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Everything posted by Kenix

  1. the problem might be opening event will likely need to be getLocal Player () server setTimer(triggerClientEvent,1500,1,"onClientHighScoresUpdate",source,getHighScores()) client addEvent ( "onClientHighScoresUpdate", true ) -- lol you forgot to add Event. addEventHandler ("onClientHighScoresUpdate",getLocalPlayer(), function (scores) I'm not sure what is right. P.s and yet I doubt setTimer ()
  2. Kenix


    most likely a problem with meta.xml if the problem was in the script, he would still start up.
  3. in general that have already appeared modes that change the col (the density of the object file) in all interiors.
  4. Kenix


    scooby lol I want to make the comparison well, for example if the file weighs 17 kilobytes downloaded and if we assume the file is 32 kilobytes stopresource. as a resource base mode. edit:I just want to put on community their resources but I do not want to change the files in it P.s scripts and files
  5. Kenix


    how to check the file size of the resource ?
  6. Kenix


    no has files luac. it files lua lol this is a compiled file lua
  7. Kenix


    do you know something about my question? I know but I'm not going to answer it otherwise everything will be able to decompile someone else's scripts and this is not the wrong people =)
  8. Kenix


    not necessary, decompilers may not decompile all close topic please.
  9. I altered the script but it still does not work. bronezombies = { 167, 277, 264 } -- бронерованные зомби noheadzombies = { 70, 108, 128, 188, 259 } -- без головные зомби speedzombies = { 92, 162, 206, 209, 212, 229, 230 } -- скоростные зомби firezombies = { 105, 107, 127, 280, 287 } -- огненные зомби function table.have ( t, value ) if type(t) ~= "table" then return false end local k, v = next(t) while k do if v == value then return true end k, v = next( t, k ) end return false end function zombieclasses () if table.have( bronezombies, skinID ) then setPedStat (source, 24, 2000) -- много хп getGameSpeed (source, 0.7) -- побочные действия бег медленнее setGravity ( source, 0.009) -- побочные действия меньше прыжки elseif table.have( noheadzombies, skinID ) then setPedHeadless(source, true) end if table.have( speedzombies, skinID ) then getGameSpeed (source, 1.3) -- быстрее бег setPedStat (source, 24, 500) -- но меньше жизек elseif table.have( firezombies, skinID ) then setPedOnFire ( source, true ) -- зомби в огне end end
  10. не ну если ты вообще 0 в английском юзай транслит гугл это вещь http://translate.google.ru/?hl=ru&tab=wT#en|ru|
  11. here. setTimer ( zombieclasses, 100, 1)
  12. I go to this setTimer function
  13. I compare the current skin with bronezombies.
  14. this is my function as if (skinID == bronezombies )then a SDK if (bronezombies[skinID])then both cases is not working.
  15. try this triggerServerEvent("accLog",getLocalPlayer(),getLocalPlayer(),username,password)
  16. Shoot, I do not know how well are explained but I'd like to for example the skin 70 I want to compare it with the fact that lower bronezombies = {[167] = true, [277] = true, [264] = true} noheadzombies = {[70] = true, [108] = true, [128] = true, [188] = true, [259] = true} speedzombies = {[92] = true, [162] = true, [206] = true, [209] = true, [212] = true, [229] = true, [230] = true} firezombies = {[105] = true, [107] = true, [127] = true, [280] = true, [287] = true} check if it matches the class fire zombies then give him power. Zombie fire, and so with everything.
  17. I want it to compare with the table skinid skins if == then go beyond classes p.s comparison, how-to
  18. please help I made a script to check on the skins, and Euclidean certain abilities zombie. server side bronezombies = { 167, 277, 264 } -- бронерованные зомби noheadzombies = { 70, 108, 128, 188, 259 } -- без головные зомби speedzombies = { 92, 162, 206, 209, 212, 229, 230 } -- скоростные зомби firezombies = { 105, 107, 127, 280, 287 } -- огненные зомби -- zombie skins ^^^^^^ function zombieclasses () if (skinID == bronezombies )then setPedStat (source, 24, 2000) -- много хп getGameSpeed (0.7) -- побочные действия бег медленнее setGravity (0.009) -- побочные действия меньше прыжки end if (skinID == noheadzombies )then setPedHeadless(source, true) end if (skinID == speedzombies )then getGameSpeed (1.3) -- быстрее бег setPedStat (source, 24, 500) -- но меньше жизек end if (skinID == firezombies )then setPedOnFire ( source, true ) -- зомби в огне end end -- ability for each class of zombie ^^^^^^^
  19. lol i use server side your script
  20. script not work i use exp_system Solidsnake14 local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local LEVELS = 0 local EXPS = 0 local nextlevel = 0 addEventHandler( 'onClientElementDataChange', getRootElement(), function() EXPS = exp LEVELS = levels[lvl][1] nextlevel = levels[lvl][2] if(isElement(expl))then destroyElement(expl) destroyElement(expshadow) end expshadow = guiCreateLabel(x*0.80+1,y*0.01+1,x,15,"уровень: "..LEVELS.." ("..EXPS.." / "..nextlevel..")",false) expl = guiCreateLabel(x*0.80,y*0.01,x,15,"уровень: "..LEVELS.." ("..EXPS.." / "..nextlevel..")",false) guiLabelSetColor (expshadow, 0,0,0) end)
  21. try this , I could be wrong. res = getThisResource() addEvent ("onPlayerCallMission",true) function callMission (theMission) call (res,theMission,source) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerCallMission",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),callMission)
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