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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I explained what it's doing, don't you see the comments?
  2. addCommandHandler ( "w", function ( thePlayer, _, weaponID ) local weaponID = tonumber ( weaponID ) -- Convert the 'weaponID' argument value to a number. if ( weaponID ) then -- Check if the 'weaponID' is really a number. giveWeapon ( thePlayer, weaponID, 500, true ) -- Give the weapon and set it as current to the player who used the command. else -- If the 'weaponID' wasn't really a number... outputChatBox ( "Specify a weapon ID.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Output it to the player's chat. end -- Close the 'if'. end -- Close the function. )
  3. Try enabling the weapon flag: "0x000020" with setWeaponProperty.
  4. By spawn weapons you mean give to the command executer the weapons?
  5. Castillo

    MTA Market

    Hello there. I would like to present you my recently created website, on this website you'll be able to buy and request scripts for your MTA server, right now there aren't much scripts for sale, but that's soon going to change. How it works? Buying: You click the script you want to buy, you click on "Buy it", you fill the fields and click on "Send", I'll constantly check the e-mail. Requesting: You fill in all the required fields, giving as much information about the script as you can, that'll send me an e-mail, which I'll read and contact you to negotiate the price of the script. Website link: http://mtamarket.com/
  6. addCommandHandler createTeam Click on both functions, both have examples, read them, try to understand them, then make it, if it doesn't work, post it here and we'll help you.
  7. getElementsByType returns a table of elements, not an element. function pedNfale ( ) local AllPeds = getElementsByType ( "ped" ) for _, ped in ipairs ( AllPeds ) do setPedVoice ( ped, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, pedNfale )
  8. You clicked "Map Editor" on the menu and it doesn't start the server?
  9. No, porque addCommandHandler no tiene argumento de jugador en el client side.
  10. Algun error en el debugscript? pusiste el script como client o server side?
  11. Copy all the files BUT the meta.xml into your game mode resource folder, then open the "meta.xml" of the resource you downloaded and copy the content ( not the author, just scripts and files ) and paste it on your game mode's meta.xml.
  12. local enabled = false local files = { { name = "rims", model = 1075 }, { name = "wheel_sr6", model = 1075 }, { name = "wheel_sr3", model = 1075 }, } local filesLoaded = { } bindKey( "m", "down", function ( ) if not enabled then for index, file in ipairs ( files ) do filesLoaded[index] = { } filesLoaded[index].txd = engineLoadTXD( file.name ..".txd", file.model ) engineImportTXD(filesLoaded[index].txd, file.model ) filesLoaded[index].dff = engineLoadDFF( file.name ..".dff", file.model ) engineReplaceModel(filesLoaded[index].dff, file.model ) end else for index, file in ipairs ( filesLoaded ) do destroyElement( file.txd ) destroyElement( file.dff ) end end enabled = not enabled end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for index, file in ipairs ( files ) do for index, file in ipairs ( files ) do filesLoaded[index] = { } filesLoaded[index].txd = engineLoadTXD( file.name ..".txd", file.model ) engineImportTXD(filesLoaded[index].txd, file.model ) filesLoaded[index].dff = engineLoadDFF( file.name ..".dff", file.model ) engineReplaceModel(filesLoaded[index].dff, file.model ) end end end )
  13. Explica lo siguiente: A que te referis con clan.
  14. addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) local rob = getElementModel ( localPlayer ) if ( rob == 29 ) then triggerEvent ( "createHouse", localPlayer ) end end )
  15. Estas usando mi sistema de gangs?
  16. I was logged as Admin and still couldn't use the buttons .
  17. Problem was on meta.xml, you forgot to load 2 images: "shr" and "shg". "LoginPanel" author="Flaker" version="1.1" type="script" />
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