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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Use the command "upgrade" in the server console.
  2. Si funciona en uno, tiene que funcionar en el otro. P.D: AddEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerJoin" , getRootElement ( ) , stream ) Eso no es necesario y esta mal.
  3. Castillo

    Save Weapopns

    Any errors in debugscript?
  4. Castillo


    What is that for? And what is the main problem? you are trying to create two jobs?
  5. The server side is loading faster than the client side, so the event doesn't exist.
  6. outputChatBox client-side has no visibleTo argument.
  7. No, as I said, it's not real "fire", so you would need to make that part yourself.
  8. Use it when you use destroyElement.
  9. That's because you've copied the whole function syntax, which is wrong. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) banPlayer ( source, true, true, true, nil, "Sorry, You have died, To make the game fun, any player that dies gets banned for 5 minutes :)", 300 ) end )
  10. Well, there is a simple fix, which is checking if the element exists using isElement.
  11. MTA 1.4 brings the createEffect function, even when the fire effects doesn't act like fire, such as burning you when you go into them, they can be destroyed by destroyElement. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateEffect
  12. Do you get any error in debugscript? what is the problem?
  13. I changed my custom download system from fetchRemote to downloadFile and it works perfect, so it must be something on your sever, rather than a MTA bug.
  14. Castillo


    You can't unpack that table, because of the way you put the content.
  15. It's setTimer, not setimer.
  16. It was already suggested before, and denied for all the security problems it would cause.
  17. Castillo

    Help SQL!!!

    dbConnect dbQuery dbExec dbPoll dbFree
  18. Use a for loop to add every account to the grid list.
  19. You didn't understand what MIKI said. He said that if the file is not in the resource folder, then the resource won't load at all.
  20. Well, to get player list, you need to use: getElementsByType guiGridListAddRow guiGridListSetItemText And to get a selected player: guiGridListGetSelectedItem guiGridListGetItemText
  21. Castillo


    There was a resource in the community page, problem is, I forgot the name.
  22. Podes guardar el nombre real usando guiGridListSetItemData, y luego usar guiGridListGetItemData en lugar de guiGridListGetItemText para obtener el jugador.
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