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Everything posted by 12p

  1. Obvious downvote (all of the guys here but CrystalMV are newbies, what happened with this subforum?). It can be done via scripting. CrystalMV already made an utility resource for that, you should check the link in his signature.
  2. Well, something I didn't even know that existed. The purpose of this thread has been fulfilled for me. Have some more from my audio library.
  3. So I got bored and decided to make a thread to share your uncommon (not popular) music tastes... But you can share anything you want. Even YTPMV can do it. Examples: ^Best Queen song. Yes, my musical taste is extremely variated. I can enjoy from jazz and blues, to modern electronic stuff (deadmau5's "Strobe" is by far one of the best I've heard). So, show me how weird is yours.
  4. 12p

    Happy birthday!

    2 cool guys having their birthday the same day. Great! HB ^^
  5. 12p


    Revivir temas viejos es la polla con cebolla. Here:
  6. Might be interesting to me, but I won't keep track of the story and the videos if those aren't up to my expectations. So you've gotta put real effort into a project like this. At least, to earn my subscription.
  7. 12p


    Los pasteles están sobrevalorados. ¡Vivan las papas fritas!
  8. They all feel very empty... Mainly due to the white sky.
  9. I have 157 wallpapers, and this is one of my favorites.
  10. 12p

    Stuff I make

    Hey pals. It's me again, promoting my YouTube channel and my videos :3 This time, I'm here to show you my latest completed project; an entry for a Source Filmmaker movie-scenes-recreating collab made by another SFMer called "fuzzyduck89", which I had fun making but it was very time-consuming too D: Also, feel free to check all of my other videos (random SFM stuff, animation tests and fillers or whatever I feel like uploading): https://www.youtube.com/user/theofficialbenxamix2 I guess that's it, not much else to say... Greetings!
  11. 12p

    I'm... Back?

    Man, your story is just so damn similar to mine; I feel identified. Welcome back.
  12. Complaining about someone using bold in a forum. lol How come the community never even got a moderation system? It's been like ummm... 5 years Since it was created? Not trying to act like a smartass-pro-PHP-coder or whatever, it just gets my attention... Whatever. I hope you will be able to do something about it, it really needs some attention since it's one of the most visited MTA sections (or it should be, by obvious reasons).
  13. Why haven't you compressed the video? 7.65 GB are you serious? He used Fraps I bet. Fraps like to create huge files. Fraps makes huge files to reduce PC usage and keep lossless video quality. It's both good and bad at the same time (mostly good for 1080p videomakers).
  14. Eso está bien, pero sólo cuando pretendes que el video lo conozca la gente con la que haces el video (es decir, dejar la privacidad del video en "No Listado" o "Privado"). Si lo haces público, es porque pretendes que la internet en general sepa de él. Y has de esperar críticas, te guste o no.
  15. It is possible to make the search, but it will take some time and you'll need some coding (if I'm right, it's PHP).
  16. Parece que no comprendes cómo funcionan las cosas. Lo dejaré así.
  17. Un fad es otra forma de llamar a las modas. Lo que digo, es que todos los videos de Harlem Shake son aburridos IMO. Los únicos 2 que me gustaron fueron el original y éste: Todos los demás, son demasiado repetitivos y... Eso, no tienen gracia para mí :v
  18. ¡¡¡AHAHAHAH QUE CHISTOSO DIOS MIO, ME MUERO!!! Mátate. Sin contar que de seguro no es la primera respuesta al fad hecha en Minecraft, de por sí el fad nunca fue bueno (exceptuando al video original, que sí tenía algo de gracia). Reacción resumida en video:
  19. Just make proper quality videos ._. That's the important point.
  20. No va con mi forma de ser, y de todos modos, tengo razones para mi criterio. Y las doy, a modo de insinuación (interpretable como crítica constructiva): Por lo que mi post no es hecho precisamente por "odio", sino que es "sincero" (cualidad que creo que hace falta).
  21. Pretty simple but adds bits of inmersion into the game, it's good.
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