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Everything posted by Andy_1984
radeon ive got an fx5200 and they just dont cut it when playing games like battlefield 2 which most games are getting to
looks like the real punkbuster got him, hahaha and again hahahaha
hey i have no problem with his mod and i think its great that hes trying to do somthing to catch cheaters. i wasnt disrespecting his mod mearly trying to understand why he would say that the real punkbuster was shit and he still hasnt gave me an answer all he goes on about is how im a dipshit cause he cant grasp what hes talking about above he says that it proves his point im a dipshit. possibly for pointing out to him how diffrent the real punkbuster is from his and how its not crap for catching thousands of cheaters anyway im done with this moronic argument. hes a stubborn little shit and will end up getting sued in the future if not for stealing punkbuster trademark or for stealing other copyright information
And the sad thing is, I'm guessing he's going to use PunkBuster. im a bit confused with that post, do you mean your anti cheat script or the the real punkbuster? your script: no i wont be using it i dont run an mta server so its not that funny. the real punkbuster: hell yes of crourse i use it its in all the best games. the ones i play anyway - call of duty, battlefield 2, rtcw, AA and theres no way to play these games except on a non pb enabled server but then your just gonna get morons with aimbots wall hacks health cheats and all sorts does yours catch things like wall hacks and aimbots ? no it doesnt so stfu i dont understand how you can say that punkbuster is crap lets hear an explanation. maybe because it catches you cheating ? yes thats probably it, its banned you for aimbots on all those games listed on pb website and put you on there global ban list haha pb catches 99.9% of cheats. in 2 years on call of duty i have never once been killed by or even seen a cheater so thats saying alot about it
lmao yes its the year of my birth i guess you cant count then huh ?
well i see it as necessary, kid needs to be taught a lesson, trouble is kids sitting behind there desk like fayte dont seem to realise that you can just as easily be sued on here as in the real world and his mummy wont beable to help much except sell the pc she bought him for xmas to pay for all the trouble he put her through by being stupid
indeed thats why i dont use it but its a well known name and registered trademark so ill use it on my chat client and maybe people will think its awsome and i will be famous and then get sued btw i use yahelite for chating to people on yahoo, its better and more stable than messenger cause kids cant hack/kick you on it
hahahaha man your an idiot trying to say your so called "punkbuster" is better and your a liar. you took the name because you know deep down that punkbuster(the only one) is the best why dont i go call my php mta query tool ASE yes thats cool ill call it ASE because ASE is a piece of shit and while im at it ill call my chat client i made ages ago Yahoo Messenger jusdt because i like the name joking about the ase and yahoo thing btw
grow up kid, i hope even balance sue you. seems to me that your trying to ride on pb's tail naming your crap the same as it, very misleading and wrong just for your stupidity im going to tell evenbalance about you.
lol great job with that, it thinks a windows directory is a trainer i asume it just checks open windows. so what if i had to hide a trainer so that it was runing in the background
of course its copyright. change or they will more than likely try to sue you, or threaten i know i wouldnt want to come up against pb. and derhitman do you honestly think that punkbuster is going to make it for mta or give mta the right to use it(i dunno how they work that out) ? lol thts funny, i dont mean to sound mean or anything but mta just isnt that big, yes its big but its hard to take it serious maybe if mta was as smooth running as those games on the list they might consider that pb could be used in mta but then where you gonna get the money from, pb are affilated with big companys int he gamin industry just look at that list of games. ea, infinity ward, id, crytek game developers like these guys probably pay huge amounts of cash for the right to use pb in there games, also its the best cheat detection software in the world so for mta to use pb they would have to sell the product and pb takes a small percentatge (thats the way i see it anyway
you need to go into the php script its self to change the player part heres how: open mtaquery.php scroll down the page and look for /*Players display*/ you should see this: /*Players display*/ $player_list .= ' '.$player['name']. ''.$player['score']. ''.$player['ping'].' '; /*end Players display*/ just add your bgcolor="" into the td the reason this part isnt in the template is because i dont know how to do loops in them so the php script builds that part of the tpl then outputs it as {player_list} BELLOW CODE FOR PEOPLE WANTING TO CREATE OWN TEMPLATE FROM SCRATCH when building your own tpl always include the players part inside the bellow code /*Players display*/ insert html here /*end Players display*/ ok now we know where to put it heres how we start it /*Players display*/ $player_list .= 'all your html goes in here'; /*end Players display*/ ok now that we have the start how do we get the player list here arethe variables that are used:(paste these as is directly into your html where you want it displayed) '.$player['name'].' '.$player['score'].' '.$player['ping'].' now you should have somthing that could look like this: /*Players display*/ $player_list .= ''.$player['name'].'-'.$player['score'].'-'.$player['ping'].' '; /*end Players display*/ i know its a little complicated but its the only way it can be done until i figure out a new template system so its not so weird for people who dont understand php
hello there, i work with visual basic 6 and as your aware i made an application for voice chat in games, after a response from one of your forum members about cpu usage i tested my app to check and found that my method of notifiying the user of who is speaking, joined, left caused alot of cpu usage (50%) i have tried several places before for an explanation of how to create a directx overlay and no one has answered so i was forced to use a windows popup for my method. but now im forced to update the app to stop the high cpu usage and again looking for dx overlay how-to in vb6. i hope one of you knows the answer cause im desprate just to make things clearer: dx overlay is the same thing that mta does with its chat screen, i need somthing similar to be displayed on screen for as long as someone is speaking or xx seconds
unable to figure out the bandwidth usage ill need to get back to you on that one but as for cpu it doesnt use alot, rearly goes over 03% except when people join or leave wich causes it to shoot up to 50% cpu usage, i found the cause of the high cpu usage. it is caused by the popup i use to let people know who has joined or left the channel and who is speaking. now that i know of this ill be working to improve it, if only i could figure out how to put an overlay on directx instead of my bad popup window, ill be pestering people on here for the answer perhaps, people are reluctent to give such information which is crap for me. anyways thanks for your response its pushed me to update again
nah voxpulse is already released. havnt updated in a while though but its still working good. ive failed to get people to report any problems or even post on my forums about the application. its real hard to develop things like that without users http://www.projectpulse.dreadlabs.com/viewtopic.php?t=3
yeah its gettin alot better im gonna add some more things like using the url to change ip:port like http://web.co.uk/mtaquery.php?a= then gets info from server like that while just going to http://web.co.uk/mtaquery.php will just use ip:port that you specifiy inside the app also a mini mta query for site index pages, would look a little like server name Online Players: 32 MTA:VC it would look alot nicer than that though also the way that i have formated the returned info makes it easy to set it up for gta3 aswel witht he script being able to tell the difference
ive updated mtaquery i redone the entire app and made it alot easier to understand what it is doing and how. also has a template system as usual: Download: http://www.projectpulse.dreadlabs.com/d ... aquery.zip Demo: http://www.projectpulse.dreadlabs.com/m ... aquery.php
the dutch guy is dutchtux heres the post: http://mtavc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2522 i was thinking of a template system but then thought nah cause i was trying to keep it simple,but when i got some time to myself ill add more stuff like a template system and a total rework of the code of which will be all my own work as that was thrown together prety quikly and realy messy coding theres no real way to protect the code by using template system as i offer this to be downloaded and used on a website for people who run a mtavc server. and the 'netcode' cant be used in any malicious way as far as i can tell, its a way alot of game servers provide stats in this way example: call of duty is almost the exact same, as with freelancer and many others. if you know this code can be used to exploit an mta server please email me and ill work somthin out like remote mta server query from my own site just like game monitor but id realy like to avoid that at all costs because then people cant customize the script to fit there own website
Swimming actually makes you lose muscle. realy? oh well my bad. sorry
security teams dont go and deface a site, they do it to there own stuff or a friends stuff and then report the exploit to a bug tracker or the developer of the site. never go and do it to some website, thats illegal and they wouldnt be a security team for long. if longbong is saying hes a security tester or what ever its all a lie cause no self respecting security tester would do such a thing
been a month since i played it but im sure you can get muscle by swimming
lastnight i got bored and decided to try and find out some information on querying an mta server, having done this with other games before i thought it would be similar and it was but being lazy i copied some old code from some dutch guy on the forums and some from another query app ive used and alot of my own stuff and came up with a great little mta:vc query tool that gets users with large scores aswel Enjoy Download: http://www.projectpulse.dreadlabs.com/d ... aquery.zip Demo: http://www.projectpulse.dreadlabs.com/m ... aquery.php (querys dna stunt server) mtaquery has been updated
bullit build one from aria it will be cheap as a hooker. anyway heres mines (dont know that much about it yet as its just a temp pc i got for free) p4 3.20ghz 1024mb ram (1gb) 128mb nvidia geforce fx 5200 200gb hdd Price £0.00 images: you should see it now though, imagine wires hangout of the side and a realy large cpu sitting on the floor next to it and no top (no other way to fit anything into it except hanging out of the side or top)