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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Doesn't work

    @SAbJaN: May I ask what has that to do with his problem?
  2. You have to add your account name to "acl.xml" to a group which has access to command "aexec".
  3. Castillo


    You could just have one event for all your vehicles, just triggering a vehicle model. addEvent ( "spawnVehicle", true ) addEventHandler ( "spawnVehicle", root, function ( model ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source ) local vehicle = createVehicle ( tonumber ( model ), x, y, z ) if ( vehicle ) then warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) end end ) For the bike: triggerServerEvent ( "spawnVehicle", localPlayer, 509 ) For the BMX: triggerServerEvent ( "spawnVehicle", localPlayer, 481 )
  4. Castillo

    xml top list

    @karthik184: It would be nice if you would add comments, you know, what does each line, I guess it would be helpful for him.
  5. Race pickups aren't created by createPickup, they are normal objects with a script which rotates them.
  6. Yo uso: "bigint(22)" para todos los numeros.
  7. "internal.db" es una base de datos SQLite, asi supongo que se puede.
  8. Para numeros usa: INT y para texto podes usar: VARCHAR o TEXT
  9. What do you mean by "ID's"? there's no ID for a marker.
  10. Castillo

    random vehicles

    MTA has many other game modes to offer, as well as powerful scripting functions which can be used to create your own game mode ( s ). Back on topic: What you want to do is create a new setting in your maps which will set random vehicles instead of the predefined in the map file, right?
  11. They're saved at: "server\mods\deathmatch\registry.db", which is where everything SQLite related is saved. To open this file you can either search for the resource called "sqlitebrowser" or google the program itself.
  12. En este caso solo necesitas insertar, asi que te recomiendo usar dbExec. P.D: dbPoll no es necesario.
  13. Para obtener data necesitas dbQuery + dbPoll.
  14. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateMarker There it'll list the marker types. "checkpoint": A race checkpoint. These are very tall, but not infinite, light pillars. Checkpoints snap to ground and become invisible after going over a certain Z height. "ring": Doughnut shaped ring, normally used for aircraft. "cylinder": Small glowing ground ring. These are the glow markers you walk into to activate missions or events in single player. "arrow": Arrow pointing down. These are the arrows on the doors you can enter in single player, except MTA's are not animated by default. "corona": A glowing ball of light.
  15. Mira, te doy un consejo, yo no usaria ese MySQL, yo uso las nuevas funciones integradas en MTA que son: dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree Es mucho mas facil con estas funciones ( por lo menos para mi ).
  16. May I ask what is this for? what I see is that your PHP script is encrypting the password with MD5, but you can do this on MTA already.
  17. You didn't fill all the required arguments listed on the wiki page.
  18. Castillo


    You can read the introduction to GUI tutorial: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Int ... ng_the_GUI You must use the functions below to achieve what you want. setElementModel -- To set the player skin. getPlayerMoney -- To check if the player has the money the skin cost. takePlayerMoney -- To take the money from the player.
  19. Castillo


    You want to make a GUI with a list of skins with prices?
  20. Castillo

    random vehicles

    @Jaysds1: As far as I know, he's talking about "race" game mode vehicle change pickups, they aren't pickups, they are objects rotating.
  21. Ese script no tiene sentido. P.D: Para saber si estuvo 10 segundos podes darle element data cada segundo con un timer.
  22. Ya te dije que no estoy seguro, nunca intente hacerlo porque no me interesan esas cosas.
  23. Movido a la sección Scripting.
  24. I guess by colors on chat you mean HEX colors, e.g: #00FF00Hello #FF0000World, if so, then you can use this: -- server side: addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( msg, msgType ) if ( msgType == 0 ) then local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) ..": #FFFFFF".. msg, root, r, g, b ) cancelEvent ( ) end end ) About blocking the nick changer, you can cancel the onPlayerChangeNick with cancelEvent.
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