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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. Drakath


    I created a client side marker but I noticed that when I leave it, it triggers onClientMarkerHit event again. Is this a bug or should I fix it by scripting?
  2. Lets say I have: local number = 5.123456 How can I output only the first two numbers?
  3. How can I see my bandwidth usage? Are the scripts the only thing that cause the usage of bandwidth? My script isn't very big but since a player can have up to 60 peds and all of them has 2 element data, I think it uses a lot of bandwidth. Should I avoid using element data?
  4. This bandwidth is: Guaranteed up to 10,000 GB data transferred per month, then 1 Mbps Is it easy to reach 10000 GB data? Also, I run a zombie script, but it is client-side. Should I search for another host and could anyone give a link to a better host?
  5. I'm looking for a host and I think about buying a host from www.ovh.co.uk/vps/vps-classic.xml Is VPS Classic 3 a good model? Specifications: CPU: 3 vCores RAM: 4 GB Hard drive: 50 GB Raid 10 Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Would this host run a server with 200 players and no lags or should I buy VPS Classic 4?
  6. Drakath


    I noticed when using onClientPedWasted that if your vehicle explodes and kills someone, you are recognized as a killer. Is there any way to detect if the killer used a vehicle's explosion to kill someone?
  7. It never happened to me. I just see this error in logs. It happens like 15 times a day which is not that much, a player tries to connect, get this error and then gets disconnected. The httpdownloadurl is http://epicrow.eu/client/
  8. I did it but I still receive the error.
  9. Restart my pc? How is that gonna help? This website is not hosted on my computer.
  10. No, I still get the error quite often.
  11. It said: "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.".
  12. I often get this error: "#1006 External HTTP file download error:Error downloading requested files. Couldn't resolve host name. [Could not resolve host: epicrow.eu] [some lua file] (Reconnecting with internal HTTP)" Does that mean that my website host is slow? Does anyone know a fast external HTTP?
  13. Drakath


    Is it possible to remove non ASCII characters from a text, if yes then how?
  14. Drakath


    There aren't even that many lines in my database. There are about 5 million lines.
  15. Drakath


    Never mind, I tried it with a smaller database and it worked. This software is probably too weak to handle huge databases.
  16. Drakath


    When I try to import database from SQL server I get this: "Error importing data at line 41980268". It created a file but it is 115 MB less then my original database.
  17. Drakath


    This browser can not open sql files and I want to convert sql to sqlite. Also is MySQL better than SQLite3?
  18. Drakath


    How does delAccount command work? Does it remove all account data from the account you delete?
  19. Drakath


    Can I create a marker that is visible in all dimensions? If yes, how?
  20. Drakath


    Does anyone know a converter from MySQL to SQLite3? Is MySQL better than SQLite3? (I'm talking about performance)
  21. Drakath


    I see. So what is the best of the following OS to hold a MTA server on? centos-5 ( 64bit ) centos-6 ( 64bit ) debian-6.0 ( 64bit ) debian-7.0 debian-7.0 ( 64 bit ) fedora-20 ( 64bit ) ubuntu-10.04 ( 64bit ) ubuntu-12.04 ( 64bit ) ubuntu-13.10 ( 64bit )
  22. function speed (player) if player == localPlayer then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, draw ) end end addEventHandler ("onClientVehicleEnter", root, speed) function hideSpeed (player) if player == localPlayer then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, draw ) end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", root, hideSpeed) Sometimes it outputs: "addEventHandler: 'onClientRender' with this function is already handled". Why?
  23. Drakath


    What is the difference between 64 and 32 bit Linux operating system? What is better to use?
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