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Everything posted by Vampyre330

  1. is there anyway to prevent people from hopping over the fences and gates and spawnkillin us, and stealing our heli and parking it who knows where so it wont respawn? it happens enough to be a real annoying issue. maybe you can stack 2 fences on top of each other
  2. Changes request. Turismo to black Sabre. Katana to chainsaw Skin 248 I would also like to have gates that are like the ones found at the SiN spawn because they provide better privacy, and they arent climable so it can prevent people spawnkilling, taking out pickups from our interior, and people taking our helicopter. If you will let me have those gates, I would like them on both the large and small openings to the hotel. Please and Thank you.
  3. Revolution aka [ReV] Old SAS spawn. Replace turismo with black nrg-500 weaps: M4, Deagle, Knife, Parachute Wall to block off the larger opening of the hotel. [if possible] Gate for the smaller opening. Skin ID 299
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