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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. The new event handler: onClientVehicleCollision could help to achive what you need maybe.
  2. There's a GUI property which can change the text color of a memo, you have to search it on the properties page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GuiSetProperty
  3. Then why you're using '0' in your query? shouldn't you use the argument instead?
  4. Si reparas el vehiculo client side, solo vos lo vas a poder ver que yo sepa.
  5. You can't use a number to define a variable in Lua.
  6. Try with this: local redTeam = getTeamFromName ( "Red Team" ) local blueTeam = getTeamFromName ( "Blue Team" ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) local redp = countPlayersInTeam ( redTeam ) local bluep = countPlayersInTeam ( blueTeam ) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local ax, ay = ( screenWidth - 34 ), 70 local ax1, ay1 = ( screenWidth - 34 ), 65 dxDrawText ( "Red Team:".. tostring ( redp ), ax, ay ) dxDrawText ( "Blue Team:".. tostring ( bluep ), ax1, ay1 ) end )
  7. Castillo

    Duda simple

    Yo habia creado una funcion para simular un .gif, aca les dejo el codigo: local gifs = { } local gifTimers = { } function dxDrawGifImage ( x, y, w, h, name, cStart, cEnd, cCurrent, iType, timerSpeed ) local i = ( #gifs + 1 ) gifs [ i ] = { x, y, w, h, name, cStart, cEnd, cCurrent, iType } gifTimers [ i ] = setTimer ( function ( ) gifs [ i ] [ 8 ] = ( gifs [ i ] [ 8 ] + 1 ) if ( gifs [ i ][ 8 ] >= gifs [ i ] [ 7 ] ) then gifs [ i ] [ 8 ] = gifs [ i ] [ 6 ] end end ,timerSpeed or 150, 0 ) return i end function dxGifDestroy ( index ) gifs [ index ] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) for index, gif in ipairs ( gifs ) do dxDrawImage ( gif [ 1 ], gif [ 2 ], gif [ 3 ], gif [ 4 ], "images/".. gif [ 5 ] .."".. gif [ 8 ] ..".".. gif [ 9 ] ) end end ) dxDrawGifImage ( 769, 175, 193, 145, "flag_arg", 0, 3, 0, "png", 150 ) dxDrawGifImage ( 769, 305, 193, 145, "flag_usa", 0, 3, 0, "png", 150 ) Lo hice hace meses y asi rapido, asi que puede que no funcione bien .
  8. Pero el Freeroam tiene un sistema que puedas ejecutar funciones server side en el client side, para usar fixVehicle tenes que hacerlo server side, osea triggerServerEvent.
  9. 1: Quita: Gui = {} Repair = {} 2: Que es esto? server.fixVehicle(vehicle) Eso parece ser del Freeroam.
  10. Well, as far as I know, SQLite has more functions that could be useful.
  11. These functions are for the default MTA account system, you can create/remove accounts and use get/setAccountData to save/get data from/on them. The accounts are stored at a file named: "internal.db" at your server folder. Of course you can create your own account system, there are many ways, MySQL, SQLite, XML ( not recommend for big information, as the file size will be too big ).
  12. I don't understand your question.
  13. Tema movido a "Scripting".
  14. TwiX, did you read the arguments for getAccountData? because the first argument is not a player element, is an account. getAccountData ( account theAccount, string key )
  15. You can disable a control with: toggleControl.
  16. You're welcome. It's ok, I may haven't understood you correctly, in which case, it would be my fault. I'm not here to punish these who aren't clear.
  17. All these vehicles are in: "play/broph.map". "Monster" model="557" posX="-676.43225097656" posY="962.98449707031" posZ="12.507791519165" rotX="0.041015625" rotY="0.002777099609375" rotZ="92.063659667969" color="1 1 0 0"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-676.67596435547" posY="968.88238525391" posZ="12.507817268372" rotX="0.0118408203125" rotY="359.99993896484" rotZ="89.458343505859" color="1 1 0 0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-696.71008300781" posY="947.44274902344" posZ="11.961327552795" rotX="0.61502075195313" rotY="0.50155639648438" rotZ="43.260345458984" color="0 0 0 0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-700.66668701172" posY="946.43811035156" posZ="12.032683372498" rotX="0.59564208984375" rotY="0.66677856445313" rotZ="41.218505859375" color="3 1 0 0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="-708.88635253906" posY="939.77947998047" posZ="12.079864501953" rotX="359.51644897461" rotY="0.46926879882813" rotZ="180.60076904297" color="6 0 0 0"/> "BMX" model="481" posX="-679.98175048828" posY="931.08044433594" posZ="11.648596763611" rotX="358.77349853516" rotY="0" rotZ="88.025115966797" color="14 1 0 0"/> "BMX" model="481" posX="-679.97430419922" posY="932.28381347656" posZ="11.64875125885" rotX="358.79806518555" rotY="0" rotZ="87.565948486328" color="46 46 0 0"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="-655.177734375" posY="963.35192871094" posZ="12.175182342529" rotX="0.28692626953125" rotY="359.76095581055" rotZ="89.811737060547" color="1 3 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-681.74114990234" posY="912.31903076172" posZ="11.776277542114" rotX="0.20944213867188" rotY="0.05963134765625" rotZ="189.92041015625" color="5 46 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-680.06512451172" posY="912.44622802734" posZ="11.779381752014" rotX="0.21258544921875" rotY="0.04974365234375" rotZ="191.75022888184" color="6 46 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-678.29089355469" posY="912.71087646484" posZ="11.77979183197" rotX="0.21450805664063" rotY="359.99993896484" rotZ="200.86721801758" color="53 53 0 0"/> "Jetmax" model="493" posX="-649.33892822266" posY="867.71429443359" posZ="-0.10552111268044" rotX="3.1608276367188" rotY="359.79431152344" rotZ="228.00956726074" color="1 6 0 0"/> "Dinghy" model="473" posX="-661.28826904297" posY="876.15618896484" posZ="-0.30112856626511" rotX="5.7645263671875" rotY="359.92028808594" rotZ="227.04466247559" color="56 53 0 0"/> "Marquis" model="484" posX="-647.07635498047" posY="876.42327880859" posZ="0.22773677110672" rotX="1.3659973144531" rotY="359.89028930664" rotZ="226.89096069336" color="1 7 0 0"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="-696.35430908203" posY="929.35675048828" posZ="12.135828971863" rotX="359.94763183594" rotY="359.08135986328" rotZ="178.99200439453" color="56 29 0 0"/> "Beagle" model="511" posX="-696.59759521484" posY="897.68084716797" posZ="13.838381767273" rotX="2.5280456542969" rotY="358.68106079102" rotZ="176.86285400391" color="3 0 0 0"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="-686.66400146484" posY="969.24591064453" posZ="11.975840568542" rotX="0.35421752929688" rotY="0.002593994140625" rotZ="89.380676269531" color="79 45 0 0"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="-687.01416015625" posY="963.00555419922" posZ="11.94958114624" rotX="0.247802734375" rotY="359.99755859375" rotZ="89.711608886719" color="86 29 0 0"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="-686.92352294922" posY="966.03717041016" posZ="11.767498970032" rotX="0.49252319335938" rotY="359.99969482422" rotZ="89.163909912109" color="13 1 0 0"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="2526.2568359375" posY="-1677.2841796875" posZ="20.030225753784" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="92"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2508.7180175781" posY="-1680.5684814453" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="48"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2506.615234375" posY="-1682.3541259766" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="47.999267578125"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2504.4423828125" posY="-1684.2093505859" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="47.999267578125"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2512.29296875" posY="-1675.3764648438" posZ="13.848390579224" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2512.6125488281" posY="-1669.4129638672" posZ="13.848390579224" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="2473.427734375" posY="-1692.5140380859" posZ="13.454607009888" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="2466.70703125" posY="-1687.7796630859" posZ="13.490362167358" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="272.5"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="2505.1008300781" posY="-1651.4028320313" posZ="13.346396446228" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="136"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="2459.9895019531" posY="-1670.2042236328" posZ="13.395637512207" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="2452.68359375" posY="-1670.0334472656" posZ="13.1951379776" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2447.8659667969" posY="-1669.9348144531" posZ="13.169283866882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2443.0258789063" posY="-1669.8189697266" posZ="13.254557609558" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-2398.5610351563" posY="-611.85290527344" posZ="133.04846191406" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="36"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-2393.6850585938" posY="-608.3828125" posZ="133.04846191406" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="35.996704101563"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="-2393.4907226563" posY="-599.73876953125" posZ="132.58843994141" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="125.5"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="-2396.79296875" posY="-594.94836425781" posZ="132.74308776855" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="125.49682617188"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="-2407.7419433594" posY="-577.97015380859" posZ="132.47640991211" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="126"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="-2403.4738769531" posY="-585.46215820313" posZ="132.54843139648" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="126" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="-2399.7482910156" posY="-590.07781982422" posZ="132.34843444824" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99987792969"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-2416.1259765625" posY="-589.61535644531" posZ="132.3984375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="213.99719238281"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-2411.0979003906" posY="-586.19421386719" posZ="132.3984375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="213.99719238281"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2389.4606933594" posY="-604.095703125" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="124"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2388.0568847656" posY="-606.24896240234" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99719238281"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2386.5554199219" posY="-608.55224609375" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99719238281"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="-2444.1838378906" posY="-604.26513671875" posZ="132.51147460938" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="300"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2030.5123291016" posY="1557.0339355469" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="272"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2030.7028808594" posY="1559.1748046875" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="271.99951171875"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2031.1046142578" posY="1561.4478759766" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="271.99951171875"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2025.6492919922" posY="1535.8363037109" posZ="11.120292663574" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2024.8865966797" posY="1526.9187011719" posZ="11.120292663574" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="2024.3311767578" posY="1519.9007568359" posZ="10.760312080383" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="2024.1086425781" posY="1515.0710449219" posZ="10.79531288147" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="2024.5035400391" posY="1510.8114013672" posZ="10.549660682678" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="2024.2908935547" posY="1506.1636962891" posZ="10.72031211853" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="2024.7091064453" posY="1499.3103027344" posZ="10.520312309265" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2025.9349365234" posY="1490.2434082031" posZ="10.5703125" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2025.6474609375" posY="1494.671875" posZ="10.5703125" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="2024.5600585938" posY="1623.0500488281" posZ="12.002040863037" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> Just remove them and restart the resource.
  18. You don't want it to start the "play" game mode with your map? if so then remove then go to the "meta.xml" of your map and search for: "gamemodes", then clear that attribute.
  19. I don't understand what do you mean, the "play" cars are only there because they're in the map file.
  20. You can just add the scripts to the "meta.xml" of your map resource.
  21. Sorry if I sound rude, but that is just a mess, you'll have to learn the Lua syntax. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809
  22. I'll leave here the functions you need in order to replace a SKIN: engineImportTXD engineLoadDFF engineLoadTXD engineReplaceModel I don't know about moddeling stuff, as is not my thing.
  23. The player can have one weapon of each type, you can see the weapon types here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Weapons
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