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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Just to clarify, this wasn't created by him. Original topic: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=33577
  2. You should create a colshape around the player and use getElementsWithinColShape.
  3. Castillo


    Maybe because you forgot about the first argument?
  4. You should add a custom event using triggerEvent on: "race/modes/destructionderby.lua" at function: "handleFinishActivePlayer" After it says: showMessage You add: triggerEvent ( "onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin", activePlayers [ 1 ] ) Then you can use this custom event.
  5. I have no idea, I don't even know what are you trying to do.
  6. Tenes que ocultar la ventana al crearse. GUIEditor_Label = {} WindowsCategoria = guiCreateWindow(63,60,701,484,"Elige una Categoria...",false) guiSetVisible ( WindowsCategoria, false ) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(383,123,5,5,"",false,WindowsCategoria) ButtonCatZC = guiCreateButton(52,70,251,290,"",false,WindowsCategoria) ImageZCCat = guiCreateStaticImage(24,26,208,237,"images/ZC-Grupo.png",false,ButtonCatZC) ButonClanesCat = guiCreateButton(385,70,251,290,"Clanes",false,WindowsCategoria) guiSetFont(ButonClanesCat,"sa-gothic") MemoZC1 = guiCreateMemo(41,383,269,75,"ZombieCity: Refugio Oficial.\nSi eres nuevo o no posees clan, entra aca, igual para los Miembros del Staff.",false,WindowsCategoria) guiMemoSetReadOnly(MemoZC1,true) MemoClanes1 = guiCreateMemo(376,383,269,75,"Clanes Oficiales:\n-[MCC]\n-|ALFA| ",false,WindowsCategoria) function categoria ( ) guiSetVisible ( WindowsCategoria, not guiGetVisible ( WindowsCategoria ) ) showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( WindowsCategoria ) ) end addEvent( "spawnlogin", true ) addEventHandler( "spawnlogin", getRootElement(), categoria )
  7. I'll lock this topic. @rolling1: PM me to unlock it when you have a download link.
  8. I guess so, it should work. P.S: You must define 'thePlayer' of course.
  9. I don't understand what do you mean. If I'm right, getPlayerRank is a exported function from race, if so, then you must use it like this: exports[ "race" ]:getPlayerRank ( thePlayer )
  10. Castillo


    That is just a mess, I suggest you start again, you still don't understand that events/functions can't be used on both sides ( client and server ).
  11. Castillo

    little problem

    'sourcePlayer' is not defined there.
  12. Con eso vas a mostrar el GUI para todos. -- server side: function categoriac ( ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "spawnlogin", source ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), categoriac ) P.D: Quita 'source' del nombre de la funcion en el client side.
  13. @Alexs_Steel: Vos siquiera lees los argumentos requeridos? Vos estas usando un boolean ( true ).
  14. El evento onPlayerLogin es server side, tenes que usar triggerClientEvent para ejecutar un evento del client side.
  15. How about editing every script and changing everything to Los Santos? there's no option for that.
  16. You must enable it, if you don't have a file called "settings.xml" at: "mods/deathmatch/", then create one and fill it with this then save it: "@players.allow_registration" value="1"/> "@players.registration_error_message" value="Edit this to show the user a message when registration is disabled"/>
  17. That means that either "XAMPP" is not running or "Apache" is not turned on.
  18. Ok, now, I guess you've got "Apache" and "MySQL" running, if so, then go to your Web Browser and as address write: localhost Then you'll find the option "phpMyAdmin", click there.
  19. That program has "Apache" and "MySQL", you start it and then you can go to "localhost" on your web browser.
  20. Just asking, is that a kind of joke? notepad is used to edit files, is not a MySQL server. Please get "XAMPP" and install it.
  21. Depends on your what are you using, I use XAMPP for MySQL.
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