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Everything posted by Timic

  1. How you maked that text? I like it
  2. You mean to show a pictures of a cars or??
  3. I don't get you. What to fix there? 0.o
  4. I'm playing your maps on EPG server, they are nice ^^
  5. Timic

    Season Greetings

    Wow Awesome work! Keep it up! Merry Christmas
  6. i made it but it dont work function justWords(str) local t = {} local function helper(word) table.insert(t, word) return "" end if not str:gsub("%w+", helper):find"%S" then return t end end -- Direct X Drawing addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() dxDrawText("#ff0000TEST #00ff00CODE",958.0,16.0,1399.0,54.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) end)
  7. Hey, im asking for dxText well my question is if i can make dxText with HEX color, for example: test = dxText:create('#ff0000Hey #ffffff._.', screenWidth - 88, 145, false, 'bankgothic', 1.5, 'right'), he have to show like this on the screen Hey ._. it is possible? ty for reply
  8. Yes you right! update the links for example: mediafire.com, filehippo.com etc.
  9. An example : function(message,type) if (string.find(message,"!me")) and not (string.find(message," !me")) then setTimer(outputChatBox,50,1,"Im Here!",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) Just learn
  10. wow its cool keep up the work
  11. nope i copyied from: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=617 but i changed some lines
  12. ehmm... I cant login i cant do nothing
  13. We cant replace. Its not possible
  14. yes i know i delete but still not working.
  15. then ? what wrong? my cursor not showing too
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