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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Define the color of outputChatBox, and set to 'true' the last argument of it.
  2. Yes, should work with server side only.
  3. Actually, folders also work, I got most of my scripts on folders, the only thing that doesn't work is rar.
  4. You can use setSkyGradient server sided.
  5. Castillo

    judge script

    You can make one table, then store the nick, map name, vote in a row.
  6. You can also use getAccountPlayer to get a player element from an account.
  7. Are you completely sure that you put it on the right folder? is it a folder or a zip?
  8. Try writing "refresh" on the server console.
  9. Is "onMapStart" a custom event?
  10. Castillo

    judge script

    You could use SQLite, would be the best way.
  11. Castillo

    judge script

    What do you mean by "judge"? like/dislike?
  12. getAccountName requires an account element, you are using a variable that is not even defined.
  13. Castillo

    Race Ghostmode.

    function GM ( ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( vehicle ) then for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType"vehicle" ) do setElementCollidableWith ( v, vehicle, not isElementCollidableWith ( v, vehicle ) ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "gm", GM ) Try that.
  14. My bad, I didn't notice it was wrong event used.
  15. Castillo

    Race Ghostmode.

    You obviously put this script as server side, these two functions are client side only.
  16. Why not? what does it say on the console?
  17. That's because I forgot to save the file after adding the new child, copy my code again.
  18. He's talking about the messages that appear on the top of the screen. Functions you need: dxDrawRectangle dxDrawText
  19. Castillo

    Race Ghostmode.

    Of course you can "fly", because you disabled the vehicle collisions, that's the wrong function, you must use: setElementCollidableWith
  20. See? you are wrong, you don't have to rename anything on meta, you just add the files, choose to make a file with .bak and done.
  21. You must have used it wrong, I use it for all my scripts and no problems.
  22. No se "quedo" guardado, es lo que el MTA descarga, se llaman archivos client side, y todos se guardan ahi, menos los server side, y usarlos es robar.
  23. Me parecia, aca no ayudamos con scripts robados.
  24. Vos creaste esto? addEvent( "spawn_FailedToSpawn", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_FailedToSpawn", g_root, function( restricted, gang ) if not restricted then fadeCamera(true) outputChatBox( "You failed to spawn. Try different skin.", 200, 40, 0 ); else fadeCamera(true) outputChatBox("You are not in ".. gang .." group!",255,0,0) end end ) Por alguna razon se parece mucho al que yo le di a un tipo.
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