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Everything posted by XetaQuake
Hey all When i move an object with moveObject and i stand on the object, I'm going with them - thats good. But when the object rotating his z-axis, the player (I'm) don´t rotate with it ;( Is there any possible to prevent that the player just slide on the object, when it's rotating his z-axis?
well currently i see that createMarker works client side too I thought its only server side Hmm, now the question is how its possible to change the script to client side, for my eyes its should work client side too?
Sorry for this new Post, but the snow script in script2_lua.lua does not work correctly: The Snow flakes doesn't fall down, there stay in the air. I also tries some kinds, but for my eyes, everything is right. Here is the script, so you don´t need to download it: snowflake = {} --This initializes the snowflake IDs table flakeID = 1 --This sets the first flake ID as 1 updaterate = 27 --Positions' update rate in miliseconds height = 4 --Snowflakes starting position above the player's head snowing = false --This is a variable that tells the script whether it is snowing or not. function snow_SnowCommand ( player, commandname, radius, density, speed, size ) --You can pass radius, density, speed and flake size parameters in the command if not snowing then --check the 'snowing' variable and check if it is true. If it is not then it is not snowing snowing = true --set the snowing variable to true snow_CreateSnow ( player, radius, density, speed, size ) --call the snow_CreateSnow function to create our snow! outputChatBox ( "Snow started by " .. getClientName ( player ) ) --announce that snowing was started. else snowing = false --set the snowing variable to false outputChatBox ( "Snow stopped." ) --announce the snowing has stopped end end addCommandHandler ( "snow", snow_SnowCommand ) --This assigns the snow_SnowCommand function to the "snow" command in console function snow_CreateSnow ( player, radius, density, speed, size ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( player ) --If player is invalid or has disconnected, stop the function if not px or not py or not pz then snowing = false return end --If any parameter is not set, the script will give it a default value if not radius then radius = 20 else radius = tonumber ( radius ) end if not density then density = 3 else density = math.ceil ( tonumber ( density ) ) end --density should be an integer (flakes/second) if not speed then speed = 1.5 else speed = math.abs ( tonumber ( speed ) ) end --speed should only be positive (units/second) if not size then size = 0.15 else size = tonumber ( size ) end local counter = 0 --We will repeat the flake creating process one time per flake while counter <= density do --For x and y, we will calculate a random position around the player, within the maximum radius circle. local angle = randInt ( 0, 359 ) local fx = px + math.cos ( math.rad ( angle ) ) * radius * randFloat () local fy = py + math.sin ( math.rad ( angle ) ) * radius * randFloat () --z is just the player's height, plus the height we set before. local fz = pz + height snowflake[flakeID] = createMarker ( fx, fy, fz, "corona", size, 255, 255, 255, 150 ) --We calculate the time it takes for a flake to fall, in miliseconds local time = 1000 * ( height + 1 ) / speed --We tell the script to update the flake as many times as needed, and store the timer ID in a variable setTimer ( snow_moveFlake, updaterate, math.floor ( time / updaterate ), flakeID, speed ) --moveObject ( snowflake[flakeID], time, fx, fy, pz ) --We set a timer to destroy the flake when the time has passed setTimer ( snow_destroyFlake, time, 1, flakeID ) flakeID = flakeID + 1 counter = counter + 1 end --Repeat this function again in a second, if snow is still on if snowing then setTimer ( snow_CreateSnow, 1000, 1, player, radius, density, speed, size ) end end function snow_moveFlake ( flakeID, speed ) local fx, fy, fz = getElementPosition ( snowflake[flakeID] ) setElementPosition ( snowflake[flakeID], fx, fy, fz - ( updaterate / 1000 * speed ) ) end function snow_destroyFlake ( flakeID ) destroyElement ( snowflake[flakeID] ) snowflake[flakeID] = nil end Can anybody help me?
Hey Are there any updates? I also would be help, but i don´t know what i can do from thinks there a possible for me.
Hi, i have a question: The Snow are don´t want to fall down, there stay in the air but get updated positions and so on - only the z-axis don´t changes. I tries already a little bit to repair it - but nothing happens. Also i have to remember that the snow are server side, and the functions gets launches many many times in one second - can that be good for the latency? i think it would be better to script it Client-side. What do you think? But the main question is why the flakes doesn't fall down. PS: Its script2_lua.lua in the rar archive XetaQuake
I prefer a one-day-mail, every 00:00. So Spammers on Server can´t abuse this nice service with overflow the server And it should be possible to deactivate - but this idea are realy NICE !(!!)
Thats a good old style from SAMP Every player knows that. And for there there don´t know that: Make a simple welcome message with this tip or write it in the Helpwindow (F9) Yea i would say we make it same as 50p´s Bank script: Register a Bank account with /register, and login with /login. Account functions XetaQuake
Oh, all usernames are the same, DP2.3? - I didn't know that But why i can /login [uSERNAME] when there are all the same?!
Yes so its in the current release, and my desire was to save it with the loginname/username. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=GetAccount as you said already: And with stuff like GetAccount, serials are not needed i think
Hi I tries the new version - nice now it shows the sender =) By the way: If I remember rightly, the number are saving with the Nick, but thats not good: Other peaple can change their nicks to read SMS and to get Numbers from other players It should saving with loginnames //EDIT: Woot, and the SMS are updating realtime - good work!
Yea that works I tested it now: ITS GREAT! The window looks realy awesome And SMS works good, except for smaller things like subject or delet from sms. But well i think the ENGINE works =) Good work! Another think: Would we build the windows in the PDA Display? I think its a little bit difficult, but its possible Possible i can try a little bit around
Hi I tested it again, same problem. So i redownloaded the script and tried it again - same problem. When i am Ingame and try to write /PDA, noting happens. Then when i look at /debugscript 3, i get this error: The error in my last message was wrong, sorry. I was trying to fix it and edit server.lua instead of client.lua, so there was this error, but the whole error are on client.lua
Hey I have tested it, but i get a "loading script failed" on server.lua. Here a the message: Also i have seeing one thing, that i am to be honest not so cheerful. The Credits. When you mention your friend scarface in the meta.xml, then you should bring up me too, i think. Do you remember, on my prototyp there was writen in the mta.xml: The whole MTA Community And now i stay nowhere, but i was haves the idea, i created this thread and i scripts the design and cut the design in images... I would be happy when do you understand that... Back to Topic: Yea i don´t was able to test it, because of the Error message i posted above, the line in the script are: if isBeingCalled then I tested a couple things, but i don´t getting it working too. Do you have the same Problem?
Yes pleas! I've totaly lost the thread So i can see whats going up, what i can make etc.
But i think XML are the only possibility Hmmm, whats with a SMS table for only one player? is that possible? So the user "XYZ" haves a table with all writen SMS Or is that exactly that what Gio already tryed?
Yea i know, thats the reason why i comment out the line to open the PDA with Z I was too lazy to fix it, it was just a Prototyp...there was the possibility that we not uses the GUI. But now, yea, i think its needful to fix it
Hey all. When i see right, the limit is at 128 Bytes Here you can find all limits: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocente ... 001029.htm But yea i think .xml is a good alternative, or not?
Or we just use .xml
Oh noo thats bad A alternative: smaller SMS? So there is a limit of chars or so. Is this Limit only for one table or in the whole database?
Hey The exam and some other stuff are ended Can i get a status report, so i know whats to do and so on XetaQuake
Hi, A anti-spamm block would be good. So its allowed to send 5 SMS in about 2 Minutes - is there 6 SMS in 2 Minutes, it would be block and you have to wait 3 Minutes. XetaQuake
Oh no... i spending 4.5 hours in scripting the PDA Design.I changing the Design once already, now i realy don´t change it once more! Also i hate this NOKIA Phone design - a PDA is mutch more usefull, for example with NEWS. @Gamesnert: Sounds good, i test it later Next i update the GUI Design a little bit (end of this week), with working buttons as far as possible, layers, changing displays, numbers and so on.
(Sorry for new post, but the last post was yesterday, so peaple get informed with this new post) I tested it now, its realy GREAT!(!!) Makes fun to call myself! Also its realy cool that you doesn´t see wich player have which nummer I think its better when you change the text "You don´t have a Phone" in "You don´t have a Simcard" - Because you have the PDA already, but thats cool then so you can use the features of the PDA at beginning, but calling only works with a simcard! With the end of this week, i continue scripting too XetaQuake
I think i can make it, but yes, not this week (And sorry i have not tested it, yet, because i need to make a power point project) Sorry no time for a long post. See You!
Gamesnert has betrayed the possibilities (just a joke ) Sounds nice, i hope i have a free minute today, so i can test it too XetaQuake