7,337 -
Days Won
Everything posted by TAPL
Not Tested you can set an elemrnt data to the team setElementData(theTeam,"IsHidden",true) and then edit scoreboard dxscoreboard_client.lua line 386 put this in line 386 if not (getElementData(team,"IsHidden") then and don't forgot to put 'end'
Kenix, you too did the same thing >< wtf? outputChatBox( a.." You Have Picked up.. ", thePlayer , root, 255, 255, 0, true ) wtf is this? thePlayer , root omg noobs
Dev point, you still didn't find out what the error? what the hell you did the same error before viewtopic.php?f=91&t=36974&p=380925#p380899 and Solidsnake say that you are using two arguments to who output the message You never learning from what people fix for you https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OutputChatBox
wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
outputChatBox(.. a " You Have Picked up.. ", thePlayer ), getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0, true) Dev Point what do you think about this? there are 3 errors can you see it?
thePlayer: The player that will be presented as executer of the command to the handler function(s) of the command. so who will be the executer ? remember that the command 'add' is only for admin -_-"
does any one know what is whant means? myButton = guiCreateButton(args) -- You must supply the button arguments. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",myButton, function () triggerServerEvent("freezeAllPlayers",localPlayer) end) the other code is seem full of errors lol
function openMyGate (player) local account = getPlayerAccount (player) if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup( 'STARS' ) ) then moveObject ( myGate, 3000, -1508.2679443359, 497.58953857422, 2.1646394729614 ) else outputChatBox ("Denied Access.",player) end end addCommandHandler("abrirstars",openMyGate)
where is your code? or you just want add this to F9 (helpmanager) "yes"> GTA:T GameMode v3.0 Features: [*] Weapons Shop ! [*] Shop With New Features! [*] Fixed Some Bugs v3.0 [*] New Spawn Place!v1.0 [*] New Marker Entry! [*] New die Effects!v1.0 [*] New Reward System v1.0 [*] New Respawn System v1.0 [*] Login / Register / System v2.0 This GameMode By Dev-PoinT Credits goes to: - Castilo : For Help - MTASA Fourm Members : For Helping Me. Enjoy!
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local skin = engineLoadTXD ("world/a51_ext.txd") engineImportTXD (skin,16094) local col = engineLoadCOL ("world/des_a51infenc.col") engineReplaceCOL (col,16094) local model = engineLoadDFF("world/des_a51infenc.dff",0) engineReplaceModel(model,16094) end)
function res ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) outputChatBox ( "Respawn after 5 seconds...", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) setTimer ( spawnPlayer, 5000, 1, source, x, y, z, 0, getElementModel(source) ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), res )
function pmessage(thePlayer, cmd, tarPlayer, ...) msg = table.concat({...}, " ") tplayer = getPlayerFromName(tarPlayer) outputChatBox("Private message from "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." : "..msg, tplayer) end addCommandHandler("pm", pmessage)
local money = getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) local money = getPlayerMoney() ================================================== function buyuzi(source) function buyuzi()
local weapon = guiGridListGetItemText ( weapongridlist, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( weapongridlist ),1) if weapon == "Uzi" then local money = getPlayerMoney() if (money > 170) then triggerServerEvent("buygunuzi", getLocalPlayer()) else end end function sell(source, commaneName) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) thearmsmark = createMarker( x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) --setElementData(thearmsmark, "owner", getPlayerName(source)) setElementParent(thearmsmark, source) end addCommandHandler("sell", sell) addEvent("buygunuzi",true) function buyuzi() if isElementWithinMarker(source, thearmsmark) then local seller = getElementParent(thearmsmark) takePlayerMoney(source, 170) giveWeapon(source,28,50,false) end end addEventHandler("buygunuzi",getRootElement(),buyuzi)
nice english haha displayed? or disabled? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GuiSetEnabled
what? selling money? maybe you mean this givePlayerMoney and to marker use this attachElements
hahaha Dev Point https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RestartResource did you read this? viewtopic.php?f=91&t=37107#p382031
No, i'm owner of servers in my signature only
if i am not wrong the owner of this server opened another server at other port with name: |!R.K.O!|:.~HAJWALAH.:~AND~FALaH~KsA~| what he did wrong?
getPlayerMoney don't need argument in Client i remember i was try to get player money using function getPlayerFromName and try to get his money but always returned my money (local) wiki should be updated
if you replace any MTA built-in function with your own with same name you i'll get error (stack overflow)
Benxamix2, i've tested my code and working with all resolution. Edit: you forgot function () --[[------------------------------------------------- -- client script main -- @infoauthor iMortal -- @description: client side script dx joinquit ------------------------------------------------]]-- local textJoin = " " local textQuit = " " local textNick = " " function AbsoluteToRelativ2( X, Y ) local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() local x = math.floor(X*rX/1280) local y = math.floor(Y*rY/720) return x, y end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function () local x1, y1 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 959,246 ) local x2, y2 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 956,243 ) local x3, y3 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 943,217 ) local x4, y4 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 939,213 ) dxDrawText( textQuit, x1, y1, 1224, 264, tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textQuit, x2, y2, 1224, 261, tocolor(255,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textJoin, x3, y3, 1211.0, 235.0,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textJoin, x4, y4, 1207.0,231.0,tocolor(0,255,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) end)
what is don't work? any error? post your whole code, i think you have a thing wrong
1280*720 is your Resolution when you adjust the dx so don't change it try this --[[------------------------------------------------- -- client script main -- @infoauthor iMortal -- @description: client side script dx joinquit ------------------------------------------------]]-- local textJoin = " " local textQuit = " " local textNick = " " function AbsoluteToRelativ2( X, Y ) local rX, rY = guiGetScreenSize() local x = math.floor(X*rX/1280) local y = math.floor(Y*rY/720) return x, y end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, local x1, y1 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 959,246 ) local x2, y2 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 956,243 ) local x3, y3 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 943,217 ) local x4, y4 = AbsoluteToRelativ2( 939,213 ) dxDrawText( textQuit, x1, y1, 1224, 264, tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textQuit, x2, y2, 1224, 261, tocolor(255,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textJoin, x3, y3, 1211.0, 235.0,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText( textJoin, x4, y4, 1207.0,231.0,tocolor(0,255,0,255),0.6,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) end )
Please explain what you want to do