWeaponFire
  19. When someone throws a grenade at a vehicle, script sets its health to 450 but it still explodes. Why?
  20. Drakath


    I'm using a default resource called "playerblips". It worked fine but today, logs are spamming this: WARNING: playerblips\playerblips.lua:66: Bad argument @ 'getElementType' [Expected element at argument 1] function destroyBlipsAttachedTo(player) local attached = getAttachedElements ( player ) if ( attached ) then for k,element in ipairs(attached) do if getElementType ( element ) == "blip" then destroyElement ( element ) end end end end What causes this?
  21. Am I using too much bandwidth? http://postimg.org/image/x3zzabb5d/
  22. Drakath


    Vehicle is not a ped.
  23. Drakath


    There is no resource with name: "ipb".
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