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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. It was there, that's why I posted it in the first place. Anyway, this is kinda off-topic, it's already solved.
  2. Castillo

    Base Problem

    You must check if the player that hit the marker is the local player. if ( hitPlayer == localPlayer ) then
  3. Try with this function: function runString ( commandstring ) local notReturned local commandFunction, errorMsg = loadstring ( "return ".. commandstring ) if ( errorMsg ) then notReturned = true commandFunction, errorMsg = loadstring ( commandstring ) end if ( errorMsg ) then return false end local results = { pcall ( commandFunction ) } if ( not results [ 1 ] ) then return false end end function TestRec ( ) if ( not DrawString ) then outputChatBox ( "#00aaffPlease do the function first, Draw string doesnt exist.", 255, 255, 255, true ) return end runString ( DrawString ) end addCommandHandler ( "TestRec", TestRec )
  4. Do you get any errors? can you post the current code?
  5. TestString = [[function DrawRectangle() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawRectangle("..CursorTable.X1.." * x, "..CursorTable.Y1.." * y,( "..EndX.." * x ) - ( "..CursorTable.X1.." * x ), ( "..EndY.." * y - "..CursorTable.Y1.." * y ), "..color..") end addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), DrawRectangle)]] Try that string instead.
  6. "Script"> Your ACL name is called "RPGgroup" not "Script".
  7. Tried executing it using "connection" instead of getting the element data?
  8. And the other code is in the same resource as that?
  9. The problem is with your database handler, because I just tried it and works fine.
  10. Castillo

    Colour code

    local players = {} for k,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player,"race.finished") then local headingForCp = getElementData(player,"race.checkpoint") local distanceToCp = distanceFromPlayerToCheckpoint(player,headingForCp) if distanceToCp ~= false then local name = getPlayerName(player):gsub ( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) table.insert(players,{name,calculateDistance(headingForCp,distanceToCp),player}) end end end Try it.
  11. Castillo


    Ese es el recurso "joinquit", pone /stop joinquit.
  12. What do you mean by animation...?
  13. Si, usa la misma posicion para la radar area y el colshape.
  14. Ah, para eso necesitas usar createColCuboid. Lo que no entiendo es lo que querias hacer con la posicion Z.
  15. Porque no usas createColRectangle?
  16. You can divide the seconds into minutes, the minutes into hours and so on. Then you can use string.format
  17. table.sort doesn't work for that sort of table if I'm right.
  18. getPlayersInTeam getPlayerName setTimer guiGridListClear guiGridListAddRow guiGridListSetItemText
  19. No, it has to be 'root', please think before posting.
  20. Change 'thePlayer' to 'source'.
  21. Maybe it's being shown again by another script?
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