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Everything posted by Deathspike
Maybe you should read my damn words better. I already said it was nice what he did, but i still am with MY opinion and not YOURS. Learn the difference..
If you like to think of me as a jerk, fine thats your opinion, but i'll just stick with mine too. Simple as that, just ignore me if you dont like me, i'll just say whats on my mind, like i always do.
Having a released MOD doesnt make it good synch .. i'd rather lay my confidence on MTA, GTA Black Project and SanArchy. Like i said, it's nice he made all that, but still, i'd rather see more synch. There are like, 2 or 3, released mods.. and they all got chop-chop synch. Everyone knows (sry mr. maker of gtat) that gtat has really horrible features/sych. I definitly wouldn't be suprised if anyone can compete with rumble.. sry mr. maker of rumble but the synch is horrible =/
I do heh, i just didnt care to read this thread after i've read a part of their forum, anyway, both dont lag and stay still, then aim on the head, or body, whatever, and shoot. You wont hit. Also, the cars float and chop futher.. well its nice you take your time to make such thing.. but i'd rather see more synch.
Make people/cars look smooth and aim correctly
Learn as you go along, thats my idea anyway, just starting modding at first, in other words, have a fully functional code which you are going to understand and edit. http://www.cplusplus.com, is indeed an excellent site to get to know the most basics of functions.. and above all .. think logical.
Damn, it has been definitly too long ago since i last checked back here. How's the progress going anyway (get me updated since my last post lol)? Im sure youre working as much as you can.. and want too . What language would the sdk be in, c++, ansi-c or whatever all those names. I've studied C++ since my last post so when .. and if you release youre SDK thingy i'd prolly be able to get this thing rolling.. offcourse, when and if . Some great idea's have been posted here and im very much looking forward to the release gg (good game) guys! - Spike
Downloading isnt illegal, uploading is. I believe you wont get punished, only if you send it to others, sell it or smth like that. yeah i can understand you dont wanna buy again, but rockstar deserves some money for their game too
just read whats already there (on sdk release) and see how they build it, best way to learn is to experiment and think logical
pff, only 1 sentance is good for this, and works quite well in real life too... Dont judge someone/something before you know it/them!
MTA focuses on modders, giving the opportunity to create smth with their blue build .. dont depend on them for gamemods. Thats nice. SA-MP focusses more on the community, and they do seem alot nicer no offense ppl here, they tend to communicate more with their visitors.. i like that. Anyway, lets see the actual playable style and decide then
If you count on a year u dont get disapointed lol
C++ aint all that hard.. it just takes time and dedication to learn what ur dealing with. Not be to be 'show around' but my jk2 mod dedicated to prevent crashing actually did stop all crashing, while all others currently downloadable did not. ( i owe a mate for some things though:P)
Youre post points out such things, but balace comes with testing. Do you happen to know the Jedi Knight community, a FPS with Lightsabers, quite RPG styled i might add now. About Might learn C++ If i got the time i might try and see how this one works, it seems im learning my way trough c++ by coding for jk2 .. great. Well, when its out ill take a look (cud u point out what type of functions are where ty)
The cop has to respect the law .. i doubt the player will
Radar Seeing teammates --> Nice Seeing Enemies --> Sucked Healthbar Only see-able w/ name when you aim at them.. like in SA SP when you aim at some pet you will see a small green(later black) healthbar .. thats nice, w/ a small name above it when you aim..
IMO - In a large gang/RPG style gamemode it sucks to have police .. mostly some stupid kiddy's join them and as a normal player i wont fire as i see a police officer .. who knows if they do the same. Strange things happen, ppl who didnt do nething will be put in jail and that sort of things. If ur an Admin, and have some responsibility over the server, to make it welcome for others, being nice and all the ability to join police FOR ADMINS is nice .. thats my opinion. An admin knows not to mess around so much .. offcourse a bit since we all do that, but not like some 8-year-old-happy-to-pull-the-trigger-kiddys .. if u know what i mean
Untill you get a leadervsleader war, internal gang war for leader position. I could agree w/ votes, every 10-15 minutes one vote for leader should be done.. not more otherwise you get that constantly leader fight. Well if ur not a driver but a gunner i suggest you switch seats yeah, cause the driver can shoot and steer
The leader should be able to be challenged by others, cuz i wudnt want to take orders from some mega noob . F.e. every 15 minutes some1 can challenge him in a 1on1 something, racing, shooting, or whatever.
If you'd make this the accuracy shud be pretty low, those american soldiers that were dropped cudnt exactly aim pretty easy either
Lol thats called screwing up the jump Or another How about giving them parachutes that dont open .. lol .. *splat* x20
Well read their awnsers, i guess NO=NO and you cant convince them. If miraculously they would change their mind (by sending beta tests in PM or smth) i would like to be part of it, but it aint gonna happen i think
Skydiving ownz Yes its fun, i guess you just could grab some plane, load in ppl and jump (wheter you have a parachute or not, you can still jump! )
The next statements are my opinions... ANYTHING IS BETTER THEN GTAT .. well thats said, im sure 99% of the people can agree with me on that! You've been spreading movie's and such .. and now i wished i never kept such a track on this forum and the movies, screens and such.. im like Dominator, an addict. Well .. we'll see .. in a couple of months while checking the forum every day at least 4 times .. meh. We'll see .. i want to see lol .. youve pushed the hype up alot .. and now i cant wait .. was to be expected.. my opinion.. give us something, there are at least 4 mods in making and all its just some overhyped movies and the asking to remain loyal and wait for .. months I can wait .. I can wait .. I can wait .. .. argh .. I can wait ..
Then .. ill try when the mod comes out.. it will be some hard work, but if we could get some other people to help out w/ the parts i think it should be do-able. Lets see what blue brings us