Click Here
you can see there, there are already maked what you want! ( example 3 )
so the code :
local distance = 5 --units
-- define our handler (we'll take a variable number of parameters where the name goes, because there are vehicle names with more than one word)
function consoleCreateVehicle ( sourcePlayer, commandName, ... )
-- if a player triggered it, not the admin,
if ( sourcePlayer ) then
-- calculate the position of the vehicle based on the player's position and rotation:
local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( sourcePlayer ) -- get the player's position
local rotZ = getPedRotation ( sourcePlayer ) -- get the player's rotation around the Z axis in degrees
x = x + ( ( math.cos ( math.rad ( rotZ ) ) ) * distance ) -- calculate the X position of the vehicle
y = y + ( ( math.sin ( math.rad ( rotZ ) ) ) * distance ) -- calculate the Y position of the vehicle
-- get the complete vehicle name by joining all passed parameters using Lua function table.concat
local vehicleName = table.concat({...}, " ")
-- get the vehicle's model ID from the name
local vehicleID = getVehicleModelFromName ( vehicleName )
-- if vehicle ID is valid,
if vehicleID then
-- create the vehicle using the information gathered above:
local newVehicle = createVehicle ( vehicleID, x, y, z, 0, 0, rotZ )
-- if vehicle creation failed, give the player a message
if not newVehicle then
outputConsole ( "Failed to create vehicle.", sourcePlayer )
-- Attach the 'consoleCreateVehicle' function to the "createvehicle" command
addCommandHandler ( "createvehicle", consoleCreateVehicle )