We′ve probably found a way to dramatically improve the smoothness in the MTA 0.4 client. With help of some new methods of reading and writing some gamedata, instead of using the old method we actually used since the beginning of this whole multiplayer mod, we can now, hopefully, play the next MTA version much smoother. The smoother the game, the more fun you′ll get with playing the mod. If it all turns out to be stable enough, we′ll add it to our next MTA 0.4 release.
Here′s a nice pic from a betatest we′ve had (thanks goes to Rawk-iT).
Here′s some footage from Aeron and IJs testing (both players + server in the Netherlands).. we even managed to get it faster:
Another, even better movie from Gamefreek (United States), SoWErA (Sweden) and IJs (NL) testing. Let me state, that is not Gamefreek (recording the movie), but SoWErA driving the car!
XviD MPEG-4 encoded, use Nimo Codec Pack.. Kazaa Lite Codec pack.. or any other pack.