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Los archivos .luac suelen estar compilados, no podes editar un archivo compilado.
-- client side: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () triggerServerEvent("requestSwapToggle",localPlayer) end ) addEvent('swaptoggle',true) addEventHandler('swaptoggle',root, function(teamswap) aretheyswapped = teamswap end ) -- server side: local spectators = {} local getPlayerSpectatee = {} function teamstealthgamestart() killmessageRes = getResourceFromName"killmessages" call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Score") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "kills") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "deaths") playingaround = 0 redwinsdisplay = textCreateDisplay() local redtext = textCreateTextItem ( "RED Team Wins the Match!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 0, 0, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( redwinsdisplay, redtext ) bluewinsdisplay = textCreateDisplay() local bluetext = textCreateTextItem ( "BLUE Team Wins the Match!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 0, 0, 255, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( bluewinsdisplay, bluetext ) tiegamedisplay = textCreateDisplay() local tietext = textCreateTextItem ( "The Match was a Tie!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( tiegamedisplay, tietext ) waitDisplay = textCreateDisplay() local waittext = textCreateTextItem ( "Wait for next round to spawn.", 0.5, 0.9, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.6, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( waitDisplay, waittext ) team1 = createTeam("RED",255,0,0) team2 = createTeam("BLUE",0,0,255) teamprotect = get("stealth.teamdamage") if teamprotect == 1 then setTeamFriendlyFire( team1, false ) setTeamFriendlyFire( team2, false ) elseif teamprotect == 0 then setTeamFriendlyFire( team1, true ) setTeamFriendlyFire( team2, true ) end setElementData ( team1, "Score", 0 ) setElementData ( team2, "Score", 0 ) teamswap = 0 local players = getElementsByType 'player' for k,v in ipairs(players) do killPed(v) fadeCamera(v,true) setElementData ( v, "kills", 0 ) setElementData ( v, "deaths", 0 ) setPlayerNametagShowing ( v, false ) spectators[v] = true bindKey ( v, "F3", "down", selectTeamKey ) end --Enable laser sight setElementData(getRootElement(),"lasersight",get("stealth.lasersight")) end addEventHandler( "onGamemodeStart", resourceRoot, teamstealthgamestart ) addEvent("requestSwapToggle",true) addEventHandler("requestSwapToggle",root, function () triggerClientEvent(source, 'swaptoggle',source, teamswap) end )
I would suggest to trigger a event from client side to request it to trigger to client side, that way it'll trigger when client side is loaded.
I'm pretty sure it's because when the game mode starts the client side is not yet loaded, so the event doesn't exists yet.
It mean's the server triggered a client side event which is not added (doesn't exists).
We don't accept requests here, take your time to learn how to do it or pay someone to do it for you. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction
Vehicle mods: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3922 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3926 Skin mods: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3927 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3925
As far as I can see, he just posted that the server side has to be client side which is wrong, and the same with the client side.
Lo que podes hacer es editarlo, borrar las partes que no necesitas. Pero para hacer lo que vos queres vas a tener que aprender algunas cosas, como bases de datos para guardar el sonido seleccionado, etc.
This is a simple example of how to save data with XML: function saveDataToXML(dataName, dataValue) local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ("userdata.xml") -- Try to load the XML file. local saved = false if (not xmlFile) then -- If the file couldn't be loaded .. xmlFile = xmlCreateFile("userdata.xml", "data") -- We create the XML file. end if (dataName and dataName ~= "") then -- If dataName and dataName is not "" then.. local dataNode = xmlFindChild (xmlFile, dataName, 0) -- We try to load the child with that name. if (not dataNode) then -- If the child doesn't exists .. dataNode = xmlCreateChild(xmlFile, dataName) -- We create the child with that name. end if xmlNodeSetValue (dataNode, tostring(dataValue) or "") then -- If we successfully set the child data to .. saved = true -- set 'saved' variable to true. else saved = false -- else set it to false. end else saved = false -- If dataName was nil or was "" then we set 'saved' variable to false. end if (xmlFile) then -- If the XML file was loaded.. xmlSaveFile(xmlFile) -- We save the XML file and then .. xmlUnloadFile (xmlFile) -- We unload the XML file. end return saved -- We return the 'saved' variable. end function loadDataFromXML(dataName) local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ("userdata.xml") -- Try to load the XML file. local loaded = false if (not xmlFile) then -- If the file couldn't be loaded .. xmlFile = xmlCreateFile("userdata.xml", "data") -- We create the XML file. end if (dataName and dataName ~= "") then -- If dataName and dataName is not "" then.. local dataNode = xmlFindChild (xmlFile, dataName, 0) -- We try to load the child with that name. if (dataNode) then -- If the child exists .. loaded = xmlNodeGetValue(dataNode) -- We set 'loaded' variable with the value obtained. else loaded = false -- else we set it to false. end else loaded = false -- If dataName was nil or was "" then we set 'loaded' variable to false. end if (xmlFile) then -- If the XML file was loaded.. xmlUnloadFile (xmlFile) -- We unload the XML file. end return loaded -- We return the 'loaded' variable. end addCommandHandler("save", function (cmd, dataName, dataValue) if saveDataToXML(dataName, dataValue) then outputChatBox(tostring(dataName) ..": ".. tostring(dataValue) or "") end end ) addCommandHandler("load", function (cmd, dataName) local data = loadDataFromXML(dataName) if data then outputChatBox(tostring(dataName) ..": ".. tostring(data) or "") end end ) commands: /save /load
You're welcome.
The only problem I see in your code Ludo is that you forgot about the grid list column. Anyway, I think this code is a lot easier to understand: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () theWindow = guiCreateWindow(240, 200, 550, 330, "", false) searchPlayer = guiCreateEdit(15, 25, 180, 20, "",false, theWindow) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIChanged", searchPlayer, findPlayers, false) playersList = guiCreateGridList(10, 50, 500, 210, false, theWindow) guiGridListAddColumn(playersList,"Player name:",0.90) for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local playerRow = guiGridListAddRow(playersList) guiGridListSetItemText(playersList, playerRow, 1, getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), false, false) end end ) function findPlayers () guiGridListClear( playersList ) local text = guiGetText ( source ) if (text ~= "") then for index, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local playerRow = guiGridListAddRow(playersList) local playerName = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") if ( string.find ( string.upper ( playerName ), string.upper ( text ), 1, true ) ) then guiGridListSetItemText(playersList, playerRow, 1, playerName, false, false) else guiGridListSetItemText(playersList, playerRow, 1, "No player found.", false, false) break end end else for index, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local playerName = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") local playerRow = guiGridListAddRow(playersList) guiGridListSetItemText(playersList, playerRow, 1, playerName, false, false) end end end
Aca un pequeño ejemplo de como crear un bind. Es server side. addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do -- Hacemos un loop entre todos los jugadores online para luego.. bindKey(player,"H","down",cuandoPresionaLaTeclaDeBocina) -- Enlazar la tecla "H" a la funcion "cuandoPresionaLaTeclaDeBocina" end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function () bindKey(source,"H","down",cuandoPresionaLaTeclaDeBocina) -- Enlazar la tecla "H" a la funcion "cuandoPresionaLaTeclaDeBocina" end ) function cuandoPresionaLaTeclaDeBocina(elJugador) outputChatBox("El jugador: ".. getPlayerName(elJugador) .." presiono la tecla H") end
El te lo explico en español . Podes crear cuantos textos quieras, ejemplo: "ranch" posX="-711" posY="957" posZ="12.4" text="Ranch Text"> "ranch 2" posX="-711" posY="957" posZ="12.4" text="Ranch Text 2"> "ranch 3" posX="-711" posY="957" posZ="12.4" text="Ranch Text 3"> "ranch 4" posX="-711" posY="957" posZ="12.4" text="Ranch Text 4">
Why you have to be such an as****? as he said in his posts: Is his/her first map. I agree giving your opinion is fine, but not that way.
Go to the MTA Main menu and click on "Map editor", there you can create maps, is easy, just search for the correct object to create your island.
There's nothing wrong on being slow. You're welcome btw.
createBlip(-10.58288860321, -9.6052255630493, 3.1171875, 33)
If the button is inside a function then you must add the event handler inside as well.
That was an example, you can't use it like that, you must change "myButton" to your button argument.
Vehicle mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3918
Wrong, it's: createBlipAttachedTo
I'm afraid I don't understand your question, you want to create markers? if so use: createMarker