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Everything posted by Kenix

  1. lol MTA only supports up to 1.0
  2. this server side local gate1 = createObject(980,-1530.9265136719,482.71939086914,8.6744327545166,0,0,0) local marker1 = createMarker(-1530.5067138672,482.19729614258,6.4375,"cylinder",8,255,0,0,0) function openGate(theTeam) if getElementModel( theTeam ) == Navy then moveObject (gate1,1500,-1541.51,482.69,8.67) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker1,openGate) function closeGate(theTeam) if getElementModel( theTeam ) == Navy then moveObject (gate1,1500,-1530.92,482.71,8.67) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave",marker1,closeGate) EDIT use
  3. try this function playSound3DEx(path) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local soundasd = playSound3D(path, x, y, z+1) setSoundVolume(soundasd, 1.0) attachElements(soundasd, player) setSoundMinDistance(soundasd, 5) setSoundMaxDistance(soundasd, 50) end EDIT: but if still quiet then it is in sound.
  4. local gate1 = createObject(980,-1530.9265136719,482.71939086914,8.6744327545166,0,0,0) local marker1 = createMarker(-1530.5067138672,482.19729614258,6.4375,"cylinder",8,255,0,0,0) function openGate(theTeam) if getElementModel( theTeam ) == Navy then moveObject (gate1,1500,-1541.51,482.69,8.67) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",marker1,openGate) function closeGate(theTeam) if getElementModel( theTeam ) == Navy then moveObject (gate1,1500,-1530.92,482.71,8.67) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave",marker1,closeGate) edit refresh page
  5. coordinates are entered here what you need. function start() SpeedBoost = { createMarker (-1797, -1880, 490, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-1797, -1880, 490, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-1797, -1880, 490, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-1797, -1880, 490, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-2367.9, -1752.2, 485, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-2367.9, -1752.2, 485, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-2375.3, -1724.3, 499.2, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (-2375.3, -1724.3, 520, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1977.36, -1286.72, 245.344, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1790.89, -1631.36, 195.339, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1470.72, -1623.86, 200.364, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1332.67, -1548.88, 246.432, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1702.74, -1351.29, 130.889, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1099.04, -1541.56, 192.859, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1542.42, -1183.14, 184.604, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), createMarker (1373.26, -1178.31, 288.364, "corona", 5, 60, 255, 100, 105 ), } end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), start ) Multiplier = 1.5 function SpeedBoost (player) if player ~= getLocalPlayer() then return end if getElementType(player) == "player" then if isPedInVehicle ( player ) then local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if getVehicleController(car) == player then speedx, speedy, speedz = getElementVelocity ( car ) speedcnx = (speedx*Multiplier) speedcny = (speedy*Multiplier) speedcnz = (speedz*Multiplier) setElementVelocity ( car, speedcnx, speedcny,speedcnz ) fixVehicle(car) addVehicleUpgrade(car, 1010) playSoundFrontEnd(46) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), SpeedBoost ) in meta.xml
  6. Kenix


    thanks a lot
  7. Kenix


    please help with the script I want to make that command created a bot. client function onResourceStart(thisResource,thePlayer) local team = getTeamFromName("funners") local ai= "following" local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local rot = getPedRotation(thePlayer) x = x + ((math.cos(math.rad(rot + 90))) * 2.5) y = y + ((math.sin(math.rad(rot + 90))) * 2.5) call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x,y,z,rot, 0, 287, 0, 0, team, 38, ai) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart ) addCommandHandler ( "createbot", onResourceStart )
  8. stupid car mods https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ts&id=1555 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1554 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1553 Stupidly stolen map slothman and remake name team. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1551
  9. Kenix

    array problem

    I tried to do but he still picks more than 1 player function playerszmtake () local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer ( ) setPlayerTeam" class="kw6">setPlayerTeam (source, teamzombie ) end
  10. Kenix

    array problem

    please help does not work on a script idea he must choose one player, but when the server is greater than 2 players, he begins to select all or choose all but one player. function playerzmtake () local array = {} for i,pl in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do array[i]=pl end if #array>0 then local c = 0 while true do c=math.random(1,#array) if array[c]~=nil then break end end setPlayerTeam" class="kw6">setPlayerTeam (array[c], teamzombie ) array[c]=nil end end
  11. do not think that he does not know how to create my own server
  12. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Server_Manual
  13. Kenix


    thanks a lot dude
  14. Kenix


    script does not work . debug he wrote in a bad argument # 1 to 'random' (interval is empty). help please I'm trying to do in each slot gated random weapons. error on line 10 g_Root = getRootElement() local w1Table = { [4]='1', [5]='1', [6]='1', [8]='1', [9]='1' } local w2Table = { [25]='50', [26]='50', [27]='200' } local w3Table = { [28]='150', [29]='150', [32]='150' } local w4Table = { [30]='100', [31]='100' } local w5Table = { [33]='30', [34]='30' } function givewaeponsplayeronroundstart(thePlayer, weaponID, ammo) giveWeapon(w1Table[math.random(#w1Table)]) giveWeapon(w2Table[math.random(#w2Table)]) giveWeapon(w3Table[math.random(#w3Table)]) giveWeapon(w4Table[math.random(#w4Table)]) giveWeapon(w5Table[math.random(#w5Table)]) end addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStart", g_Root, givewaeponsplayeronroundstart ) setTimer(givewaeponsplayeronroundstart, 1000, 0)
  15. it works health and armor can not be seen. server side setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false ) ahhhhhh! i just remember that it hides them too, i used this function and some others to be invisible man Yeah
  16. it works health and armor can not be seen. server side setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false )
  17. Kenix

    please help

    accidentally looked out the window server and saw that when people do not have it on the server switches maps. but when people on the server script does not work.
  18. Kenix

    please help

    yeah right. DakiLLa
  19. Kenix

    please help

    script does not work no errors in debug Pamo error check == 0 EDIT: tried like this but did not get. g_Root = getRootElement() function MapStart() if countPlayersInTeam(teamSurvivor) and getAlivePlayers () == 0 then outputChatBox ( "1" ) Endgame(teamzombie, true) outputChatBox ( "2" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStart", g_Root, MapStart )
  20. Kenix

    please help

    omg, then what do you want? not work
  21. Kenix

    please help

    check does not work.
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