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function onResourceStart () call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Online Time") for index, player in pairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do setElementData (player, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData (player, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onResourceStart) function joinTime () setElementData ( source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData ( source, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, joinTime ) function all() for index , player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local s = getElementData( player, "joinTime" ) or getTickCount( ) s = ( getTickCount() - s ) / 1000 local string = string.format( "%02d:%02d:%02d", s/3600, s%3600/60, s%60 ) setElementData( player, "Online Time", string ) end end setTimer( all, 1000, 0) function saveTime( player, account ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount(account) ) then local OnlineTime = getElementData( player, "joinTime" ) setAccountData(account, "OnlineTime", OnlineTime) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", root, function ( prev ) saveTime( source, prev ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) saveTime( source, getPlayerAccount( source ) ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _, account ) local OnlineTime = getAccountData( account, "Online Time" ) if ( not OnlineTime ) then OnlineTime = 0 end setElementData( source, "joinTime", OnlineTime ) end ) Your problem(s) we're: 1: You can't make a variable with spaces, e.g: Online Time = "hello world", it has to be: OnlineTime = "hello world". 2: You we're saving the time string, not the milliseconds. 3: It still won't work though, when you login back, it'll set it to 9 hours and something.
1): Lo que estas pidiendo es un sistema de personajes, no es muy facil de hacer para un novato (sin ofender). 2): Yo cree un recurso hace un tiempo, es un sistema de niveles con experiencia, y agregue un ejemplo a la descripcion para usarlo con los zombies de slothman. Link de descarga: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1253
Si realmente queres aprender, vas a tener que estudiar Ingles, porque la wiki esta muy poco traducida.
@Soren: En mi opinion el deberia empezar a aprender, porque si le damos el script ya hecho, simplemente no aprendera.
Have you tested my code?
Usa la funcion aclGroupAddObject para agregar objetos a un grupo de ACL.
Las contraseñas estan codificadas con MD5.
function chatbox(text, msgtype) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local name = getPlayerName(source) local tag = getElementData(source, "ID") or 0 local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) if (msgtype == 0) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("HeadAdmin")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox(" #cccccc[".. tag .."] #8B1A1A[HEADADMIN] ".. name ..":#FFFFFF".. text, root, r, g, b, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: [HEADADMIN] " .. name .. ": " .. text) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#cccccc[".. tag .."] #FF0000[ADMIN] " .. name ..":#FFFFFF " .. text, root, r, g, b, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: [ADMIN] " .. name .. ": " .. text) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#cccccc[".. tag .."] #00FF00[MODERATOR] " .. name .. ":#FFFFFF " .. text, root, r, g, b, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: [MODERATOR] " .. name .. ": " .. text) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Everyone")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#cccccc[".. tag .."] " .. name .. ": " .. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: " .. name .. ": " .. text) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, chatbox)
Check the script, if it's readable then it's not compiled.
I'm not sure if he want's that, but well, let's wait and see who was right . And yes, I do know what's the difference, do you think I'm stupid?
Where? If I'm right, he want's the player to be able to show/hide players.
You're welcome .
iv = 0 function invis() for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (player ~= localPlayer) then if (iv == 0) then iv = 1 setPlayerNametagShowing(player, false) setElementAlpha(player, 0) else iv = 0 setPlayerNametagShowing(player, true) setElementAlpha(player, 255) end end end end bindKey("F1","down",invis)
local amount = 1000 function giveMoney(thePlayer) for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (player ~= thePlayer) then givePlayerMoney(player, amount) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(thePlayer) .." gave you $".. amount .."!",player,0,255,0) end end end addCommandHandler("giveallcash",giveMoney)
Have you even tested my script? it'll do that.
That command will give everyone but you the X amount of money.
function giveMoney(thePlayer, cmd, amount) local amount = tonumber(amount) if (amount) then for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (player ~= thePlayer) then givePlayerMoney(player, amount) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(thePlayer) .." gave you $".. amount .."!",player,0,255,0) end end end end addCommandHandler("givecash",giveMoney) Do you mean that?
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't that kind of forum .
Is the script he sent you non compiled? if so, then post it here.
But that function isn't available until MTA 1.3.1 onwards.
You're welcome.
It's still wrong. function saveTime(player, account) if (account and not isGuestAccount(account)) then local joinTime = getElementData(player,"joinTime") setAccountData(account,"joinTime",joinTime) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root, function (prev) saveTime(source, prev) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function () saveTime(source, getPlayerAccount(source)) end ) That should get the element data "joinTime" from the player when he logs out or leaves the server, and save it on player account. This won't load it, I leave that to you.
You mean your "friend" gave you a login panel which has a backdoor?
Maybe you can do a function to check when a new resource is loaded, e.g: comparing a table with current resources.