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Everything posted by NeDizZ

  1. Well I have a question.. When we play clan matches with other teams some say that our base, Yacht Cortez is not allowed. Well to get to it there is a ramp and i really tried, to get into the ship, u can jump in, on foot, after u used the ramp. Thats hard though.. But some say thats a problem. I want to know, what do u, experienced players, think about this base? Are the clans, that said so right? Is the base not allowed?
  2. Well we are a lithuanian clan, so the website is in lithuanian. We are not a new clan, started a year ago, but we didn't play clan wars then, only fought with other lithuanians. Well, if the clan, whos hq previuosly was yacht cortez, "died", I think it would be great to announce it as LDK hq. Well yeah, there aren't a lot of clans playing. The whole thing is like asleep, everyone's like freezed. We still play MTA 0.5, because it has some spirit we can't abandon. I don't know, if someone said something like that earlier, but im saying it hearty. And i'm dam sorry that we "missed the train". Sorry for bad english, I hope u understood.
  3. Yes, i know, the server was hacked. It will be back soon..
  4. ^Thats our emblem. Yes, a part of wing is missing. Yes, you can see the effect of my shaking fingers (first thing i made from scratch - started on white paper) and yes this is similiar to the Navy Seals emblem. http://www.ldk-clan.ten.lt - the website is in lithuanian, so I'll post team information in this topic. Info LDK was founded in February of 2004 as a DM clan just for fun. We grew in time and about a year after the foundation we started looking for some competition. But, unfortunately, most of the community of MTA:VC had already left. We still had some fun fighting the strong teams that were still playing MTA:VC. Then there was some time of being inactive. And SA-MP was released. Although it was laggy, a lot of strong teams started playing it. So there was competition. We participated in the official sa-mp-league and were first in our group, but lost against EB in the semi-finals. After that we decided to leave SA-MP and wait for MTA. And that's it, we are inactive, waiting for the release of MTA SA DM. Our team is special because it also has a little stunting crew. It started when a underground stunter Mr.Metal/Gorgron joined the team at the beginning of 2006. That is when we first saw his newest at the time stunt video Tumult which introduced us to the magical world of stunting ;] The LDK stunting crew consists of Mr.Metal in the lead, Sabas as a special guest, me and 2XiD as amateur stunters. The crew has released 2 VC stunting videos so far: Lunacy Lunacy 2 LDK team is special because we are like married to each other - every day when we come online we chat about stuff and that has been all the time since the team started looking seriously at GTA online - ~since the end of 2005. We recruit new members very carefully, we look more at what kind of person he is then how great his skill is - skill is more a thing to learn in time, but if you're an @sshole - no one can change you. The most important thing for us is fair play. Cheats, hacks and stuff like that is forbidden in the team. We currently have 11 members: NeDizZ Sting Shadow Kobra SniegZ E6GA/2XiD MarTiaN Mr.Metal/Gorgon Dommkius M!dn!ght/Mid UnDeF/Balys/Kuolas Contact: Skype: Nedis.lt MSN: [email protected]
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