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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. That sounds like the edit is not enabled, maybe something is overlaping it, although, you set the "AlwaysOnTop" property.
  2. local currentCans = tonumber ( getElementData ( source, "cans" ) ) or 0 setElementData ( source, "cans", currentCans + cans, false )
  3. IDS = { [ "ID 1" ] = true, [ "ID 2" ] = true, [ "ID 3" ] = true, [ "ID 4" ] = true, [ "ID 5" ] = true } That's what I meant.
  4. http://lua-users.org/wiki/TablesTutorial
  5. Create a table, put inside it all the ID's that appear on your map file ( not the vehicle models, the id="blabla" ), when they try to enter ANY vehicle, check if the ID is on the table with: getElementID, if it is, then check if they are in "Mafia" team with: getPlayerTeam + getTeamName, if they aren't, cancel the event with: cancelEvent.
  6. You created the vehicles via createVehicle or with a map file?
  7. No, it can be used for some elements only. Where do you have your vehicles created?
  8. You want to restrict a particular vehicle model or a vehicle element itself?
  9. ThePhill, you are talking about entering vehicles?
  10. Replace this line: dxDrawImage(size*1.5+v[1]-x,size*1.5+v[2]-y,v[3],v[4],v[5],v[6],0,0,v[7],false) with: dxDrawImage(size*1.5+v[1]-x,size*1.5+v[2]-y,v[3],v[4],v[5],v[6],0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),false)
  11. I said onClientKey, not onClientResourceStart. Try this: function jedi ( ) local muzzleX, muzzleY, muzzleZ = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition ( localPlayer ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local weaponID = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) if ( weaponID == 8 and isControlEnabled ( "fire" ) ) then local sound = playSound3D ( "jedi.mp3", muzzleX, muzzleY, muzzleZ, false ) setSoundMaxDistance ( sound, 40 ) end end bindKey ( "fire", "down", jedi )
  12. Well, the script draws blips with their color, check if your blip has blue color when created it.
  13. Try setting AlwaysOnTop property to "True" to the comboBox.
  14. You can do: onClientKey or bindKey isControlEnabled
  15. I think he wants to start a resource when he clicks a button, or something like that.
  16. Castillo

    MTA Market

    Thanks . More resources coming soon.
  17. You mean that you add the handler when you enter to trigger a function when leave, then when leave, you remove that handler, and when you re-enter, it says it's already added? Post your script.
  18. The weapon ID 8 is a katana, onClientPlayerWeaponFire only works with weapons that can shot.
  19. What is the problem?
  20. Castillo

    Lo ay?

    https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=233 Ese funciona con skins que yo sepa, pero podrias cambiarlo.
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