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Everything posted by maxhamer

  1. I cannot install 2.1 no matter what I try but that is not what I am requesting. 2.0 featured the option to not create an account and I really liked that feature since it actually allowed me to play the game. I am wondering if someone can send me the 2.0 exe file so I can play MTA. I recently reformated my PC and 2.1 will not install. It says my PC has another account on it (but how is that possible I restored ). Thanks in advance. Maxhamer
  2. West Coast Freeroam mta:// Website: http://westcoastfreeroam.com Forum: http://forum.westcoastfreeroam.com
  3. West Coast Freeroam mta:// Website: http://westcoastfreeroam.com Forum: http://forum.westcoastfreeroam.com
  4. /home/westcoastdeathmatch/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so: undefined symbol: _ZSt1 6__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i ERROR: Loading mod (/home/westcoastdeathmatch/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so) fai led! Press Q to shut down the server! thats all it says.
  5. Hey, I try and start my server and it says loading of deathmatch.so has failed. It is a linux server. What can I do to fix this issue? Thanks, Max
  6. like i said before that didnt work for some reason.
  7. I downloaded a few resources from the community pages. They are just a few game modes and maps... Such as sth-montgomery or sth-fox.. Now the problem I am having is the resources are loaded in the server and I see them in the list in the CP but they dont do anything when I click start. This happens to other resources as well. This is quite annoying and I hope its just something I forgot to do and not it being broken. EDIT: I have also tried some commands that I found when I was looking around: /changemode (the mode happens to be stealth). That didnt work. Can someone please help? Thanks, Maxhamer
  8. ok well that did certainly get rid of the map opening in the beginning. i have some spawn code, i would like to get it to use that under the same circumstances as the map opening but i was having a really hard time. This is the spawn code I have: function spawnThePlayer ( player ) local where = randInt(1,4) if ( where == 1 ) then local spawn = spawnPlayer ( player, -294+randInt(0,10), 1025+randInt(0,10), 20, 90, randInt(9,288) ) elseif ( where == 2 ) then local spawn = spawnPlayer ( player, -84+randInt(0,10), 1214+randInt(0,10), 20, 90, randInt(9,288) ) elseif ( where == 3 ) then local spawn = spawnPlayer ( player, 83+randInt(0,10), 1172+randInt(0,10), 19, 90, randInt(9,288) ) else local spawn = spawnPlayer ( player, -217+randInt(0,10), 994+randInt(0,10), 20, 90, randInt(9,288) ) end fadeCamera(player,true) end This is where the map opened. if isPlayerDead(g_Me) then end What i tried to do it get that code directly into there but it appears to not work. Any help? It is really appreciated. Max
  9. I am working on the Freeroam GUI resource. I need help in order to figure out how to make it so the map doesn't appear when the players join. Please can someone help me, it doesnt make any sense. I was thinking that it was run by the joinHandler but it appears that doesn't change anything. Thanks in advance, Maxhamer
  10. nobody answered my question...
  11. hmm well i have already started planning a server, which once it is released will be instantly on the server list. i hope i can be invited to the semi-public release , so i can try out the stuff. how can we make maps for the server once it starts?
  12. I was driving around MTA. And all of a sudden my car fell through the ground and I popped up on the land with out a car. In other words I was walking. I could punch and do everything normally. And I wasnt in a car. Has this happened to anyone else?
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