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Everything posted by zavian
nope... that was a rumour... if your thinking of the same thing as i am... although, there is a mod which changes the maverick to a UFO...
wouldnt that be the same as having to use all-seeing-eye to connect to a server? its third party software that is "recommended" to be used...
just wondering if the "less bugs" includes that disconnecting thing? i skimmed through the post so im not sure if this was asked in this topic...
LMAO but seriously... im thinkin of installin XP or 2000 on a different hard drive... that is if they dont release a patch first... either way... what connection do you have?
there is really only 100 health.. when you get to 800, you die... thats so you dont actually die and get sent to the hospital. and remember, they rushed this release so they couldnt keep all the features(proper teams, game mods, etc)... 0.4 is supposed to include that stuff... or atleast thats what i heard.
check the problems and bugs forum.. and a quick answer is to alt+tab out of gta3 and then disconnect and quickly reconnect back to the same server... then press send game request... then go back to gta3 and it should work.
buntty... after reconnecting, did you press "send game request"? also, i was testing it today and saw a bunch of the guys on the roof just jump off... then they started running down to that one corner... but the strange part is is that one of the "zombies" was shooting the others... then they all stopped a few moments later... oh well...
i thought the win98 patch was for that runtime error... i guess i'll check it out then... works for ME too right? edit: after testing it, i noticed hat the cars flew for a longer period of time... but other then that the only other thing it changed was that i started getting the 10035 error... but, ill keep tryin.
just wanted to point out some spelling errors... unless its a different language... many months are spelled wrong or a different language(unsure)... not a big deal if you ask me, just wondering if you knew...
the highest my cable connection went was around 400kbs a sec... but i cant use that connection for MTA... its hosting a webpage.
i noticed it never saves for me... i put it on v1.0 and it says changes will take effect next time i start the console... but it doesnt save it.. it always goes back to blank... anyone know a solution to this?
well... im not exactly sure if it this is normal or not but my MTA always says that im idle... whether im on foot or in a car... i realized this when i saw a screenshot in that bug report topic and saw that their MTA said on foot... my specs: p3 1000mhz Windows ME 256mb Ram GTA3 v1.0 56k just wondering if this is normal or if its a prob with my computer/setup.
SOME HELP- i connected to a server but...........!!!
zavian replied to vulcan's topic in General 0.3b
i think that that happens when you dont have the server ip right... it happened to me when i copied the ip from ASE and forgot to take off the :2003... -
okay, first of all i am on a 56k... i have a question first... is MTA supposed to save my settings(that i have a 56k, and am on v1.0)... cause it always resets even though it says itll take effect on the next launch of the console. anyways, i noticed that while playing in a game of MTA earilier that i would seem to disconnect when i alt-tabbed back into gta3... well after a second or so... so then i began to experiment... i found a stopped player who was in a car... so i disconnected and reconnected.., as soon as i hit send gme request, i went back to gta3 and started shooting the car... to my surprise, the connection stayed! as long as i was interacting with the car, it continued to move. first it tried to run me over... then it started to leave... and thats when i couldnt follow it anymore... but anyways, i began to notice that as long as im shooting a car, it seems that data is being sent back to me... but then again, maybe the zombies can drve cars pretty well too(turn corners, try to run me down, etc)... it was choppy but i figure that thats because of mt 56k... and in another experiment, i experimented with constantly reconnecting and sending game request. i noticed the people were moving and cars were moving... so i was wondering if it were possible to be able to create a third party program to send a command to MTA constantly telling it to disconnect, reconnect, wait a few seconds, and press send game request... and also, i was wondering is zombies attack other players... cause im not sure if i lost my connection when i saw this but it seems that another player was with me by the mafia mansion... they were attacking a zombie that was running into a wall... when the zombie got out of range, they began chasing it... but it seemed as though they didnt even notice me... but anyways, great job MTA team! keep up the good work
even though this isnt the right place to post this prob(isnt this forum for MTA only?)... you have to enable Vsync on your monitor i think. its either in VC's options or your comp's display options...basically, what is happening to your monitor is called "tearing"... i think it happens when your monitor's refresh rate isnt fast enough for the game... or somethin... try gtaforums.com
heh, thats for my game to make.*in sig
i have 56k and dont lag on the games i play(although i only play C&C: Renegade, HL:Natural Selection/TFC, and Soldat). or if i do lag, i dont notice or care.
i meant more as a replacement for bt. cause to other people, youd be going faster right? the world doesnt slow for them. so why not just have some scripted action that will happen when you do it(such as a real quick sidestep or somethin). i don know... just throwin ideas.
just wonderin if a offline 2 player mod would be possible. seeing as how you guys are coding a online MP i thought it owuld be best to ask yah'll how hard/easy it would be. i figure it would be mainly just making a actor and kinda binding keys to its movement/actions. and i know that split screen would probably more trouble then its worth. but im sayin this cause i thought it would be fun to just have a friend use the controller and have us both wreck havoc on LC. for those times when i cant get online and play .3 when it comes out. i have no idea if this has been discussed. i think i saw someone asking about it awhile ago but im not sure if it was in this forum or one elsewhere. *btw, i put this in suggestions cause i figured it would be a nice feature to play with a friend when fighting bots... wait... are bots available offline(cause i thought i heard that they fill in the empty slots, right?).* either way, is this a possibility or just merely a pipe dream for me(if i ever figure out what a pipe dream actually is ). edit: also i guess a further back camera would make it easier for two people... i could swear that there was a fun game i used to play where the second player didnt have their own cam. but either way... maybe i should just add this feature to the game im making...
well, that mod for HL seemed like a good idea(i think it was called existence). in the mod, you started as either a agent or.... freedom fighter(?) and you only had 1 life. when you died, you came back as a ped or cop. you had real low health, and only a pistol. but the way i figure it is that since gta3's matches would seem to be more then a 1 life thing. i think it could just be timed. when you die, you have to survive as a ped long enough to be pulled out and reinserted. when you die as a agent, you have to survive long enough to have a agent take over you. and in the HL mod, the player had a cell phone also. you could use it to order special moves(like the long jump). heh, it'd be cool if when a ped is reinserted, they start in the Construct and select their weapons, then teleport to the spawn place. and as a Agent, you start in uh... maybe a office building with a bunch of weapons on the wall. or somethin. and the way "bullet-time" could be implemented is simple. the way the drug works now is that it makes the game slow down so the player can react quicker. but since this would be a MP mod, why not have the player just speed up? no need to dodge bullets, just set somethin so the player doesnt take bullet damage while dodging. i think that could work pretty good(although, there would be a limit to the amount of bt you get, so people wont be jumping everywhere). i think it would be pretty cool. but im not the one to implement it... maybe when VC is out, but not now. hope you take these ideas into consideration(but i know you will ).
slothman... that sounds like it could be a good idea for a gamemode... only being able to communicate long distances with phonebooths... maybe can PM someone with the pager... and maybe broadcast all over the server with a microphone... but yeah, cant wait for .3's ingame chat.
then you might want to check out the game im making, Life: As Real As It Gets. its like gta + sims + misc. it isnt a mod of gta3 either. in progress, my page hasnt been updated in awhile but im still working on it. if intrested in hearing more about it, PM me... sorry if this is off topic.