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Everything posted by wannaknow
If u would check the lines from all the commands: there stands if ($3 == !kick) { just make from if if ($3 == !kick) || ($3 == !k) {
No it must be on *:text:!kick*:#: { if ( $nick isop %echochan ) { /mta.kick 1 $getid(1,$2) } elseif ( $mta.nick(1,$getid(1,$2)) != $null ) Msg %echochan $2 isnt online! } alias getid { var %a = 0, %b = $mta.server($1).cmax while (%a <= %b) { if ($2 isin $mta.nick($1,%a)) !return $mta.nick($1,%a) inc %a } }
No, Not really But i have it already on other ways
Scooby, How you made the on *:SIGNAL:prs.endrace: { part?
By why we need a new echo?? Lil_roady has made one and published it so Why?
... ... ... Most of this script i have created " !say You can say something ingame @say Admins say no nickname !say /me you say something in the purple! !mesay '' '' '' '' '' '' !players you can see who is ingame! " Thats what i have created So dont say you have created by your one!
O rly?? I mean When i use !kick fo kicking someone ingame ( Echo cmd )
How can i get whit my kick scritp from IRC When i do !kick oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it returns: Error: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is not online!
Make a new file and add this: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !addswear) { if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 5) { .writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ swear.ini" swear $4 banned mta.text 1 Word: $4- succesfully added } } elseif ($3 == !remswear) { if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 5) { .remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ swear.ini" swear $4 mta.text 1 Word $4- succesfully deleted } } elseif ($3 == !swearlist) { mta.text 1 Total words added to the swear list: $calc($lines($scriptdir $+ swear.ini) -1) } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.text:{ if ($readini($scriptdir $+ swear.ini,swear,$3-)) { if (%warn [ $+ [ $mta.nick($1,$2) ] ] == $null) { .mta.text 1 $mta.nick($1,$2) don't curse First warning .set %warn [ $+ [ $mta.nick($1,$2) ] ] 1 } elseif (%warn [ $+ [ $mta.nick($1,$2) ] ] == 1) { mta.text 1 $mta.nick($1,$2) we have warned you to much for swearing Now you gain a 180 sec mute .mta.mute $1 $2 .timer 1 180 .mta.unmute $1 $2 .unset %warn [ $+ [ $mta.nick($1,$2) ] ] } } } TESTED AND WORKED!! You: !addswear Oo Word: Oo Succesfully added. You: Oo You don't curse First warning You: Oo You we have warned you to much for swearing Now you gain a 180 sec mute * You muted by Remote Admin EDIT: Only work with 1 word not a sentance
How i must Make a top win system from a .ini like: !top3 Name1=100 Name2=99 Name3=50 Stored in the ini: [sTATS] Name2=99 Name3=50 Name1=100 WannaKnow
Lil_Toady... As i said before there it no identifer $mta.getid ( Mayby in yours but in mtama 4.15 it isemt )
Taling from IRC to inagem is with !say or otherwise you must st this echo remotes on *:TEXT:!say*:#:{ mta.text 1 $nick [iRC]: $2- }
If you have editted that you must restart your mIRC or you must use with /set %echochan
on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{ if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == Player) { /mta.kick $1 $2 } } I dont have have tested Dont now for sure if it works
on *:SIGNAL:PART:{ if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echochan [iRC] $chan $nick has left the IRC channel! } on *:SIGNAL:JOIN:{ if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echochan [iRC] $nick has joined the IRC channel! } Will not work i I think it must be: on *:PART:{ if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echoservid [iRC] $chan $nick has left the IRC channel! } on *:JOIN:{ if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echoserverid [iRC] $nick has joined the IRC channel! } Otherwise, Why would you make a new echo when Lil_Toady have already made one?? I want to say Use the search button before you are posting some thing And why you you are making a variable %echochan if you don't use it? Mayby this one is beter: on *:SIGNAL:mta.text:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:!.SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.echo:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.login:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [login] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) logged in } on *:SIGNAL:mta.msg:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.echo:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [Admin] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [Join] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) has joined the game. } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [Disconnect] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) has left the game. } on *:SIGNAL:Mta.ban:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [ban] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Banned by remote admin } on *:SIGNAL:mta.Freeze:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [freeze] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Frozen by remote admin } on *:SIGNAL:Mta.mute:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [mute] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) succesfull Muted by remote admin } on *:SIGNAL:Mta.unmute:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [unmute] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) succesfull unmuted by remote admin } on *:SIGNAL:Mta.unfreeze:( if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [unfreeze] 3 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) succesfull unfrozen by remote admin } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [command] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.death:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [Died] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) just died > } on *:SIGNAL:mta.endrace:{ if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg %echochan 4*14 [endrace] 10 $+ $mta.race($1,$2) Just ended! } Now the script mut work ( I hope it ) Edit: Echo from Lil_Toady: http://mta-stats.com/downloads/echo.mrc
ok not seen i have looked over it
lil Toady. Nice echo.... but you forgot the alias getid. So this wont work i think $mta.getid becouse i have never seen that identifictor in mta:ma
You can use here alias getid { var %a = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($+(*,$2,*) iswm $mta.nick($1,%a)) !return %a !inc %a } } And then make from the $2 $getid($1,$2) like : if ( !kick isin $1 ) { mta.kick 1 $2 } must be if ( !kick isin $1 ) { mta.kick 1 $getid($1,$2) }
But anyway nice script. But why adding all of the commands in a ini?? You can make it in th script itself. It's nicer to change it (When you add a new command) (or delete 1) and when you lose the slrcommand.ini no one can see the commands
I will make a step for step quide to help him . Step 1: Download Mirc (http://www.mirc.com) And install it. Step 2: Download PRS 1.3. (http://scooby.gonepsycho.com/PublicReleaseScripts.rar) Step 3: Open mIRC. Add all information the need. THen dont press ok but press Servers and then Add. Add there the server: irc.gtanet.com Port: 6667 Step 4: Select the whole page i give and copy it. (http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/mtama/4.0/mta.mrc) Step 5: Go to your mirc and join a channel. Step 6: Press Alt + R and copy the text of MTAMA in the box and save it as mtama.mrc File -> New. Save (Save in the same folder as prs 1.3) Step 6: Unload the file (File -> Unload) Step 8: Load mtama.mrc (File -> Load (Go to the folder wheere you have saved mtama.mrc (Mostly same place as prs 1.3))) Step 9: A new popup will come, called Mtama by aeron 4.15. Step 10: Fill in the information i needs, like Server IP, Client port (Normally 22003), Port (Normally 44003) ServerPassword Nickname(Doenst care what it is) Step 11: You now connected with you server Good job. Step 12: Now you need to load the PRS file so press in mtama, Script -> Load (Then go to the folder where prs 1.3 is saved and load it. Step 13: Now go to your server and login in with rcon and the script wil detect you as admin. Thanks for reading this little guide if you have questions you can aks me always
I dont know what you mean with Player 0 $ I thin you have deleted a '}' in the file. So go Tho Mirc (Where your PRS.1.3 is loaded) and press the Check button in upper right of your screen. And if it gives an error you must download the PRS script again (Stats wil be saved when you download it again) And ou can add the !count script where ever you want like in rule: FInd rule 364 with the text: elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- Replae that with: elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- elseif ($3 == !count) { .mta.text 1 3... .timer 1 1 .mta.text 1 2... .timer 1 2 .mta.text 1 1... .timer 1 3 .mta.text GO... }