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Everything posted by NoxxaH

  1. I think Gaming is the best sport ever But ok then I think Italy or Spain will win, these are much better than england
  2. Year 2003 he was 15 years old, I bet he never though he whould die when he was 18 years old.
  3. BrophY: You knew him and you won't send a card or flowers? Woah In other forums/communities were we knew people that have died, we send them a few flowers or cards from the whole forum to the ceremony when they bury the person
  4. R.I.P! Will you vets send him a card or flowers?.. EDIT: I mean to his grave of course.
  5. Counter-Strike 1.5 at year 1999, and 1.6 at year 2000.
  6. He looks like someone from the matrix but I still don't know him, only n00bs whould run after celeb's that aren't that hot
  7. Who's that? Btw I whould have sued you if I was famous and you followed me lol
  8. I don't really hate america I've been there many times and I like it, I just want this thread locked because it's stupid to waste more time. Me is smarter than Japaneses that's the ending score!
  9. Seriously tokyo has invented much more things than usa has aren't they smarter then? It's very racial to vote "me" without posting a comment
  10. There's none, because this thread is smarter than you!
  11. Even a guy with 0 IQ whould've figured that one out, even if they didn't know whom it's quoted from they just paste the quote in google and find out. Japaneses 1 Paul 0
  12. I belive you.. Who's saying am I quoting here?: I just like to see some proof of you being smarter
  13. IMG: Movie: http://www.wimp.com/machines/ They sing and know how to put up smart things like that movie, and they have very good technology, so are you who is lazy and sit all the time at your chair smarter or are they? I know this thread might be gay, but who is the most creative of you and them, good to know what others think about them Btw that movie is dumb, there's more of the things Japaneses have made up that movie is just an dummy example
  14. You damn cheaters I hate you, baby steps, first you cheat single player then you go multiplayer, why not go to hell! suck on that..
  15. I know this guy from new york: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/bunny_tapdancer.html He dance very good right ?
  16. AMD is better than Intel on gaming because gaming needs as much resources as possible and AMD processors are cheaper than intel ones. That's why you can get much better than Intel processors for the same price or even cheaper when you buy AMD as your processor. Still Intel ones are very good at overclocking and has better power preformance but the bad thing is only that it has a few problems with the the new games but it isin't a bad processor because of that. Btw when Intel doesn't have problem with a game it works much smoother than AMD but not all processors works the same way so it depends on the game really. And it doesn't use any less power at all, and about coolor temperature depends on what cooling system you've got. This is not Intel's fault that Intel processors doesn't work good with mta
  17. The game only gets worse as it updates that's how mta works (joking)
  18. The game is very fun and all, but on the first version I never got any crashes now I crash almost every 5 minute I join the game, the game just freezes
  19. Indeed, and that's why you should contact them and not them contacting you. You can post in their thread or forums or whatever, just don't start things like this whenever you feel to play. So this thread should be locked I think
  20. 2 of the steps is time and activity, when people give up and you still try and it doesn't mather what, without support it's hard if you don't have the time but still try to be active /Lock request
  21. Well, I think hes the funniest one, maybe you think something else though? Not everyone thinks same as you and not everyone thinks same as me, thank god
  22. With what? the clan? Hmm It's dead, and no luck will bring it back right now unless there's a miracle and there's none so far though.
  23. Borat aka Ali g: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8673284122 Here's when he sing the country song Ali g was leading this years MTV music awards, was also funny to watch Ali g did not only do comeback with "Borat" but with a gay guy called "Bruno" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 5304088042
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