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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. As far as I know, the /register command is not a MTA built-on command but Admin Panel's, is the resource "admin" on "acl.xml" group "Admin"?
  2. Castillo

    Need some help

    I seriously don't understand your problem, you want to move a object created by map editor?
  3. setElementData ( root, "myData", "Hello World!" ) getElementData ( root, "myData" ) You can also set the data to the console. setElementData( getElementByIndex ( "console", 0 ), "myData", "Hello World!" ) getElementData( getElementByIndex ( "console", 0 ), "myData" )
  4. That's account data, there's also the normal SQLite functions: executeSQLCreateTable executeSQLDelete executeSQLDropTable executeSQLInsert executeSQLQuery executeSQLSelect executeSQLUpdate
  5. SQLite doesn't use get/setAccountData? that's the MTA account system, which is now SQLite.
  6. I would say it is, as MySQL is able to connect with your website, live statistics and so on.
  7. As far as I know, the built-on MySQL functions are better than Ryden's module.
  8. Castillo

    Ped Sound

    You're welcome.
  9. Castillo

    Ped Sound

    You are talking about the ped voices? if so you can use setPedVoice.
  10. Usa la funcion bindKey.
  11. My CPU usage is always on 14-15 (from gta_sa.exe), it never reached more than that.
  12. local resourcesToRestart = { "test_resource", "test_resource2" } -- Resource names to restart. local timeInterval = 60000 -- The number of milliseconds that should elapse before the function is called. (the minimum is 50) (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) local timesToExecute = 1 -- The number of times you want the timer to execute, or 0 for infinite repetitions function restartResources() for index, resourceName in ipairs ( resourcesToRestart ) do if getResourceFromName ( resourceName ) then restartResource( getResourceFromName ( resourceName ) ) outputDebugString ( "Resource: ".. resourceName .." was restarted") end end end setTimer( restartResources, timeInterval, timesToExecute )
  13. The spaces on the milliseconds won't let it work.
  14. Of course, use: setTimer + restartResource
  15. We don't accept script requests, you have to either script them or pay someone to do it for you. You can also take a look at the MTA community center: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  16. Postea tu script, aca el marcos puso el numero 13 en el script, lo que hace que el script no funcione claro.
  17. Deben haber hecho algo mal, ami me funciona perfectamente.
  18. No necesitas saber la ID, simplemente remplazas la ID que queres.
  19. Como quieras vos. Eso si, es client side.
  20. Why instead of asking such s** question you don't go and test it by yourself?
  21. You can spawn as much bots as you want to. Command is: /spawnbot and yes, it'll spawn the bot at your location.
  22. Castillo


    This screenshot: http://increengine.cba.pl/?attachment_id=55 Looks A LOT like Valhalla's User Control Panel. http://increengine.cba.pl/?attachment_id=103 - Tetris resource from MTA community. This "game engine" doesn't include much more features than other servers already has.
  23. Use the exported function spawnBot as I'd in that example.
  24. A slothbot not a ped, and is really easy to understand, what I think is that you aren't even thinking on what do you want to do.
  25. Is really simple to use it, here I'll leave a example. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Slothman/Slothbot function spawnSlothBot(thePlayer, cmd, skin, weapon, mode, rot, team) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local rot = tonumber(rot) or 0 local team = getTeamFromName(team) local int = getElementInterior(thePlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) local weapon = tonumber(weapon) or 0 local skin = tonumber(skin) or 0 exports["slothbot"]:spawnBot( x, y+1, z, rot, skin, int, dim, team, weapon, mode or "hunting", true ) end addCommandHandler ( "spawnbot", spawnSlothBot )
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