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Everything posted by Castillo
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) local radarXML = xmlLoadFile ( "radars.xml" ) if ( radarXML ) then for index, child in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( radarXML ) )do name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "name" ) px = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "posX" ) py = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "posY" ) sx = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "sizeX" ) sy = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "sizeY" ) clr = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "color" ) dim = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "dimension" ) team = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "team" ) ra = createRadarArea ( px, py, sx, sy, clr, 100 ) setElementData ( ra, "team", team ) setElementData ( ra, "turfName", name ) cX = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "colX" ) ) cY = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "colY" ) ) -- You had "coY" instead of "colY". cW = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "colW" ) ) cH = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( child, "colH" ) ) colR = createColRectangle ( cX, cY, 40, 40 ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", colR, turf ) -- You added the event after ending the loop. end end xmlUnloadFile ( radarXML ) end ) Read the comments.
I don't understand what do you mean, though, if you don't post part of your script we can't help you.
This resource is my script but only changed the interface: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=4490 Original: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=811
Que se supone que tiene que hacer eso? "string" no esta definido en ningun lugar, tu script no tiene sentido.
You're welcome.
You forgot to define and pass the "player" argument. function destroy10 ( player ) removeEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", Marker10, destroy10 ) destroyElement ( Marker10 ) checkVehicle ( player ) Marker2 = createMarker ( 1728.5, -6244.6000976563, 149.30000610352, "cylinder", 2.5, 150, 10, 10, 125 ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", Marker2, destroy2 ) end function checkVehicle ( player ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) local id = math.random( 400, 611 ) if id == 430 or id == 435 or id == 450 or id == 591 or id == 606 or id == 607 or id == 610 or id == 584 or id == 608 then setElementModel ( vehicle, 480 ) if id == 611 or id == 592 or id == 577 or id == 511 or id == 512 or id == 553 or id == 593 or id == 519 or id == 460 or id == 513 then setElementModel ( vehicle, 517 ) if id == 548 or id == 417 or id == 563 or id == 477 or id == 478 or id == 472 or id == 473 or id == 493 or id == 595 or id == 484 then setElementModel ( vehicle, 600 ) if id == 453 or id == 552 or id == 446 or id == 454 or id == 539 or id == 538 or id == 537 or id == 590 or id == 569 or id == 570 then setElementModel ( vehicle, 547 ) if id == 449 or id == 441 or id == 464 or id == 594 or id == 501 or id == 564 or id == 465 then setElementModel ( vehicle, 567 ) end end end end end end
You must trigger a server side event with triggerServerEvent and add the event server side with addEvent and addEventHandler, then trigger back the value with triggerClientEvent.
Pasa que esto no funciona asi, para editar la columna del nombre para que use la cuenta vas a tener que editar la scoreboard.
Para que es eso? lo que veo que es enviara el mensaje al log del servidor con el nombre de la cuenta. Que es esto: "accountName(source)" ?? que hace "(source)" ahi? P.D: Te falto el evento.
Mira, un inventario se puede hacer como quieras, si queres que sea una grid list con rows, entonces hacelo asi.
That's because getPlayerWantedLevel client side only returns the local player wanted level, it has no arguments.
"source" is not defined there. ammumarker = createMarker ( 1367.34094, -1279.96411, 12.54688, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) function teleportMeToAmmunationInterior ( thePlayer ) setElementInterior ( thePlayer, 6 ) setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 317.2380, -168.0520, 999.5930 ) end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", ammumarker, teleportMeToAmmunationInterior )
La unica manera es crear tu PROPIA fuente con guiCreateFont.
You want to set the velocity of the vehicle to 0? if so, use setElementVelocity.
Topic moved to "Support for MTA:SA 1.x > Linux-Server".
Topic moved to "Support for MTA:SA 1.x > Server".
That's wrong. function assignTeam ( thePlayer, commandName, playerName, teamName ) local team = getTeamFromName ( teamName ) local player = getPlayerFromName ( playerName ) -- Get the player element from a name. if ( team and player and hasObjectPermissionTo ( thePlayer, "function.kickPlayer" ) ) then setPlayerTeam ( player, team ) outputChatBox ( "You have been moved to ".. getTeamName ( team ).." team by ".. getPlayerName ( thePlayer ), player, 128, 206, 206 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "team", assignTeam )
Eso no tiene sentido mishael.
Put back the original "spawn_locations.map" and make the spawns again with the same syntax as current.
function enter ( player, seat ) if ( seat == 0 ) then setVehicleEngineState ( source, false ) local eniginestate = getVehicleEngineState ( source ) if ( eniginestate == false ) then outputChatBox ( "Press J to start the ".. getVehicleName ( source ) .."'s engine.", player, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enter )
@Alexs_Steel: Siempre tenes que mirar los argumentos requeridos en la wiki.