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Everything posted by DEFCON1

  1. DEFCON1

    Hide Player Map

    I think that is a bug. forcePlayerMap( player, false ) should hide the map if shown by command "radar" and not only if shown by forcePlayerMap( player, true ). I think you have no chance to fix it by yourself.
  2. DEFCON1

    Hide Player Map

    I think that is a bug. forcePlayerMap( player, false ) should hide the map if shown by command "radar" and not only if shown by forcePlayerMap( player, true ). I think you have no chance to fix it by yourself.
  3. Hi again, little bump: I have this in my coreconfig file: <joypad> <product guid="000606a3-0000-0000-0000-504944564944"> <info deadzone="12" saturation="99" product_name="CYBORG 3D USB" /> <axis source_index="0" source_dir="0" output_index="0" output_dir="0" enabled="1" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="0" source_dir="1" output_index="0" output_dir="1" enabled="1" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="1" source_dir="0" output_index="1" output_dir="0" enabled="1" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="1" source_dir="1" output_index="1" output_dir="1" enabled="1" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="5" source_dir="0" output_index="2" output_dir="0" enabled="0" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="5" source_dir="1" output_index="2" output_dir="1" enabled="0" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="5" source_dir="0" output_index="3" output_dir="0" enabled="0" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="5" source_dir="1" output_index="3" output_dir="1" enabled="0" max_value="128" /> <axis source_index="6" source_dir="0" output_index="4" output_dir="1" enabled="1" max_value="255" /> <axis source_index="6" source_dir="1" output_index="5" output_dir="1" enabled="1" max_value="255" /> </product> </joypad> I would like to know..how do I find out what to modify to fix my problem, if it's ever possible? Please help!
  4. DEFCON1

    Hide Player Map

    Hello, I do not understand what you are trying to do, please explain better. Do you want to block players from using the "radar" command and key ? Maybe what you need is forcePlayerMap( player, false ) ?
  5. That simple? Thank you, I will try
  6. Hello again , I would like to know if it is possible to make a client configuration file, that the server send to clients only if they do not have it already. This way the clients could modify values of their own configuration file, and their configuration will stay the same across differents servers using that resource, so they do not need to reconfigure their settings each time they join a server which use that resource. Ex: - Server1 and Server2 both have the same resource - Client does not have the resource's client files - Client join Server1 and download resource's client files, including client config file, - Client modify values of his config file - Client quit Server1 - Client join Server2 and he do not re-download the config file, instead, the resource use values of existing client config file. If this is possible, can you please provide a small example? Thanks!
  7. Because commands parameters are strings, you have to convert it to an integer There are more problems in that code, I suggest you rewrite it from scratch and think the best way of doing things. For example try not to use -kind of- recursion, and separate command and timer function, as 50p suggested already Good luck. And I wish an happy new year to everyone!
  8. Yes madis, the edge bluriness of inside rectangle, and I have tried both gui and dx functions and same result. I thinked it was caused by my graphic card, as I'm from laptop, but then I've tried on my gaming pc and still the same problem, so maybe it is MTA functions which reduce image quality? But I fixed it by removing the transparency and painted the color on the images themself, now it looks like that (I've changed the background image a bit..) You see there is no more that blue line, JBoy
  9. It is actually displayed in game at 50% of the size of the image, but I have tried 100% too, as well as 500%, just to be sure that I'm not crazy.. The weird thing is, images used to display digits and kmh/mph, they are 4 differents images of the same size, and they fit perfectly at any % of size, and they have the same transparency! I will try cut it in 4 parts (each side) and see if it solve but as said, this will ruin my easy-to-skin system Thanks anyway 50p
  10. Hi again, So I have one small anonying problem. Look this image, made in paint.net : Now a big zoom of the top-right corner, in paint.net (click, image too big..): http://cdn.solidfiles.net/i/gGJA.png The same corner, but taken from ingame (blue background is the sky) (click, image too big..): http://cdn.solidfiles.net/i/sp1E.png See the problem? The external semi transparent color is ok and fit pixels -kind of- correclty..but the internal (what we see from the botton left corner) does not fit pixels correctly... which is annoying for what i want to do. Here is a picture of my actual problem: You can clearly see what I mean (I hope , because it's not easy to explain as I'm not english!). That blue line all around the internal images (the 3 digits and the kmh/mph) should NOT be there! It should fit perfectly.. I have tried many differents image file formats, including .dds, nothing change . I have also tried reducing the size of the concerned image by 2 pixels, but then it fit but lose some transparency because the 'internal images' overwrite it a bit.. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem and make it perfectly like I want? I could cut that image in 4 parts (so no 'internal transparent rectangle'..) to see what happen..but this will ruin my skinning system of my script
  11. Hello, I have dificulties to set up my joystick, which is a Cyborg 3D: I can assign X axis, Y axis, and throttle successfully, however I can't assign the Z axis of my joystick correctly. In game it should turn left/right ("Special control left" and "Special control right", rotation around Z axis of the plane/heli) but it doesn't, instead it's Look left/right.. Then I noticed, in the Binds tab the keys assigned to "Vehicle look left" and "Vehicle look right", are used in game for "Special control left" and "Special control right". And vice-versa, keys assigned to "Special control left" and "Special control right" are used in game for "Vehicle look left" and "Vehicle look right". I think that is a bug and that's why I can't set my Z axis correctly. Can someone confirm this, or did I do something wrong?
  12. DEFCON1

    Resolution Help

    I can't wait for this, since I have a 1920*1080 native resolution and I'm forced to play in 1440*900 (windowed, else it's blurry)
  13. Damn, I forgot to say, it's not a analog speedometer . It's using digits so it doesn't need to be updated as often as a needle. Here is the current, not finished look: I've got few nice comments about it so I release it when finished. It is kind of skinnable..
  14. I really think the hex color codes are bugged, well that's not a real problem actually,I will ask something else now In fact i am doing a speedometer, which uses only images, and I am wondering what is more efficient (please do not answer if you don't really know!) : - Drawing differents images every frames with the dxDrawImage function in onClientRender, or - Drawing static images with guiCreateStaticImage and change them with guiStaticImageLoadImage inside a 50ms timer ? Note that i still need onClientRender for rendering the background rectangle with dxDrawRectangle. The speed is calculated inside the 50ms timer, so isn't called every frame which is better, I THINK! I'm just hesiting on what method from above I should use. Both methods works perfectly fine and are working very similarly, and I don't see any fps lose with either methods (playing on local server, which should not have any effect since it is a client side script, and on my laptop which isn't really a gaming computer). I really think the second method require less cpu usage but I'm unsure, since gui functions are probably not as efficient as the directx functions. I just care a lot about efficiency of scripts, hope someone will give me advices on what method is better for what i want to achieve Thanks!
  15. Sorry for bump, everything goes well in my script but I don't understand something: tocolor(0, 0, 255, 255) is true blue color, but why 0xFF0000FF give black color (at least in DxDrawRectangle) ? Isn't it the same blue color? I think that is a bug, but I'm not sure, can anyone tell me what is wrong with this 0xFF0000FF ?
  16. Hello MTA community, first let me introduce myself a bit! I'm new to MTA, and I want to get into scripting cool things, because i'm really bored of SA:MP Ok now for my question! Before I start making my script and my images, i would like to know few things because I'm unsure: - I want to use DxDrawRectangle and DxDrawImage (in a client side script). - The image which will be displayed have some places with transparency. - The rectangle will be displayed behind my image. - I want my rectangle to fill the transparent places of the image. So my first question is, will I see the rectangle's color where the image is transparent? My second question: my script will draw a new image every frame, can I draw the rectangle only once (as it will not change often) and display/hiding differents images on top of it without any display problems ? Also in DxDrawImage I see a parameter 'color', and I'm wondering if I need to set it to 0 so my image's transparency work? Thanks for your time, i hope this is possible
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