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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Start debugging your script then, check if the "oldteam" data exists.
  2. My bad, I forgot to use getTeamFromName, copy the code again.
  3. function onStartShift ( ) setPlayerTeam ( source, getTeamFromName ( tostring ( getElementData ( source, "oldteam" ) ) ) ) -- You we're converting the data to a number. setElementModel ( source, tonumber ( getElementData ( source, "clothesjob" ) or 0 ) ) outputChatBox( "Test : Start Shift",source, 0, 0, 255 ) end addEvent("onStartShift",true) addEventHandler("onStartShift", root, onStartShift)
  4. I really doubt someone else has it, as it say's on video title: DxGui Creator[For personal use]
  5. Tema cerrado. P.D: El evento "onZombieSpawned" no existe en el recurso "zombies".
  6. He's talking about the vehicle file name at "gta3.img", not in game name.
  7. No creo que puedas hacer que los zombies usen armas de fuego, yo usaria slothbots para eso.
  8. Si, podes checkear si el jugador esta en un vehiculo y ese vehiculo es X.
  9. De nada. P.D: A todos nos pasan cosas asi .
  10. Lua es entre mayúsculas y minúsculas. carl = createPed( 0, 224.99, 1289.12, 1082.24, 180 ) setElementInterior( carl, 1 ) setElementDimension( carl, 122 ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerClick", getRootElement(), -- Es 'onPlayerClick, no 'OnPlayerClick'. function ( button, state, player ) if ( player and player == carl ) then outputChatBox( "Carl dice: ¿Qué necesitas?", source, 255, 255, 255 ) triggerClientEvent( "useCarl", source) end end )
  11. Castillo

    Need help

    You're welcome .
  12. You can use onPedWasted to destroy the blip and stop drawing the text.
  13. Why didn't you read what I said?
  14. Castillo

    Frozen peds

    You're welcome.
  15. Castillo

    Win sound!

    What game mode are you using? race? if so: you can use 'onPlayerFinish' when a player finishes a race, but not when finish a DM map.
  16. Castillo

    Frozen peds

    --GUARDS & SOLDIERS-- local Wache1 = createPed ( 287, -1526.4870605469, 482.93798828125, 7.2046837806702, 7.895302772522 ) -- Only one rotation argument. local Wache2 = createPed ( 287, -1534.2294921875, 483.25207519531, 7.2046837806702, 7.895302772522 ) local Wache3 = createPed ( 287, 96.026313781738, 1922.5693359375, 18.097467422485, 270 ) local Wache4 = createPed ( 287, 216.80000305176, 1878, 12.10000038147, 90 ) local Wache5 = createPed ( 287, 225.19999694824, 1873.1999511719, 12.699999809265, 180 ) local Wache6 = createPed ( 280, 247.5, 1859.3000488281, 13.10000038147, 0 ) local Wache7 = createPed ( 165, -2764.8000488281, 372.20001220703, 5.8000001907349, 270 ) local Wache8 = createPed ( 165, 1124.3000488281, -2039.9000244141, 70, 270 ) setPedArmor ( Wache1, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache2, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache3, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache4, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache5, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache6, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache7, 100 ) setPedArmor ( Wache8, 100 ) setElementFrozen ( Wache1, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache2, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache3, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache4, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache5, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache6, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache7, true ) setElementFrozen ( Wache8, true ) --PEDS CANNOT BE KILLED-- setElementHealth ( Wache1, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache2, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache3, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache4, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache5, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache6, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache7, 200 ) setElementHealth ( Wache8, 200 ) --WEAPONS-- function hp ( ) giveWeapon( Wache1, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache2, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache3, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache4, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache5, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache6, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache7, 31, 200 ) giveWeapon( Wache8, 31, 200 ) end setTimer ( hp, 1000, 0 ) Your errors: 1: You we're using two extra rotation arguments, createPed only has one. 2: You we're using setPadFrozen, but it was setPedFrozen. But, I changed it to setElementFrozen as it's deprecated.
  17. Podes hacer asi: local vehicle = createVehicle ( 411, 0, 0, 5 ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .." entro en el Infernus." ) end )
  18. Ni idea, yo puse un outputChatBox para ver el tipo de element que era y salio 'player'.
  19. onZombieSpawn no sirve para mucho, el 'source' del evento es un jugador, no el zombie.
  20. You want to know where to get the original infernus.dff and infernus.txd? if so, you can get them from "gta3.img" at "GTA San Andreas/models" folder.
  21. It worked here, I hit the colshape, and the elevator started.
  22. Es "cerrar", no "serrar". Tema cerrado.
  23. The function I told you to use is not to fix your gates script, is to enable the /showcol command.
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