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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    admin panel

    The only resource is a command based administration script.
  2. Off topic: So if everyone jumps off a bridge you'll do it as well?
  3. @Michael#: You're wrong as well, outputChatBox client side doesn't has a visibleTo argument. -- client side: addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, function ( _, _, _, _, _, _, uHit ) if ( uHit and getElementType ( uHit ) == "vehicle" ) then triggerServerEvent ( "sendMessage", localPlayer, uHit ) end end ) -- server side: addEvent ( "sendMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( "sendMessage", root, function ( vehicle ) if ( vehicle ) then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .." shooted on ".. getVehicleName ( vehicle ), root, 255, 255, 255, false ) end end )
  4. Ese script necesita otros recursos, nunca va a funcionar por si solo.
  5. Well done, keep up the good work .
  6. Stolen script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=4774 Original: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=963
  7. @TAPL: Please calm down, I know that is annoying that a lot of people asks the same question over and over, but you can just don't answer.
  8. Castillo

    Shop GUI

    That's designed with "guieditor" as far as I know.
  9. Me parece que no entendiste como funciona, lo que marcaste no tiene sentido, la funcion devuelve un numero que no este siendo usado por otro jugador. Seria asi: local dimension = getFreeDimension ( ) setElementDimension ( elJugador, dimension )
  10. Yo no veo donde usas la funcion que te di ( getFreeDimension ).
  11. guiCreateStaticImage onClientGUIClick
  12. Al parcer lo que Julián posteo era parecido a lo que buscabas, me parece que no sabes buscar .
  13. @ElMota: Your code is totally random, you're checking if the checkbox exist, instead of checking if it is selected or not. Also, you're using a non-existent function to save the XML file: saveXmlFile ( ) when it is xmlSaveFile ( theFile )
  14. @Soren: Si usases mas la wiki hubieras encontrado el ejemplo que Julián posteo.
  15. En el client side usa esto: for index, msg in ipairs ( messages ) do -- ( messages seria la tabla que envio desde el server side ). guiSetText ( elMemo, guiGetText ( elMemo ) .."".. tostring ( msg ) ) guiSetProperty ( elMemo, "CaratIndex", tostring ( elMemo ):len ( ) ) ) end
  16. Te aconsejo darle element data al jugador cuando se loguea o inicia el recurso, para saber si es VIP o no, luego en el client side usas: getElementData y problema resuelto.
  17. Nadie te va a ayudar con esa actitud. Tema cerrado.
  18. Ambos codigos tienen muchos errores, en este momento no te puedo ayudar.
  19. It depends on how your script is done, in some cases you may have to change only the load and save functions, but in other cases you have to change other things as well.
  20. You'll have to change the whole script, and convert the current stats from XML to SQL.
  21. You're trying to set the dimension of a string, that'll never work, go and think on what you're doing.
  22. Podes crear 2 tablas, si el jugador es VIP, entonces que use la segunda tabla.
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