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Everything posted by sebihunter

  1. it´s not out...... You can use mta race map editor
  2. they are making their scripts private cause THEY MADE IT. I don´t release the most of mine scripts (not only mta) not to the public. It´s fair
  3. I have a little rp script. I still have problems with payday but it should work soon I don´t know if I should release it, but maybe I will do it
  4. hey thanks, wanted to ask for this too
  5. I hate gamepad players with auto aim. Ok you can drive better but MTA should disable auto aim completely. It´s only n00bish with auto aim.....
  6. I think it should be activated (alt+tab) they are cheating without it too! So why it needs to be deactivated
  7. read the ion canon tutorial and stop bumping your thread
  8. I think I make it first with the spawn timer Thanks!
  9. Thanks! Edit: did everything you told me except to movethe timer to player spawn cause I want that all players get at the same time payday, but there is still an lua warning for the give money function
  10. Hey I have problems with my payday. Here is my code function payday ( source, command ) givePlayerMoney ( source, 2000 ) outputChatBox ( "PAYDAY: 2000$" ) setTimer ( payday, 1000, 1) end setTimer (payday, 5000, 1) --1000 = 1 second The time is only as test. I hope you can help me Sebihunter
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